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Sem peered into the bathroom mirror. 

Would people somehow be able to tell? He didn't think he looked different than yesterday. Same face, same body, same person. Aside from puffy eyes due to lack of sleep (he'd pretty much been completely giddy and wholly unable to sleep for hours), there was nothing that indicated he'd spent the night awake and having sex with a guy.

With him. The guy. His guy. He and Connor didn't even need what he'd always considered the end goal when moving to the bedroom; the actual sex. It was still difficult to comprehend the difference it made, being in bed with someone he actually felt attracted to and liked, opposed to doing it just because he could. Everything was so much more intense and better and awesome, simply because it was Connor.

No backdoor virginities had been lost. He had, however, lost his clothing all over the apartment.

Since he hadn't felt like going on a scavenge hunt this early, the bathrobe he'd found hanging on Connor's desk chair made do for his trip to the bathroom. Connor's scent was in it, and it made Sem long to go back to bed and snuggle all day. 

When he'd left the bedroom, Connor had still been fast asleep. He could think of a few fun ways to wake him up... 

Or maybe not. 

A door in the hallway opened, indicating Connor was already up and awake. Ever-diligent Connor was unlikely to agree on skipping school, but maybe he could still squeeze out a quickie before leaving?  Sem smiled mischievously at his own reflection in the mirror.

He was ready for his ambush, in position with his hands on the door handle, when he suddenly heard the click-clacking of heels on the hallway floor. Hang on a second, Connor didn't wear high heels... did he?

Sem froze. It was morning. 

Oh my God. That was his mom. 

Sem scrambled away from the bathroom door, as the click-clacking drew nearer and nearer. Okay, deep breaths. He'd just wait until she was past the door, until he no longer heard her, then race to Connor's room and wake him up. She'd just ended a night shift, so she'd probably just go straight to bed, right?

The pair of heels stopped on the other side of the bathroom door. Then, there was a rapid knocking on it. "Connor, are you almost done?" a female voice, which was definitely not Connor's, asked. 

Sem heart pounded in his chest and he held his breath, went as still as he could. If "Connor" played dead, maybe she'd give up and wait in her room until he was done. 

The knocking grew more urgent. "Connor?"  

She wasn't going away. Sem's eyes darted around the room in panic, and landed on the window. Sure, he should climb out of the window, it's not like he was on the fifth floor or anything. Let's end up on national news, and have the entire country see his dead naked ass in a bathrobe, including Connor's mom.

The only thing he could do was open that door, and face his doom. He hated his life. He hated it so badly. He didn't have chocolates or flowers, or even underwear on him. Sem's stomach sank as he reluctantly reached for the lock, turned it, and then opened the door. 

There went his good first impression. Even he couldn't save this one. He was meeting Connor's mom in a borrowed bathrobe, and son of a-- those were some large boobs. 

Jesus, he should not stare at his boyfriends' mom's boobs. Though, in all fairness, it was more like the boobs were staring at him in that tight shirt. Sem's eyes quickly darted to her face. Mrs. Judd looked young.  Almost too young to already have an eighteen year old son. She had pretty brown eyes, and a defined jawline, strong even, for a woman. Sem could see a little bit of Connor in her, but Connor must've mostly taken after his dad. Aside from them sharing their hair and eye color, Connor and Mrs. Judd had little in common.

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