Chapter 29: Travel Day

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Life was great. Ben was in the same building and today was my first game. We were playing Switzerland in North Carolina on Wednesday. It was like going back to college.

Our bags were packed and sitting by the door. We had to catch the bus and head to the airport. Ben was flying with his too. We loaded the bus and drove to LAX. We arrived early so we made a fool of ourselves. We danced and sang. Then our flight was announced to board. We got on and I took my seat next to Kelley. Ben was behind me.

It was a 5 hour flight. We played Heads Up, Monopoly Deal, and Dutch Blitz.

When we landed in Raleigh. Once we got off we found our luggage and loaded it onto the bus.

"Alright. I texted you the room situations. Only rules this season:

1. Stay in your rooms.

2. Curfew is at 11 on normal days. 10 on before games.

3. Don't switch rooms unless you come to the coaching staff first.

4. Don't go party unless you are allowed. Drinking is not allowed. Especially before games.

5. Have fun." Coach said.

"Tonight we start with a recovery. Tomorrow light training. Then we play." Dawn said.

We checked our phones. I was rooming with Alex and Kelley was with Tobin. Ali was with Carli and Ash was with Hope. We grabbed our bags and walked in the hotel to find our rooms.

"Li! Come on!" Alex said pulling me toward the elevator.

"Li!" Kelley said and ran after me. It was the first time we had gotten split. She came up and hugged me.

"Hey. We're right next to each other. You'll be fine." I smiled at her. "Hey. Bus buddy?"

"Yeah. We're starting a new pre game ritual. And you're part of it."

We rode up the elevator and walked to our room. We got our things situated and went out to the lobby to hang out with the team.

"No no no." Hope said drawing four. They were playing UNO.

We sat around and hung out before Dawn came in and broke the mood. "Alright guys. Recovery. Lets go." We followed her. Today we were going a pool session, massages, and ice baths. "Group up! Four or five."

Kelley, Tobin, Alex, and I grouped up. We went to the pool first. After the thirty minute session we went to the ice baths. We got in and watched buckets of ice get poured in the small pools.

"No more!" Kelley whined and groaned as another bucket was poured in. "How are you not dying?" She asked me.

"Because I did this all through high school and college with ten big bags of ice."

"You're crazy." Alex said.

"No she's not. She's smart." Carli said pouring buckets and buckets of ice in her own pool.

We blared Taylor Swift and watched as the time ticked away. "20!" Dawn yelled and we slowly got out.

Then we slowly made our way to the massage therapists. By the end we were loose and ready for tomorrow.

"Guys wanna hang out in our place?" Kelley asked.

"Yeah sure." She said. "Li?"

"Yeah I'll be over."

I went to my room and changed into sweats and a tshirt. Then I walked down to Kelley and Tobin's room. They were playing Once in a Lifetime. It was some soccer movie. We watched and then left.

"Thanks guys. See ya tomorrow." Alex said.

"Love ya Kel."

Me and Alex made our way back to our room. I brushed my teeth and crawled under the covers.

"Goodnight Li." Alex said.

"Night Alex."

She turned the lights out. I was almost asleep when I felt my phone vibrate. I looked over to see Alex sleeping. I turned the brightness down and unlocked my phone. It was a text from Ali.

ali😘👑: hey Li. leid, wenn ich dich geweckt. wollte nur Sie Text und sagen Sie, dass Sie große morgen. Ich werde direkt hinter dir sein. wörtlich. liebe dich Li. 😘

me: Dank Ali. kann nicht warten. Liebe dich auch.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Tomorrow was going to be fun.

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