Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning and Ben was gone. I figured he would leave.. I mean he's still probably freaked out over me saying that I loved him... I noticed a note laying on his pillow, yes HIS pillow. I picked it up and read it.

Blair, I'm really sorry but I must go. I have grown too attached to you and it is not good. I was only there to haunt you. Not fall for you. So I am leaving so I can stop myself from falling for you. I've took my game and left it for someone else. I hope we never meet again. For both of our sakes. Don't come looking for me. BEN

I sat there and read the note over and over again, hoping it wasn't true and I was just reading it wrong. But no... This was actually happening. He left me.. for good. He took his game so I couldn't be with him anymore. If he was going to do this couldn't he have done it before I had already fallen for him? Did he wait this long just to crush me again.. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't want him to leave. That's when I heard his voice whisper out "I'm sorry"


I watched Blair from her computer. She woke up and looked around. It didn't take long for her to notice the note. She read it for a long time and before I knew it... she began to cry. I felt horrible but this needed to be done. I didn't say with her to love her. I did it to torture her. But I couldn't even do that. So I had to leave. I just wish she'd understand. I whispered "I'm sorry" and I saw her head snap up toward the computer.

Blair's POV

I got up quickly and went to my computer. I tried to go to Cleverbot so I could talk to him... But he had froze my computer. "BEN please.... Please don't do this..." He didn't answer me and my computer started working again. There was something typed on it...

I don't want to do this. But it's for the best. You were just a victim, nothing more. Lets keep it that way. You're a victim I gave up on. You're free to do as you please now, Blair. This is my last goodbye. BEN

"Just a victim, nothing more" I was nothing to him? Did he not feel the same way I did...? Was that why he left? Because I said I loved him? I started yelling at the computer "You asshole! You can't just make me fall for you then leave just like that! Get your ass back here NOW!" I waited for a moment but nothing happen. "I'm talking to you! Don't act like you can't hear me! Stop ignoring me and come back!" Still nothing. I picked up my computer, throwing it against the wall as I screamed. I fell to the floor in tears. He couldn't just leave... He couldn't just leave and tell me not to look for him... I'll find that asshole. And i'll punch him right in his pale face.

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