Chapter 2

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I just sat there, staring at the TV in both confusion and fear.

Who was this anonymous group?

What do they want with us?

So many questions raced through my mind.


I put my bowl down on the coffee table, got up and went over to the door, looking through the peephole before opening the door. It was my childhood friend Carter. As soon as I opened the door, Carter rushed past me and started pacing my living room.

"Uh, hey Carter."

He suddenly stopped, and stared straight at me.

"This is the apocalypse I've been warning everyone about!" Carter yelled.

"Carter, calm down. This is proba-" I began to say.

"Rowan...this is for real." Carter cut me off.

"And how do you know that?" I asked.

"Because I know about this group! They've been taking over towns and cities for the past month! And the authorities aren't doing anything! We can't rely on the government anymore." He replied.

"Look, Carter-" I started to say.

"We have to leave. Now." Carter said.

"It isn't safe here anymore. They'll target the largest cities first, and New York is a huge city. We have to run. Run to a smaller town. A smaller community. They won't find us there."

"Carter-" I started to say, only to be cut of yet again by Carter.

"It's our only chance! I'll organize a travel group." He said.

"This is crazy. We can't just leave." I said.

"Why not? We could leave right now!" He said.

Neither of us said anything for a moment.

"Fine. You don't have to come, but I'm leaving." Carter said.

And before I could say or do anything, Carter was out the door, and gone.

I sighed. Carter had always been one of those crazy tech geeks, and I personally thought that he was overreacting about this whole thing. If this really was serious, the authorities would be telling us. This is probably just some young group of kids pranking us. But they're really good...but Carter probably was just spending too much time online like usual.


An hour later, I tried to get a signal on the TV, but there was only static. After a few tries, I finally got a signal. It was weak, but at least I got something. It's was the news.

Please do not panic. The government has looked into the situation and say that they have everything under control. They aren't releasing anymore information as of now, but please keep checking here, and our website for any updates on the situation. And again, please remain calm.

Then, Carter burst through the door.

"They won't release any information because if they did, the people would panic, and the country would be in chaos. But do you want to know the truth Rowan?"

I just stood there, staring at Carter.

"I thought you were leaving?" I said.

He seemed to have calmed down a little bit from last time he was in my apartment.

"These "anons" as people call them, are bio-hosts. They inject themselves with the virus and then the virus spreads to other people, and then eventually the virus can't be stopped once it spreads." Carter explained, completely ignoring what I said.

"Virus? What virus?" I asked.

"Ugh, you don't kno-...oh right, you rely on the national news. They don't tell you anything." Carter said, rolling his eyes.

"They're calling it ASI for Anonymously Spread Infection, or the Anon Virus."

"How do you know all of this?" I asked.

"I...know people. People on the inside." He answered.

"People on the inside?" I said.

" know, people who work for the government, but choose to release certified information. Discreetly of course. But it's extremely risky, because if they get caught, they lose their jobs, homes, everything."

"The government is hiding a lot of things. More then you might think." Carter finished.

After a few moments of processing all that Carter had just said, and then I said, "Leave it to you to know all of this. You've always been quite the tech junkie." I silently laughed.

Carter laughed too. "Yep, that's me." He said, calming down for a moment. But of course, he returned back to his seriousness.

"But we really have to figure out what to do. Like I said before, we should run."

"And leave everything behind?" I said.

"We have no other choice." Carter objected.

"We have to."

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