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"You're absolutely sure you brought your wallet?"

Sem rolled his eyes.

"No mom, I just tossed it out of the window. Was that wrong of me? Should I not have done that?"

"Haha. Very funny. And your passport, it's in the wallet?"


"Can you check just to be sure?"

Sem let out an exaggeratedly deep sigh, making no move to grab his wallet. What were they even going to do about it if he didn't have it? They were already in the car on the highway to the airport. Not that easy to just turn around and get it, unless you're like Vin Diesel in The Fast and Furious.

His dad was no Vin Diesel. He always drove extra carefully with the entire family aboard, and seeing him off to London at the airport, evidently, was a family event. Even his brother Daniel had tagged along. He was sitting on the other backseat, absentmindedly staring out of his car window.

Sem pointed his phone at his own window, and snapped a picture of the road for Connor.

Sem: on my way to the airport! London school trip is a go! [Sent: 8:01]

"Sem, check if you have your passport. Now." Turning in her seat, his mom glared at him.

She always made such a fuss over every little thing. Just because he sometimes ran out the door without his coat on a rainy day, or had forgotten to bring his toothbrush on the camping trip after all, or had left the whole family stranded at the airport during the holidays because his passport was still on the nightstand-- 

Okay, okay, geez, fair point. But that passport thing was one time five years ago.

Damn it, she was making him hesitate. Sem grabbed his wallet. The passport was in there (hah!), and Sem casually waved it at his mom.

"Happy now?"


Putting the passport back in place, Sem mused how he wouldn't have been surprised if the thing had been laying on his nightstand. He really wasn't in the game with his head, and could anyone blame him? His brain was all fuzzy mess, and he wasn't able to focus on anything. Well, anything except Connor. The taste of his lips, his rough hands, his scent, his everything. Maybe he should have left the damn passport at home, just so he could miss his flight and see Connor today. 

Sem's phone gave a buzz. Connor had sent him a thumbs up.

Connor: Have fun there! I'm sure you will [Sent: 8:03]

Sem: Wished you could come too... It's not too late yet to sneak you into my suitcase if you wanna ;) [Sent: 8:03] 

Sem: We could go see the city. Like, really see the city you know?  Not just do all the stupid shit schools would make us do. stuffy museums and old dusty building, woop. [Sent: 8:04]

Connor: If only. I'm stuck at uni. I'd really like to see the Science musuem tho [Sent: 8:05] 

Sem: I'm sure you would, you geek. fiiine I'd go to that one museum with you. but thats it. that's all you're getting out of me. [Sent: 8:06] 

Connor: Haha, no fan of delving into a citys rich cultural past? [Sent: 8:06]

Sem:  Oh, barf. :p [Sent: 8:06]

Sem: the only way history can be interesting is if there's someone who can tell the juicy stuff. Things they leave out of the touristy tours. [Sent: 8:07]

Sem: You know what i'd like to do most though? go to a gay club with you in London. nobody knows us there anyway [Sent: 8:08] 

In London, spurred on by being anonymous, Sem felt like he could tell the entire world 'screw you, I like dick.'

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