Telling The Guild.

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Levy P.O.V.

After I told Gajeel, he wanted to tell the guild. I didn't think that was a great idea. I haven't even told my best friend, Lu chan, yet. As for me, I think we should wait a little bit.

Of course, Gajeel was totally against the idea, claiming something like, "The guild needs to know they will have a new member joining them in a few years. Makarov also needs to know he will have a new grandchild."

I couldn't really argue with that. So as we were just stepping out the door, i thought to myself, 'how will they take the news?' A part of me was scared they were going to be mad at me for me not telling them as soon as I heard the news. The other part of me was hoping they would be happy about this new baby. Well lets see what happens.

Me and Gajeel decided to walk. Well... more like me being carried on his shoulders because he was worried that if I did a lot of exercise, I could lose the baby.'Oh god!!! I only have to deal with this for nine months. Can I make it?'

We arrive at the guild doors about a minute later. He set me down carefully and turned to me. "Ya know Shrimp, if you're that worried about telling the guild, we can go home and tell them about the baby later."

I thought this over. Gajeel was willing to let me hold off telling them about the baby for only about 2 months. After 4 months, pregnant women start to show a little baby bump (i think). But if i don't tell them now, I will be even more nervous. I finally made up my mind.

I turn to Gajeel and kiss him on the lips. " Thank you for giving me a choice. The problem is that if I don't do it now, I will be even more nervous later on so I think that we should tell them now." He looked extremely pleased with my decision.

He pushed open the guild doors and started to holler. "Hey listen up idiots!!! Shrimp and I have something to tell you!!!" He looks at me and gives me a look that says it's your turn.

I look at all the curious faces and feel myself starting to get nervous. "Umm... Gajeel and I are getting married!!!" The guild erupts into laughter and everyone is congratulating us. "Tell them the rest of the good news Shrimp!!!" He yelled that.

They instantly quieted down and waited for the other good news. I start to awkwardly chuckle. "Hehehe... well... we want Wendy and Asuka to be the flower girls!!!" Cheering erupts. In fact more cheering than when I told them me and Gajeel were getting married. I was actually a little hurt at that. 'Sooo apparently them being the flower girls is even better than us getting married?!?!?!'

I hear Gajeel sigh and he yelled again. "Ok quiet down. Since Shrimp is a little scared to tell you the other news, I'll guess I'll have to tell you. Shrimp and I are going to have a baby!!!" That instantly got their whole undivided attention.

"I am going to have a grandchild!!! This is a time to celebrate!!! Lets invite every guild and drink until the dawn of the next day!!!" I chuckle in my head. 'Oh Makarov. You always have to drink when you're happy about something. Never change.'

Gajeel P.O.V.

When I yelled that, everyone started cheering and Makarov said something about partying, but I wasn't paying attention. All of my attention was on my beautiful, pregnant fiancée. Saying I'm happy would be an understatement. I'm ecstatic. When he told us about inviting the other guild, her eyes lit up. I think she is happy about seeing Yukino.

A few hours, and about 3 shots later, I am happy I am still sober enough to keep my eye on Shrimp. I don't want her to have any drinks tonight. I do trust her, but I am worried. I am her fiance and the father of her child, so I have every right to worry about her slipping up and mistaking alcohol for soda.

My Shrimp is laughing at something Bunny Girl and Yukino said. I am happy with my life now. I remember my life back at Phantom Lord. How uncaring and selfish I was. I never want to be like that again. She is my light and I will not let anyone harm her.

I smirk and walk over to the little group and wrap my arm around Shrimp. "I am going to take my Shrimp over there for a minute and talk for a little." I drag her and push her up against a corner. My hands on opposite sides of her, trapping her. She begins to blush. "Gajeel I thought you wanted to talk."

"I do Shrimp. And a whole lot more." I make good on my words. I kiss her thoroughly and gaze into her eyes when we are done. She seems to be in a daze and that makes me smirk. She surprised me though and grabbed my shirt and kissed me again and this time, I was speechless.

We spent some more time and after a little while, I can hear people cheering and some telling us to get a room. Whatever. They're just jealous that I got a girl and they are lonely. It's not my problem though. I got my Shrimp and my unborn baby. Life is good for me.

No Person P.O.V.

Makarov was good on his word. He invited Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Crime Sorciere, Sabertooth, and Quatro Cerberus. Bacchus and Cana were kissing; Erza and Jellal were talking and both were blushing; Laxus and Mira were just talking; Bunny and Flame Brain were making out;

Lyon was trying to get Juvia's attention and it was working. That surprised me. I saw the reason immediately. Gray was scowling and telling Lyon to go find his own girl and to leave Juvia alone. Evergreen froze Elfman and said something about "no one will suspect me to be kissing a rock." Bisca and Alzack were playing with their daughter. Sting was talking to Rogue, but looking at Yukino. Rouge was doing the same thing, but looking at Kagura.

It was an ordinary day at Fairy Tail. I then started to kiss Shrimp again. Screw everyone who told us to get a room. I could yell at them to do the same thing. I start to think about the future for some reason and ask Shrimp when the next doctor appointment is. She told me that it's going to be in about a month or less than that.

I then took her hand and we preceded to walk home. Actually let me correct that. I was walking and carrying Shrimp on my shoulder. There is no way I'm going to risk harming the child. When we get home, I put her down and kiss her. I smile and head inside. I was very happy about the whole day and I would never wish for a different outcome.


I don't know why I have this song on this chapter. I just love this song so much!!! I would've thought that this would be Gajeel's song to Levy

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