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Chapter 13 *Nikolai POV*

"Diversion is pernicious to depressives. Our lives are like waking dreams--correction, nightmares--where monsters chase us, never breaking off pursuit in order to rest or to eat or to look for easier prey. Diversion prevents us from confronting those monsters. If we never confront them, we have no hope of ever defeating them. Diversion does NOT work."
Northern Adams

Before we headed out to confront the council I needed to kill a few things before I even face them. Twigs cracked with every step I took, though I seemed to be floating. My graceful walk seemed magical and my very touch was enchanted. As I ran my fingers through the trees leaves, they rose up with color, coming to life. I could sense a female rouge not too far from here. I push through the leaves with no hesitation. I didn't bother letting my team know where I was heading. I could hear her. Her footsteps. Her heavy breathing. I allowed my senses to take control, my mind was reeling with her erratic hart beat. From a distance I watched as she stumble over sticks and logs. Most of her yoga pants were ripped or dirty now.
I forgot how these woods could go on forever. I watched as a branch hits her in the face and she scream. She fall to the ground, hitting her back on a log and losing her breath. She gasp for air, but nothing comes out. I stood over her digging into her thoughts but something caught my eye, she was abused by her parents.

As she passed out I carried her back to my team who were kind of ticked off with me. After I had explained to my team what had happed I called a few of my step-father people to place her under strict supervision. When going to visit the council we have to get dirty which I'm not too fond of. Since they had to stay here after the attack they created their own home somewhere in the forest. Laure was driving when senses started to pick up a faint scent I shook it off as she continued to drive.

A stream of light fell through the trees. The wind in my hair brought the scent of pine needles to my nostrils as Laure drove faster. There were untold memories in this place, yet so unchanged by the passage of time. The tires disturbed the fallen leaves, and left them swirling in our wake. Laure parked as we walked the rest of the way through the forest. An entrance opened at the far side of the forest without saying anything we walked through the entrance where it led to the council. As soon as we stepped in front of the council I sensed something was wrong the moment I looked at Jackson.

"Why have you put a bounty on my children's head?" I questioned looked at every member of the council.

"We've only placed a bounty on Audrey head because of who her father is. Audrey must die because she can be the very key that destroys all of humanity. The prophecy has changed Nikolai and we can't allow her to live."

"I will not allow my daughter to be destroyed just because of a prophecy. If any one of you comes within distance of my daughter I will you." I said.

"You work for the council not the other way around the child will die whether you like it or not. You're like a daughter to me Nikolai I just can't ignore this." I watched as Jackson looked at me she knew how I felt especially with the first prophecy. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the council. Audrey is a newborn and if she is supposed to destroy all humanity I'll deal with it when the time comes but no one and I mean no one is laying their filthy hand on my daughter.

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