Harry Imagine- I Do

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Today is the day. The day of your wedding with the love of your life, Harry. The day in which months and months of vigorous planning went into. From the table settings to the music and every possible thing in between. You're stressed and nauseous from the sleepless nights leading up to this event, finally its here.

It seems like only yesterday Harry and you were young children running around in the big green field outside your house, when your world was only a block wide. You were eight and he was nine but he always acted like the younger one. You used to run in the mud and play in the creek, listen to those old toads grumble as you turned up the creek bed. He would push you in the swing in the backyard tree, with the cool breeze blowing through your long cascading hair as you pretended to fly through the clouds as he pushed you so high. He said he would beat you up he was bigger then you, but he never did. Your first day in that big old school as he held your hand because you were so damn nervous to leave his side. When you dared him to kiss you and ran when he tried. Then you were sixteen and he was eighteen and suddenly you weren't the same little girl you used to be but you two still played in the same little creek outside like old times. Then those gorgeous other girls came in and he was caught in their eyes but his gaze still hung on you like the bright morning light, you never quite understand why he would waste such precious time on you, just the girl next door but your so thankful he did. Your Dad's use to joke around saying the two if you would grow up and fall in love and you two would laugh along and stick out your tongues.

You think back to the time at two am riding in his truck and all you need us him next to you. Taken back to the time you had your very first fight over some little irrelevant thing, slamming the doors instead of kissing goodnight and all you wanted was him next to you, he stayed outside waiting on your porch until the morning light. Because you never believed you two would really fall in love but when he looked at you there was always something more, you were just two kids growing up. A few years can gone and

come around, you were sitting down by the creek which is your favourite spot in town when he looked at you, got down on one knee.

Standing in the mirror with a single tear rolling down your cheek at the memories, as you look back now you wouldn't change a thing. A quite knock on the door brings you back out of those old times and you see your Father peaking his head through the door. His eyes light up as he sees you now, you can tell he's holding back tears as they fight to escape.

"Are you ready?" Your Father asks while holding out his hand for you to take. You nod your head and grasp his soft hand in yours, your knees feel as if they will give out any second. He guides you out the door and down the stairs, your heels click and echo with every step. He halts around the corner to before that long, intimidating aisle.

Your bridesmaids have already made their way down the aisle, your family awaits your entrance.

Your Father turns to face you with a smile across his old wrinkled face.

I'm so proud of you, and the woman you are today.

"Harry is one lucky man" he chuckles rubbing this thumb over your knuckles.

"Thank you Dad" you whisper as you lean in and drape your arm over his shoulders to give him one last embrace before he gives you away.

Taking your shaking hand in his once again your Father leads you around the corner as your breath is blown through your lungs. You boldly gaze up to witness around eighty pairs of eyes of not only your family and friends but Harry's family too all focused on you. Numerous snow white chairs are laid out for your family along with a trail of purple orchids thrown to the ground down the aisle like a bee line, as you step they crunch. A bright smile plastered on your face as you see Harry. Standing across the aisle with his trembling hands by his side, in a tailored black suit with a singe violet orchid over his heart. His bright smile is all you see, while everyone is focused on you, you cant take your eyes off him. With every stride your closer to your forever, with Harry. A final step, the orchid crunches under your heel as Harry reaches out to to place his palm around your hip to lay rest on the small of your back.

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