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Sem had felt a nervous tingle in his gut while entering the cozy steakhouse named 'Stymie's.' It probably had a little bit to do with this being a first date, and a lot to do with this being his first public gay date.

His worries were quickly proven unfounded.

Literally nobody in the entire restaurant was paying any attention to him and Connor, safe for the waiter who had to take their order. And even he paid more attention to the plates and glasses he had to balance. From the way he swayed, and unconfidently shuffled across the floor, it looked like he had started a week ago just like the restaurant had.

By the time their waiter all but dropped their main course on the table (while uttering countless apologies), Sem was completely relaxed.

"I have to admit," he said between bites, "This does kind of beat the hunting for bears idea."

Then again, it was extremely hard for any idea to beat a medium rare steak for half the price. Except maybe, just maybe, some nice and long making out sessions with the gorgeous guy sitting in front of him.

Connor's dark eyes shone in the dim light. "Less mud in here, huh?"

Sem snorted, and gave Connor a kick below the table. "You're never gonna let me live that faceplant down, are you?"

"Definitely not."

It was officially a first date, but between him and Connor, there was none of the awkwardness that usually came with it. They just talked, and lightly teased each other like always. Connor had showed him some pictures of the forklift accident, and had tried to explain his newest project at university, with little success. Then, he'd let Sem talk endlessly about his kickboxing lessons while actually looking interested in  what he had to say.

He'd never expected to be this comfortable in public. It's not like they were doing anything remotely gay, but still. Everything was just right; from Connor, to the awesome food, to the steakhouse itself. Even Sem, a self-proclaimed culture barbarian who didn't give a rat's ass about the looks of buildings, could appreciate this place. The owners had definitely succeeded in creating a cozy atmosphere, with the red walls, dim lights, and even a fireplace in the corner.

"You picked a great place to go Con- this steak's awesome too. Good guess?"

Sem glanced at Connor's hand, wistfully thinking about taking it, as he complimented him. From the way Connor then glanced at his hand as well, Sem had a feeling he was thinking the same thing.

They both knew they wouldn't though, and Connor had to make due with a smile. "No, I don't guess on these things. I checked the place out after you left for London. Had to make sure it was good enough, right?"

"You were already planning this while I was gone?"

"Well, yeah." Connor smile turned a bit shy.

Not being able to take his hand really sucked. Why was he being so spineless about this public thing again?

"It's nice," Sem murmured.

Honestly, Connor could've suggested they hang out at his work and order cheap Chinese food, and Sem would've been happy to be there with him. Hell, he'd even sign up for another camping trip if Connor wanted it-- Wait what? Sem stopped his own thought track right there. Camping, yes, camping would be okay if it was with Connor? ... Yes it would be.

Man, he was in deep. He was one lucky bastard that the feeling was mutual. That Connor was sitting right there, and had so carefully planned this date for them.

"Well, some credits where credit's due," Connor said, "Stymie's was Dev's recommendation. You remember Dev?"

Sem nodded. "Oh, yeah, the funny guy from the race-slash-camping trip right?"

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