One Month Later

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Levy P.O.V.

I was kneeling by the toilet bowl. I've been puking nonstop for the past week. I hear the door open. 'Please don't be Gajeel.' My prayers were heard. It was only Lily.

"Levy I'm concerned for your well being. Maybe we should take you to Wendy. She'll know what's wrong with you." Hmmm Wendy will be able to know what's wrong with me

"Ok Lily. Lets go." I grab my purse and we're out of the door. On our way to Wendys, leaves are different shades of dark and beautiful colors.

Wendy and Carla live on a mountain. Lilys least favorite place. Since it's on a mountain, you can hear things more clearly here. A.k.a. thunder.

We knock on the door, followed by a 'I'm coming.' The door opened to reveal Wendy with Carla flying in the background.

"Levy! Pantherlily! What are you two doing here?!?!" Gods. Carla can be loud when she wants to be!!! "Well I haven't been feeling well. Lily suggested that we come here so you can see what's wrong with me."

"Sure Levy!!! Come on inside." I walk in the living room. Sky blue walls and pure white carpet. I lay down on the couch and wait for her to do her examination.

She put her hands out and a soft blue light surrounds me. It makes me feel peaceful and comfortable.

Her face instantly turned from happy to concerned. "Ummm... Pantherlily can you give me and Levy some privacy? I would like to ask her some private questions."

He got up and flew out the room. "Ok. Levy when was the last time you had your period?" Hmmm... I go over my period chart in my head and realize I'm late.

"Ummm I'm late. About one week." Why is she asking these questions?

"Ok have you and Gajeel done it yet? And if you did, did you use protection?"

"Ummm... I don't think we did. What do these questions have to do with me being sick?"

She turns and her and Carla share a look. "Ok I will tell you, but first let me call Pantherlily in here. *yelling* Pantherlily!!!"

He flew in here and took a seat beside me. "Ok Levy do you want me to give you the good news or the really good news first?"

"Give me the good news first. Then that way, I can be happier when I hear the really good news."

"Ok the good news is you're not sick." I started jumping for joy. Wendy then told me to stop and sit down.

"Ok I'm really nervous about giving you the really good news." Why is she nervous to give me the really good news?

"Levy you're pregnant." Those three words changed my life.

'I guess I can tell Gajeel when we get home. I just hope he will be happy with this baby.'

We exit the house and and begin our way to our home. When we get there and open the door, the lights are off and there is a table for two that had roses and a soft glow from the candle giving it a romantic feel.

Gajeel then enters the dining room with two stake dinners. When he sees me, he takes off my jacket and purse and takes the chair out for me.

'What a gentleman.' I sit down and our date begins.

Gajeel P.O.V.

I hear the door open and grab the two stake dinners I made and put them on the table. I take Levy's jacket and purse off and hang it on a hook.

We sit down and dig in. I don't know how to ask her. I'm too nervous and I'm sure i would stutter. Well it's now or never.

"Shrimp can I ask you a question?" She looks at me questionly and nods her head. I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding in and I got down on one knee.

"Shrimp you are the most important thing to me. You were the first one to trust me even though I hurt you the most. You loved me even though I have given you every reason to hate me. So Shrimp, will you marry me?"

Her eyes widened and she let out an involuntary gasp. I knew that she would. It was a gold dragon engagement ring with an orange jewel.

She flew out of her seat and tackled me in a hug. "Yes Gajeel I will marry you!!! I also have some news. I didn't know how to tell you. I was so scared you'd reject me. I'm pregnant with your child!!!"

It was my turn to be speechless. A rush of happiness and protectiveness came over me. I hugged her back and we didn't even know that Lily was watching us.


Finally I have finished this chapter!!! I'm sorry to tell you guys that school for me has just started and I have hard classes. Geometry, english 2, food and nutrition, art, law education, psychology, French, physical science, and world history.

I won't be able to update as much nor will I be able to write new chapters. Don't be mad if I don't publish another chapter until June 3 or 4.

For the engagement ring, I would have done an iron ring but this was the closest to the one in my mind. If you find a ring like that, message it to me on wattpad.


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