The Next Morning

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Levy P.O.V.

Sunlight was pouring through the window. "Uhh five more minutes!!!" I tried to turn around but there was something stopping me. 'I think there is an arm around my stomach.' I look down and see that there is an arm around my stomach.

I look behind me to see who the arm belongs to. Gajeel. I felt my whole face heat up. Everything that happened last night came flooding back to me. My face now represents a tomatoe.

I remove Gajeels arm so I won't wake him. I walk into the kitchen to cook breakfast and see Lily already at the kitchen table. "Soooo Levy. How was last night?" He is smirking!!!

My face heats up again. 'How dare he smirk when he is asking that very personal question?' I glare at him and start to butter the pan. "Well Lily. It was fabulous." I start telling Lily everything that happened, to get back at him, and he is covering his ears. "Touche Levy." I smile triumphantly. 'Haha cat. Next time, don't ask such personal questions.'

When the pan is heated up, Lily and I start to cook scrambled eggs, bacon, baked potatos and pancakes. I put all of the food on the table along with orange juice and kiwi juice.

I hear footsteps behind me and feel arms sliding around my stomach. A kiss is placed at the base of my neck. "Gajeel go eat breakfast. Lily and I cooked all this food." He starts to grumble something that sounds like "I'm not hungry for food."

'I cooked all this food and Gajeel isn't gonna eat any of it!!!' I turn in his arms. His face is so close to mine that if I just move an inch, my lips and his lips will meet. 'Resist temptation.' I pull Gajeels arms off me. I pout my lips with a little tears in my eyes. "So you're not gonna eat any of this food? The food that I took the time to cook for everyone?"

He sat down and started to eat the food. "The food is amazing Shrimp. You're an incredible chef." I start to giggle, my doggy face gone, along with the fake tears. "Thank you Gajeel."

Lily was laughing at the two of us. "Oh Gajeel. You're so whipped!!!" He was angry with his friend. "No I'm not Lily!!!" I was looking at them bickering."Gajeel, Levy just used her puppy dog face on you. That's her secret weapon!!!"

Gajeel turned to me so I could tell him that his friend was lying. All I did was look away. "Shrimp, you didn't use your puppy dog face on me did you? Shrimp?"

I was looking at everything but him. He got the message. "Shrimp why did you use that face on me?!?!" Oh no. Now I'm in trouble. What do I come up with? "Ummm well you wouldn't eat so I had to do it."

All I feel is guilt. Why though? I wanted him to eat something but he wouldn't so I used my puppy dog face on him. "Shrimp did it really matter if I ate?" His voice had turned soft. "Well I just wanted you to eat something. I never cook for a whole bunch of people. I just wanted to know if the food was good."

Why am I crying?!?! I feel like a baby. "Your food was ok." Now I'm angry. "You think my food is ok?!?! Just ok?!?! Well that is a really horrible insult. I'm going into the room."

What is wrong with me? Why am I having these mood swings? I'm sitting on the bed, trying to figure all this out. I hear a knock on the door. It's Gajeel. "Gajeel I'm soooo sorry. I don't know what came over me."

He sat down beside me and patted my head. "Its ok Shrimp. I'm just a little worried. This isn't like you, but I don't care. I love you and even if these mood swings make you hate me, I'll still love you."

Awwww I have am amazing boyfriend. Our love is true and passionate and real. It couldn't get better than this. What we didn't know is that it would.

Gajeel P.O.V.

When I wake up, the sun is shining down on me. There is no Shrimp though. After what happened last night, I thought she would have been tired.

I start to panic. 'Where is Shrimp?!?! Is she ok?!?! Is she sick?!?! Did she get kidnapped?!?!' I smell something wonderful coming from the kitchen. I walk there to see Shrimp cooking with Lily helping her.

I walk up to her, wrap my arms around her stomach and kiss the base of her neck. "Gajeel go eat breakfast. Lily and I cooked all this food." What?!?! "I'm not hungry for food."

She turns in my arms. Our faces are so close. If I move just a inch my lips would touch her lips. She starts to pout and it looks like there are tears in her eyes. "So you're not gonna eat any of this food? The food that I took the time to cook for everyone?" I didn't mean to make her sad.

I sat down and started to eat the food. "The food is amazing Shrimp. You're an incredible chef." She is giggling and her sad face is gone. That made me happy. "Thank you Gajeel."

Lily started to laugh. 'Why is he laughing?' I got my answer soon enough. "Oh Gajeel. You're so whipped!!!" Huh what's he talking about? "No I'm not Lily!!!" Ok I'm not whipped. I only love Shrimp that I would do anything to make her happy. Ok. NOT WHIPPED. "Gajeel, Levy just used her puppy dog face on you. That's her secret weapon!!!"

I turn to Shrimp so she can tell me this isn't true. "Shrimp, you didn't use your puppy dog face on me did you? Shrimp?" She won't even look at me. "Shrimp why did you use that face on me?!?!" If she did, she is in trouble. "Ummm well you wouldn't eat so I had to do it."

I would have ate. I don't know what gave her the idea I wouldn't eat her cooking. She looks guilty. I don't like that. "Shrimp did it really matter if I ate?"

Uhhhh my voice may have turned soft, but I'm not whipped!!! "Well I just wanted you to eat something. I never cook for a whole bunch of people. I just wanted to know if the food was good." Ok now I'm not mad at her. I'm amused she did it for that reason.

"Your food was ok." Now why is she mad. I said her food was ok. "You think my food is ok?!?! Just ok?!?! Well that is a really horrible insult. I'm going into the room." Oh no. I better go tell her I'm sorry.

Before I could, she ran out of the room. I ran out after her. I knock on the door because I don't know what she is doing. "Gajeel I'm soooo sorry. I don't know what came over me."

I sit on the bed beside her and patted her head. "Its ok Shrimp. I'm just a little worried. This isn't like you, but I don't care. I love you and even if these mood swings make you hate me, I'll still love you."

I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world. Nothing or no one will hurt her. I will be there to protect her. Our love is true and passionate and real. It couldn't get better than this. What we didn't know is that it would.

Pantherlily P.O.V.

Oh no please be a dream!!! I pinch myself so I know this isn't a dream. I look at the door where Levy and Gajeel are talking. I hope what I am thinking is wrong.

Well I guess in a little while, we will know the truth. We will go see Wendy when Levy thinks its time. I hoped that Gajeel would be smart  enough to make sure that Levy wouldn't get pregnant. I guess I hoped wrong.



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