Chapter 10

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    "Ben.... Can we just go!? The movie ended an hour ago and these two are still fucking fighting!!!!" Sally snapped as she glared at the two who were still fighting and at each other throats, She looked at Ben who finished the popcorn and now going through the hotdogs as Sally stared at him and slowly eat her milkyways. Ben taking side glances at Sally who wasn't blinking and just staring at him eat while chewing slowly on her candy. 

     "Fine fine! Stop staring at me like that!!! You know it creeps me out so much!" Ben hissed, rolling his eyes when Sally grinned, getting up quickly as she grabbed Ben arm and pulled him out of his chair and started half dragging him out of the movie theater. She didn't give him a chance to protest as they walked out the back door and she let go of Ben arm, walking toward the forest with Charlie on her back and she was silent. Ben frowned as he caught up with her and nudged her side softly as he sighed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

     "Something is up? Whats wrong, why are you so quiet right now? You should be hyper from the sugar." Ben asked, smiling when Sally nudged him back and sighed as she leaned against him and shrugged softly.

     "Im having mix feelings i guess.... Do you think Jeff is just using me?" Sally asked, looking up at Ben who stopped and let go of Sally as he rubbed his head softly, thinking of his answer. 'What am i supposed to tell her?! Red dared me to bet Jeff.... She already has trust issues even if she doesn't admit it...... Fuck! Im hoping Jeff breaks off the bet soon... He won't go along with it right? That joker already seems to have fallen for Sally. Okay Ben lie just lie.' Ben thought, biting his lip as he held onto Sally hand softly and started walking again as he figured out how to say it.

    "I don't think so Sal.... I think the old joker isn't using you, he's probably just trying to be less of an jackass if thats even possible for him." Ben said, Sally laughing softly as she smiled and nodded, Charlie holding onto her back as she yawned quietly. She rubbed her emerald green eyes with the back of her free hand, looking around as she seemed to be getting tired and sleepy.

    "I hope your right Ben, you think we can stop at Toby's house? He wanted me to stay with him for the night since Daddy is on another night long night and the mansion might be empty since the other take their mission all day and night." Sally asked, yawning like a cat as she stumbled a bit as Ben chuckled at her and nodded.

     "Yeah, of course we can. The mansion is odd and creepy when there is no one home, I need to talk to Toby anyways." Ben said with a smile, now the one dragging her through the forest as he looked around for Toby's house. 'Ben's can be right.... He's not using me probably...... I still hate him so why do i even care?! Why did i even ask Ben if i don't care, i hate him...don't I? No! Of course i do..... i must be really tired to be actually thinking this through. I just need sleep and I'll be back to normal tomorrow.' Sally tried convincing herself as she saw Toby's cabin up ahead,  letting Ben half drag her toward it as she leaned against Ben tiredly as he knocked on his door repeatedly and doing tones while knocking.

    "Im UP!!!! MASKY IF YOUR THE ONE AT MY DOOR AGAIN TO HELP YOU WIN BACK HOODY THEN IM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS! IT'S 3 IN THE MORNING!" Toby yelled, swinging the door open before staring at Ben and Sally who were holding back laughter, Toby frowned and titled his head at him in confusion why they were holding back laughter. 

    "What? Whats so funny?" Toby grumbled, twitching in annoyance as Ben broke down in laughter as he held onto his stomach and his eyes watering up from laughing so hard. Sally had fits of giggles as she walked inside Toby  cabin and sat down on a chair to calm herself while Ben barely made a few steps in the cabin before Toby slammed it closed and glared at them both as he twitched.

    "Y-Your wearing a-a r-rainbow clouds boxers?" Ben chuckled out as Toby looked down at his boxers, blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he barely noticed he was wearing them and huffed angrily.

     "Yeah so what!? I look fabulous in them!" Toby defended himself as he sat down next to Sally who was able to stop her fits of giggles and let out a happy sigh as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. Toby chuckled softly, glaring daggers at Ben who was still laughing but even harder as he picked up Sally and laid her in his couch, covering her with a blanket and put Charlie next to her as she closed her eyes and curled up into a ball. She fell asleep rather quickly as Toby looked at Ben who finally was able to stop laughed as Toby sat back down in his chair.

      "What are we going to do with Sally and Jeff." Toby said, leaning his head back in frustration as Ben sighed and sat down next to Toby. He shrugged, running his hand through his golden hair and leaned his head back too.

      "I have no idea.... Lets see who wins, Love or hate i guess. Jeff and Red must be pissed off right now since we left them at the movies without saying a word." Ben mumbled as he slumped in his chair, closing his eyes as he thought to himself while Toby looked at Sally who was sleeping peacefully for now. 'I hope this doesn't end horribly wrong that'll it hurt Sally.' Toby thought, hearing his phone buzzing on his night stand and knowing already who was calling. 


   Sally: *yawns* That was a long rest.... *stretches* i hope you missed me!!!!!! Okay then you know the drill!!!!! i hope, it's been a long time! Click on that star that shoots skittles if you likes this and read jazz other stories who will be updating them too soon!!!!!!!! You can message us too!!!!! if you just wanna talk to jazz then thats fine but you can ask for us creepypasta to talk to you too!!!!!!!!!!! Follow Jazz if you want and BE GOOD OUR LITTLE KILLERS! *Bear hugs chu all and runs after jazz*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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