Chapter 5 part 2

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Jeff grumbled at the different pictures of all the places in the whole world. He glared at the golden hair kid who was taking a picture with HIS Sally, Jeff was about to walk over to him but got held back by Masky.

"Come on Jeff, their aren't doing anything bad. They're just taking a picture together, stop being so jealous." Masky grumbled, Jeff about to say he was right when the golden hair boy kissed Sally on the cheek. Jeff growled angrily, giving a death glare for Masky to let him go but Masky held tighter onto his arm. Jeff pushed Masky  onto  Hoody  who was just looking up and walked over where Sally and the boy were standing. Jeff grabbed the boys shirt, pulling him away from Sally and pushed him against the wall.

"She mine, buddy." Jeff hissed angrily at the boy, the boy smirked evilly at Jeff and pushes him away. Sally stood there, frozen in one spot as the boy walked over to her. He grabbed her hand, walking to the exit but got pulled back by his shirt.

"Jesus Jeff, you sure do like Sally if you willing to risk killing me here. No wonder you said yes to her." The boy chuckled at Jeff's shocked face, Jeff removed his hand from his knife handle and moved away from the boy.

"H-how did you k-know about-" The boy held up his hand, cutting off Jeff's sentence and smiled when Masky, Hoody and Toby came over.

"I gotta say Masky, its weird seeing you without your mask and same goes for you Hoody. Jeff take off the make-up and stupid mask over your mouth, take off that hood Toby and put your goggles back on." The boy scowled at them before having Jeff push him against the wall and put his knife on his throat. Sally ran toward the boy but got held back by Masky, struggling and holds out her hand for the boy.

"JEFF DON'T PLEASE-" Sally screamed when Jeff started to put more pressure  on his knife,blood started dripping from the boys neck slowly and the boy smirked.

"You shouldn't have done that." The boys eyes turned red,black blood bleeding from them as he laughed at everyone's shocked face except for Sally's and Toby's. Jeff let go of Ben, Sally got out of Masky grasp and ran toward him. Sally eyes watered, wiping away the blood from Bens neck and hugging him.

"Im so sorry Ben I-I, oh god you okay? I told you not to do the prank, see you got hurt. Its all my fault-" Sally was cut off by Ben hugging her back and held onto her face, making her look at him.

"Calm down, I'm not hurt. See it's healing already, chill Sally I'm okay. It was worth it, seeing their faces was priceless." Ben grinned as Sally laughed and Toby chuckled,helping both of them up. Sally put  Masky and Hoody masks back on, Toby put on his goggles. Ben changed back to normal, nudging Jeff playfully and laughing.

"We got you good! Come on let go back to the mansion, that was sure fun." Jeff growled, hitting Ben before grabbing Sally and throwing her over his shoulder. Sally screamed in surprise, her face all red in embarrassment since everyone was laughing. They walked from the backdoor of the shop, barely noticing the store was empty and ran back to the woods.

"So you and Toby were in with the prank without us knowing. You also found a potion in Slendy room that makes you look like a human. Damn you guys got us good." Masky high fived them for their plane while Jeff and Hoody scowled at him for encouraging them.

"Really Masky they made us go to the stupid mall and wall through all those humans! We could of gotten caught!! Don't praise them for doing that!" Hoody gave a angry glare at Masky before smacking him on his head and stalked way from him angrily. Masky walked over to Hoody, trying to apologize to him. Jeff chuckled at the two and shook his head as he gave Sally Charlie back.

"What-" Jeff stuttered out when Sally got super close to his face, Sally made sure Charlie was safe with Toby before rubbing her sleeve against his skin.

"Shut up and stay still, let me take off this stupid make-up." Sally mumbled as she wiped the makeup from Jeff's face and took off the mask, smiling when his face didn't have anymore makeup. Sally curled up in his arm before he could say anything else and closed her eyes, fall asleep.

"Aww look she fell asleep, how cute! You two look like a cute couple!" Ben teased, dodging Jeff's foot and stuck his tongue out at Jeff. Jeff flicked him off, moving away from Ben and kept trying to kick him.

"Jesus you sure do like Sally huh?" Ben smirked at Jeff angry face.

"No, I don't like her! Now shut up!!" Jeff growled and looking away from Ben so he wouldn't see his pink cheeks.

"Okay, then let's do a little bet between us. Get Sally to not hate you anymore and make her fall in love with you in three weeks without you falling in love with her. If you do that then I stop pranking you and I'll give you 100 bucks. Also you get to show Red that she loves you instead of him, how's that?" Ben smiled at Jeff,holding out his hand while Toby shook his head in the background.

"What if I don't get her to fall in love with me and she hates me more instead or by the chance I fall back in love with her?" Jeff frowned in worry and curiosity,looking at Ben's hand. Ben shrugged softly, running his hand through his golden hair while holding onto his hand.

"Then you owe me 100 bucks and you do some of my missions for a month. How about it Jeffery, you going to agree or your to scared to do it?" Ben mocked Jeff, titling his head as he held his hand out for Jeff. Toby waved his arms in the background to not do it, Jeff looked at Toby then at Ben. He shook Ben's hand, nodding in agreement and ignoring Toby.

"It's a deal, you better get ready to lose." Jeffery laughed as Ben frowned, disagreeing with what Jeff said and Toby brushed past them.

"It's The dare of love or hate, you dug your own grave Jeff. I hope you know that, nothing good comes from messing with love or hate." Toby warned Jeff, he glared at him as they came up to the mansion.Toby, Masky,and Hoody went behind the house to see if Slenderman left them any notes to scatter around the forest as Jeff carried Sally inside with Ben and Charlie running after them.

~End of flash back~

Jeff sighed, unable to sleep as he moved to his side and groaned in annoyance. Toby's warning swimming through his thoughts, Jeff tried to figure out what Toby  meant.  Knowing  Toby was hiding something from him. Jeff sat up quickly when he saw a pair of green eyes looking at him from the darkness.

"Sally what's wrong?" Jeff rubbed his eyes, frowning at Sally who shouldn't up this late, Sally walked over to him with Charlie in her arms and laid next to Jeff on the couch.

"I had a nightmare about my uncle again... Can I sleep with you? Daddy isn't home, he's on a mission." Sally mumbled softly, Jeff nodded and laid back down. Sally snuggled up in his arms, yawning like a cat before burying her face in Jeff's shirt and held tightly onto Charlie. Jeff wrapped his arms around her,surprised that she was a 18 year old but was still a child in her heart. Even from all she been through, she still acts like her childish self and made anyone smiled or laugh without trying

"You can sleep, don't worry your uncle won't ever hurt you again." Jeff smiled when he felt Sally nodded sleepily and fall asleep. Jeff sighed, glaring at the ceiling in regret on accepting the bet but it was done.. He won't ever let Sally know.

'God.... This is going to be a pain, I'm not doing anything bad. I won't hurt her in anyway, right?' Jeff asked himself without knowing the answer as he felt the wave of exhaustion hit him,making him fall asleep.

Me: HEEEEY sorry i haven't been updating, i was at las Vegas for a while and i've been working sooo sorry but i hope you enjoyed this. I kinda sleepy when i wrote it soo sorry if it sucks. ;3;

Jeff: You were kinda asleep??? you were almost sleeping when u wrote this, you were about to pass out. I hate this chapter 

Me: good i had lots of fun making it, you wanna tell Sally something jeff?

Sally:what o-o he gonna tell me something

Jeff: NOPE *runs off*

Me:good, so shut up about this chapter!! Hoody may you end this for me while i get jeff back x3 Dont worry ppl love you *runs off after Jeff.*

Hoody: okay then... Thanks for reading, please check out this crazy girl other stories that she wrote. Thanks a lot, comment, review, pm us or when just click that shiny star!!!! bye now!!

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