Character Profiles

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So, I promised these to Tori quite a while ago. Now I finally had time to put together all the information (I'm not the most organised person, notes everywhere...), write the profiles and upload them. 

The appearance part is how I envisioned these characters when I created them by the way. Since I believe that's a very personal thing, and would like to give everyone the freedom to picture the characters however they want, I'm purposely keeping this part a bit more vague. 

This is the somewhat the abridged version because it was really turning into a monster wall of text nobody wants to read. ^^' 

Sem Bolton

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Sem Bolton

Full Name: Sem Bolton

Age: 16

Birthday: 30th of May

Height: 6'0

Body: Mesomorph; Toned, athletic, and definite muscle definition. Think lightly visible sixpack abs, and no he does not skip leg day.

Hair: Light brown; medium length, wavy, and on the messy side

Eyes: Green/blue; blue with green flecks at the edges of the iris.

Occupation: High school student, no current side jobs (although he takes summer jobs for some extra cash)

Parents: Josephine "Josie" Bolton, and Noah Bolton

Siblings: 1 older brother, Daniel Bolton (19, almost 20 years old).

Religion: Loudly claims to be an atheist, but secretly does believe in a higher power like God. Not covered in Better Sorry than Safe, but Sem has short, fleeting moments of worry whether he's going to hell, or God will punish him, for being gay.

Hobbies: Most of Sem's hobbies revolve around sports. He likes playing soccer with friends, and kickboxing. He regularly goes jogging (and usually ends up climbing random stuff he finds on the way; such as playground objects or light poles - think parkour). Otherwise, watching popular series (whatever's trending), watching soccer or any martial arts competitions on television, and going to the clubs and bars with friends.


Charming and sociable; Sem has no issues making contact with new people. He's definitely outgoing and makes friends/a good impression easily when he's on his best behaviour. Quick-witted, he usually has a joke or comeback to offer in response to what other people say in social context. 

Go-getter/plucky; If Sem wants something, he goes out to get it, even when facing adversity. He's also quickly back on his feet when something fails, ready to try again or change his strategy. 

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