Chapter 1

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I sat up in bed, pressing the button on my alarm. I yawned, rubbed my eyes, and stretched. And then lay back down for another five minutes.

My normal morning routine.

I slowly got up, yawned again. I definitely did not get any sleep last night. I was awake, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling of my apartment, thinking just one single thought.


I had seen death many times. Not just actual death, but death itself. The persona of death. It was everywhere. It was in every single city, state, country, and continent. Death is us. Humans. We are all dying. Our human clocks slowly ticking down. But no one gives it a single thought. People think that dying is when you are laying there, or wherever you may be, taking your very last breath, saying your very last prayers.

And then it's all over.

Your human clock ticks down to the very last second.

And then your done.


Gone to wherever you go afterwards. If anywhere at all. Who knows, maybe you just disappear entirely. Your entire existence gone. Only alive in the memories of others.

I mean, what's the point of living if you're just going to die anyway? There's nothing that we can do to stop it. But I guess that's just how we humans are right? Holding on to something? Something that they say that they believe in, and they force themselves to believe in something, just so they can have something to keep them going in everyday life?

I brought myself out of my deep thoughts, and got up. It was dark in my room, so I opened up the curtains and blinds. All at once, the warm, morning light flooded my room. I watched the cars go by below. Everyone going different directions.

That's how life is.

Everyone choosing different paths.

I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen/living room area of my apartment, went over to my TV, turned on the news, and then started to pour some cereal in a bowl.

"Another security breach in the city this morning. Authorities don't have any information on it just yet, but they say that this breach was less dangerous than the last one and that they have everything under control."

"Another one?" I said out loud, almost spilling the milk I was pouring.

I sat down on my sofa, eating my cereal, about to change the channel when the signal cut out for a moment, and an army of people in all black wearing Guy Fawkes masks appeared on the screen. This all happened so fast, and surprised me so much that I almost spilled my cereal.

"Hello fellow citizens." A robotic voice spoke. "You are probably very confused. But I assure you to that everything is just fine." The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. "We are a group of friendly people just like you that want to help the world by ridding it of all evil. What's the evil you may ask?


All of you are the evil that is in this world, and we are here to get rid of you. But please don't be alarmed. Your death will be a quick and painless one. But if you rather not die, then find the clues that lead to us, and we will cleanse you so that you may join our cause. Help us, and you will be rewarded greatly.

If you don't want to perish, you have a week to find the clues. We will be watching all of you, tracking your progress.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

And the signal cut out.

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