Chapter 39 Stuck

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* Levy's POV *

I was petting Jellal's back.
He had his head slammed on the table and look defeated.
" are you going to tell me what happened or are you just going to sit here like a sad puppy ? " I asked.
" Puppy ... " he sighed through the table.
" oh come on, it can't be that bad ! "

* Five Minutes Of Explaining Later *

"oh, that's bad .... " I said, tapping Jellal's back again." tough luck buddy ... " Jellal slammed his head on the table again." Did you tell anyone what happened ? " I asked." Only you and Natsu but Natsu doesn't know what happened after, I only toldhim what I was going to do not what happened after " " talking about Natsu " I said looking around." have you seen him ? " " no, I haven't. you should ask Lucy " Jellal mumbled.I sighed." I don't think Lucy knows, she has locked herself in her room with some books,trying to figure something out " * Erza's POV * I stuffed a piece of cake in my mouth while I opened the door to the guys room." did you guys pack already ? we'releaving for the guild tomorrow " I mumbled with my mouth full." no, but what the hell are you eating ? " Gray asked." cake ... " " are you going to share ? " I didn't respond." I'll take that as a no ... "Gray proseted by trying to get a piece.I quickly swapped into heavens wheel and held a sword against his neck. " don't you dare " He slowly backed off and I continued eating." Just pack your bags " I said leavingthe room.I heard Gray whisper something to the others in the room." wanne bet she got the cake from Jellal ? " "aye sir ! They looooooove each other ! " Happy shouted.I blushed as I shoved another piece of cake in my mouth." maybe .... " I whispered to myself.* Juvia's POV * " L-Lucy ? " I stuttered." yes Juvia ? " Lucy and I were packing our bags while the other girls were going for the poolfor one last time.I folded some dresses and continued to talk." do you think Gray likes me ? " " of course he does Juvia, your great friends " " n-no, I mean l-like more than friends ... " " oh ... I wouldn't know that, I mean he probably knows how you feel, everybodydoes ! but if he likes you back .... I can only guess .. " I dropped a shirt in my bag and sat down on the bed, staring at the floorboards.Lucy sat down next to me." sorry, I didn't mean to say it so rudely ... " she sighed." I don't bother, I just thought love rival would know ... "Lucy giggled." didn't we move past all of that 'love rival' stuff ? " " Juvia hasn't ... oh, sorry. Didn't mean to speak in third person again " I closed my bag and placed it near my other bags." I only need to fill my last bag, but I'll do that tomorrow, I'm going to jointhe others at the pool " I announced. " see ya later " * time skip * Levy skipped over to the girls, holding some sort of plastic sheet." you guys ! I got my hands on a pool floaty ! " She handed the sheet to Wendy." Wendy, if you would do me the honor ? " Wendy filled the floaty with ease.It was some sort of wheel, but then two of them." thanks Wendy ! "" no problem Levy " Levy hopped off again.* Levy's POV * I Jumped into the pool with the two rubber pool floaties.I lost one to the guys in a matter of seconds.But after a minute I realized something.I was too small to fit into the floaty ...Every time I sat on it, my butt fell through the hole in the middle and my bodyfollowed until I only held on with my arms and legs.Nobody had notices yet and I was happy about that.After about ten thousand times of falling in and pulling myself out, I gotstuck.Crap ...I kept squirming but wasn't able to get out.I got even more stuck ....Slowly the others left." are you coming Levy ? " Lucy asked." n-no, I'm staying a bit longer .... " I didn't want the others to notice.If Gajeel saw me stuck like this, he would A: not help me B: he would laugh and would make fun ofthis for the rest of eternity ...But I'm shure I'm going to find my way out ! er �r[��

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