Chapter 6

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It's been awhile since I last saw BEN. He hasn't came back since I uhm... kinda said I loved him. Of course I didn't mean it. I just was so caught up in the moment and wanted him to feel guilty and... that just came out. I don't like him at all.. That asshole could stay gone forever and I wouldn't care... But why do I feel so lonely without him... Damn it... I can't be falling for him... For fuck sakes he killed my dog! Maybe it's best if he just stays away...


I haven't had the guts to go back to Blair's place since she... uhm... said she.. loved me. I just couldn't look at her the same. But... Isn't this what I wanted...? For her to fall for me so I could break her? But why do I feel so... So... ugh I don't know. She probably still hates me because of her dog... I shouldn't have done what I did.. I got overly angry and overreacted... I wish I could take it back... Wait a minute... Maybe I can? Link could bring her dog back... Ugh but I hate that snobby hero... But it's for Blair so... I'll deal with the little fucker.

I went to go find Link. I didn't want to deal with him but.. I have to. I found him in the forest, like always. "Link." He looked at me, slightly confused. "Yes?" I sighed. I didn't want to ask him for help but I don't want Blair to hate me... I bit my lip and mumbled "I need your help" Link blinked at me "Say that again?" I groaned "I need your help" He smiled "With what..?" I grumbled to myself and looked down "I need you to bring a dog back to life for me..." Link stared at me for a moment. "What did you do this time?" I sighed "I might have killed someones dog out of anger and now she hates me..." He snickered "You killed her dog out of jealousy?" I growled "Anger! Out of anger!" I glared at him. He chuckled "Okay okay. I'll help you. Just take me to the dog." I nodded and led him back to Blairs place. 

It was night now so I hope Blair is asleep. I can't risk her seeing Link. Something might happen and that snob of a hero could take my gir- I mean slave... We got to the dogs resting place and Link made me dig up her dog. Yes he made ME. But I did it for Blair. Link did his thing and played his music. Soon the dog was back to barking and wagging his tail happily. I smiled and looked at Link "Thanks.." He smiled back and nodded before leaving. I picked up the dog and walked up to Blair's room. She was still asleep like I expected.

Blair's POV

I woke up, hearing my tv turn on. I felt my heart racing due to the nervousness. I haven't see BEN in a long time... I just... I don't know what I was going to do. I felt him sit down behind me. I didn't say anything, pretending to be asleep. He didn't say anything for awhile and just sat behind me. I heard him sigh and whispered "Damn it..." What was he doing? I felt him lean over and place a kiss on my cheek and whispers "I'm sorry" I felt him place something down behind me and go back into the tv. I opened my eyes and turned around, seeing my dog Sam... How did he..? I sat up and Sam crawled into my lap. I smiled, petting him. He brought him back.. I don't know how but he did.. I whispered "Thank you BEN..." I laid back down and soon fell back asleep.


I smiled to myself, watching her pet the dog. She looked so happy.. I heard her whisper "Thank you BEN..." I smiled, seeing her go back to sleep.. I did the right thing.. I didn't want her to hate me...

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