Chapter 8

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Jeff looked at Sally in the corner of his eye as she 'talked' to Charlie, Jeff chuckled at the fact that she thought he didn't understand Charlie like really? He could understand Smile do then he'll be able to understand a stuff animal. Sally looked at Jeff when he chuckled but he just smirked at her,walking up ahead.

"Is this the last one?" Sally ask as she tried to catch up to Jeff.

"Yeah this is the last house we're going to kill then we go back to the mansion." Jeff laughed as he kept going ahead of her to make her run after him, Sally growled angrily at him and rolled her eyes as she began walking. She watches as he kept running ahead, Sally frowned when he was out of sight. Sally looked around the woods with the last light of day and put Charlie down as she walked up head to see if Jeff was there. Nothing he wasn't there, Sally started walking back where she left Charlie but halted when she noticed he wasn't there anymore. Sally looked around nervously and shrieked. Jeff laughed as he came down upside on a branch and held out Charlie for her. Sally glared at him,reaching out to grab Charlie but Jeff pulled her close to him and chuckled near her ear.

"Hey princess stop being to stuck up come on have fun, geez your worst than Slenderman." Jeff teased,putting Charlie on her head and he jumped down from the branch. He did a mocking bow before standing up straight and jogged to the edge of the forest. Sally growled at him when she caught up, she hit behind his head as she ran to the house they need to get in. Jeff pulled her back,going inside first and looked around. Sally turned invisible as she looked around, Jeff took out his knife and walked slowly upstairs. Sally looked in the kitchen to see that there was a woman washing the dishes, Sally carefully came behind her and appeared again. Sally took out her knife,ready to kill the woman as she started to bring it down but there was a crash upstairs. Sally eyes widen,quickly killing the woman before she scream and ran upstairs. Sally fell on the top step but quickly got in the room where Jeff and a man were wrestling around the floor, a gun slid across the room.

"Sally get the gun!!! Hurry I can't get a good swing at this guy." Jeff yelled at Sally as she quickly grabbed the gun and pointed at the two of them wrestling on the ground. Sally tried to get a clear shot but it was no use, they kept moving too fast. Sally pointed the gun at them and shot. 

Me:hehe.... i got bored and thought i'll leave you guys here in the cliff hanger

Jeff: Spoilers Sally was the one who got shot.

Me: in your dreams Jeff, that's not gonna happened.*changes it*

Jeff: HA

Me:Imma smack you with a bat again if you dont book it right now =-=


Eyeless jack: Well...those two are weird well thanks for reading!!! sorry about that cliffhanger but dont worry....IT WILL GET ALOT MORE Interesting SOON!!! Thanks alot for so many followers and votes!!! Please click the awesome star and comment below!!!!!! Check out my other stories too if you want to!!! sadly Jazz has first day of school tomorrow and...lets hope she doesnt die :D BYEEEEEE NOOOWWWWWW!

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