I've Got A Date Pt 1

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Levy P.O.V.

Gajeel was kissing me and it was amazing!!! It felt right. Just me and him kissing. We even forgot that Pantherlily was in the kitchen with us. We remembered him when he cleared his throat.

We broke away, our faces flushed after our one minute makeout session. "Awwwwww Gajeel. You liiiiiiiike her!" Gajeel started to chase Lily aroung the kitchen table. It was to funny. I started to laugh like a maniac.

Gajeel and Lily stopped running and looked at me. I avoided their gazes and looked at my phone. It was 7 am so we decided to waste some time and watched movies. My favorites were Warm Bodies and Vampire Diaries. Gajeel though they were too girly but I could see him hanging on the edge of his seat when they ripped out Stefans heart {sorry for the spoiler}.

My phone started to ring my ringtone. Bad Girls by Mkto. It was an unknown number so I answered it. "Excuse my but is this Levy McGarden?" I tell him it is and ask him why he wants to know. "I just wanted to ask you out on a date. Your blond friend, Lucy I think, gave me your number." I thought over his offer.

'Why not? Gajeel might not like me the way I like him.' I tell him I can. "Ok wonderful!!! Meet me at the new restaurant at 8 o'clock. When you get there, you get stopped by the podium lady. Just say you're here to see me. My name is Marcus." I tell him I understand. He hangs up on me without saying goodbye. 'Well... that was rude of you Marcus.'

"What was that all about Shrimp?" How do I tell Gajeel that I have a date tonight?!?! Well I guess I just tell him straight forward. "Gajeel I have a date tonight with a guy named Marcus."

I chanced a glance at his face. He was beyond mad. "Shrimp, I don't want you to go on a date tonight. You will stay here." This time, I was beyond mad. "You can't tell me what to do Gajeel!" I was walking to the front doors when Gajeels next words stopped me cold. "If you won't listen to me, then I'll have to lock you in my room."

He can't be serious!!! I look at his face and see he is serious. I make the mistake of turning my back on him cause the next thing I knew, I was thrown over his shoulder. I was pounding on his back and demanding him to put me down.

Instead, he threw me on the bed and locked the door from the outside. I looked for a way to escape. I find a desk chair and push it up against the window that's in the room. I open the window carefully so Gajeel can't hear me escaping. I grabbed the ledge and lifted myself to the other side. I let go of the ledge and felt dirt on my bare feet.

Luck was on my side. There was a stool. I put it against the wall so I could close the window. After I finished that, I pressed myself against the wall so in case Gajeel or Lily were outside. It turns out that Gajeel was. I stared at him and I think he felt it. He turned my way and I hid myself against the wall.

I made my way to my home and put on an outfit for my date. The new restaurant was a fancy one. I put on a long dress that has a slit on the right side that stops at my knee. It was one that has orange at the top and slowly turns black at the end. I put on black stilettos, black headband and a orange necklace with matching orange earrings. 'I look beautiful... well to me.' I left my room and started my way to the restaurant.

Gajeel P.O.V.

Why did Lily have to say that?!?! I started chasing him and heard Shrimp laughing. We stopped running and she looked at her phone. I looked at my metal wall clock. 7 am. We wasted some time by watching movies. I loved the action in Warm Bodies and Vampire Diaries. I hated the kissing or romantic scenes.

At like 3 o'clock, Shrimp got a call. After she hung up I asked, "What was that all about Shrimp?" It looked like she didn't want to answer me, so I was filled with more curiosity. "Gajeel I have a date tonight with a guy named Marcus." She has a date?!?! I don't like that.

I was beyond mad and said something I regret. "Shrimp, I don't want you to go on a date tonight. You will stay here." When she heard that, she was beyond mad. "You can't tell me what to do Gajeel!" She was walking away. 'I can't let her leave to go on a date or with her mad at me.'

I said the only thing I could say at the moment. "If you won't listen to me, then I'll have to lock you in my room." She then turned her back on me and I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She was pounding on my back and demanded I let her go and I couldn't do that. I threw her on the bed and locked the door from the outside.

Lily was looking at me with pity. I didn't like the thought of my cat pitting me. "Lily, I'm going to the library. I'm gonna see why I feel this way. I just wanted to rip this Marcus guy to shreds and I don't even know him!!!"

I walked out of my house and started on my way to the library. I though I felt eyes on me so I turned around and thought I saw some blue hair with a little orange patch. 'I must be going insane. Shrimp is locked in my room. I must miss her more than I know.'



That is a picture of them dressed as the cast in Warm Bodies!!! Levy is Julie and Gajeel is R

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