Glimpses of the Future 1

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 I wasn't feeling any of the epilogues I'd written so I finally decided to give up on that idea, and do it differently. I started thinking about the main conflict Connor and Sem may have being together and how they'd handle that. And this popped out. 

So, here is: a series of glimpses into Connor's and Sem's future. It's not exactly an epilogue, but I still hope you'll enjoy a bit of extra content. Idk, I don't see it as very officially part of the book. Just as something speculative I wrote for fun. 

2,5 years later

"You know honey, I really can't take any more of your pathetic, pity party sulking." 

Blake uttered the words in a most chipper tone, between two sips of his grande Starbucks frappuccino and perched on the chair with one leg draped over the other.

Sem growled. "I think all that sugary crap you drink has rotted your brain. I'm not sulking." 

He was absolutely sulking. 

He just couldn't admit it, because he was far past the sulking expiration date, aka the amount of time in which it was still acceptable to be mopey about a failed relationship. Everyone had a right to a rebound period after ending a relationship on non-willing terms, but he'd overstayed his welcome. 

"I'm over it." 

"Ooh," Blake exclaimed, feigning surprise by stretching the word and raising a slender-fingered hand to his chest. "You call what you're doing being over it?"

Sem narrowed his eyes at Blake. "I'm dating other guys aren't I?" he snapped. "I'm over it." 

"Oh please babe, you're not dating them. You're cycling through them." 

"And you're not making any sense as usual." 

"It's a cycle honey." Blake sighed, rubbing his brow as if he was trying to ward off a headache. "A cycle in which you, like, try to find guys who are exactly like Connor, only to wind up disappointed and dump them a week later when they're obviously not exactly like Connor. Then you get drunk and complain to me or Nick how you want Connor back, but oh hell no you're not going to call him." 

Blake paused to take a sip from his Frappucino with a lifted pinky. 

"And then you start all over."

Sem grumbled something incoherent, looking away from Blake and sinking in his chair a little. Sure, he was chasing guys who happened to be like Connor. Physically like Connor at least. But maybe he just had a type, and sometimes one needed to kiss a few frogs to find a good one again. That Connor happened to be the first guy he dated and also stayed with for two years was luck. A whole lot of luck.

"For the love of all that is gay and fabulous, just take him back," Blake whined. He dramatically dropped his hands on the table, shooting Sem a desperate look. "You know he's at Valsten university three days a week again. He's not traveling to Queenswright anymore."

Of course Sem knew. Lisa told him. Daniel told him. Dev told him. His mom and dad told him. All on separate occasions, and they all denied they were involved in some sort of conspiracy.  

But even if he tried to take Connor back... Nothing had changed. And they didn't exactly ended on the greatest terms. It may or may not have involved Sem stomping into Jack's garage, and screaming at him to go choke on motor oil.

Dumping Connor in a most ungraceful manner while in a fit of rage was now his least proud moment. Even above taking a girl's virginity and then dumping her. 

Sem drained the rest of his glass, his jaw feeling tight and locked as he stood. "I'm done. You coming?"

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