Chapter 12 Movie's And The Quiz

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hey guys,
i got bored an already got chapter 13 ready........
you will see it in no time !
plies leave a coment
to tell me what you tought

also : 
i don't own any of these charecters
Hiro Mashima is the maker of the original series Fairy Tail

* Lucy’s POV *

“ he said WHAT ? “  I exclaimed.
All the girls and Natsu were sitting at Erza’s place.
Natsu was sitting on the couch with me laying on the same couch with my head resting on his lap.
Erza and Mira both sat on their own chairs.
Levy and Lisanna were sitting on the floor next to Juvia who was crying.
“ tell us what happened ! “ Erza said.
She was trying to make one of her swords sharper, with was probably going to kill Gray….
“ G-Gray and I w-were talking a-and “ she kept sniffing or weeping between her words.
“ we were t-talking about what we’ll be doing in the summer”
I saw Natsu getting angry at the word ‘summer’ .
I got why he was angry, remembering what happened last week.
“ and then ? “ Lisanna asked.
“ he told me t-that he will be on a holyday somewhere and then asked me ‘ what I would do’ “
“ oh no he didn’t ! “  Natsu exclaimed.
We were here for less then and hour and Natsu already fitted in perfectly with all the girls.
It was hilarious since we had an ‘cliché girls night’ .
“ I’m kind of tired, so I’ll kill him tomorrow, oh yea, and I still need to beat Pinky over there for knocking me out last week”  Erza said while pointing at Natsu.
“ it’s not pink, It’s salmon ! “  Natsu yelled.
We all shook our heads.
“ no it’s not, it’s just pink…” Mira said.
“Laxus “ Natsu whispered.
“ Lu…” Mira said as a comeback but got cut off by Natsu throwing a pillow at her face.
They were both kind of blushing.
I laughed.
Erza got up and got some snacks.
“ we should distract Juvia, but how ? “ She suggested.
“ well laughter is the best medicine, so let’s make her laugh “  Natsu suggested.
I exchanged some looks with the other girls and smiled.
I got up and all the girls did the same.
Erza was holding one of her swords, Mira was in she-devil form and the rest was just strait up creepy…
We all looked at Natsu, who looked scared as hell.
I rubbed my hands evilly.
“ w-what are you doing ? “ Natsu stuttered.
“ we’re going to cheer Juvia up with a laugh ! “

“ I hate you ! “ Natsu exclaimed.
“ we know “ I giggled “ but it’s working ! “
Juvia, just like everybody else, was laying on the floor, laughing like crazy.
“ can I change back now ? “
I shook my head.
Natsu sight.
Natsu was wearing a pink dress that fit him perfectly, it matched his hair.
“ were did you even get this Erza ? “   Levy asked between laughs.
“ I have everything that is armor or clothes, and I got this one more than five years ago, it just hung there in the closet, ready for Pinky “
“ Salmon ! “
“  Pink “

“ I don’t care anymore I’m changing back ! “
Natsu got up from the couch, turned around and walked to the hallway.
His dress got stuck behind a doorknob and ripped.
Within seconds Natsu had only his scarf and underwear on.
He turned around.
Only to see me and all the other girls blushing.
He walked to the bathroom to change.
We all started laughing again.
After a minute of two he got back.
Juvia was happy yet again and had seem to forgotten what Gray said.
“ Anybody gotten on a job lately ? “  Lisanna asked.
“ we have “ I said “ we didn’t get paid though “ 
“to bad, I went on one to, got paid, but only half” Levy said.
“ anybody else ? “
“ nope “
We talked for an hour strait and plaid some games.
It got to six o’clock and Natsu and I decided to leave.
“ wanne grab some food ? “ he asked.
“ shure, were you wanne eat ? “
“ I have no clue “
“ we could go to 8-island or get some taco’s or something and watch some movies at my place ? “  I suggested.
He nodded.
“ taco’s it is ! take-away or restaurant? “
“ take-away “
“I’ll go get them, meet you at you’re place in half an hour ? “
“ shure “
Natsu ran off to get the taco’s while I went home.

I sat on the couch when I heard the window opening.
“ you know you could use the front door right ? “
“ 1. I don’t have a key   2. That’s no fun ! “
I held up a little box.
“ here you go “
He sat the bag of taco’s on the table and sat down next to me.
He grabbed the little box and opened it.
“ are you shure about it ? “ he asked.
I nodded.
He got a tiny key out of the box.
It was a red key with flames painted over it.
He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.
I got louse and smiled too.
“ now,  what movie do you want to watch?  I asked.
“ I have no idea, let’s see what is on TV “
I turned on the TV.
After about half an hour we found a good movie.
It was called: ‘ the flower ‘ .
It was about a rich boy who met a  slave girl and falls in love with her.
But she gets sold to another house and he sends her a letter with a flower every day.
But she does not get them.
And after years he dies and she is not a slave anymore.
She gets all the letters and flowers and reads them.
It had some sad parts and some funny parts.
The girl kept calling him:  money man.
And he called her :  flowers.

The next day I woke up in my bed, but I remember falling asleep on the couch.
Natsu had left.
I got up and got dressed.
I wore my typical skirt and shirt.
I left for the guild and sat down at one of the stalls next to Levy, Mira was on the other side.
“ hey guys, what are you doing ? “ I asked.
“ oh Mira is making me take some stupid quiz she made, to find out if me and Gajeel are a couple, but we’re not ! “
“ shure Levy, if you say so “ Mira responded.
“ you wanne take it ? “
“ shure ! “ I said.
“ oke first question “  Mira started  “ what was the last time you slept at the same house ? you have to be honest ! “
 “ eh … last night…” I whispered.
Levy started laughing and Mira just smiled.
“ second question:  does he have a nickname for you ?  “
“ does Luce count ? “ I asked.
“ no “
“ than no”
Just as I said that Natsu walked by.
“ hey Lulu, see you later “
I slapped my head on the table.
“ so yes ? “  Mira asked.
I nodded.
“ question three :  what is your favorite element ? “
“ I hate you “ I said under my breath.
“ what “
“ fire….”
Levy fell on the floor from laughing.
“ shut it iron lover ! “
Levy blushed.
“ what is the next one Mira ? “
“ forth question, made especially for you:  what is his hair color ? “
“ Salmon ”
“ it’s pink “ Mira said.
“ eh… I … eh …..” I stuttered.
“ you looooooove him ! “ Levy said.
“ shut it ! you sound like Happy “
“ last question:  what is your favorite season ? “
 “ you know that one ! “ I yelled.
“ you have to say it “ Mira whispered rubbing her hands like a devil.
“ summer ”
Mira tried to look like she was actually calculating something.
“ you are perfect for each other ! “ Mira said after a minute.
“ we are not ! “
“ I’m letting him make the test to ! “
Mira ran off to the bar were the guys were siting.

*  Mira’s POV * 

“ Natsu ! you need to make this test ! “ I yelled
“ oke, shure “
“first question :  what is your favorite hair color for a girl ? “
“ gold-blond “
“ second question:  are you in love ?! “
He blushed slightly.
“ I’ll take that as a yes ! “
He sighed.
“ third question : how would you describe your perfect girl ? “
“ eh… let me think…” Natsu said.
“ a nice and pretty girl with a good feeling for humor, she has to be a trustworthy and has to trust me, we need to be like good friends and she has to have slapped purf over here at least ones “ He pointed at Gray.
“ we know someone like that “ Levy and I said at the same time.
Natsu blushed slightly.
“ forth question :  where do you see yourself in ten years ? “
“  uhm … I will be like thirty or something so….”
“ wait !  you don’t know your age ? “
“well I do, but I don’t “
“ with one is it ? “
“ I don’t know precisely what my age is, but I know my birthday “
“ let’s just answer the question and move on” Levy said impatiently.
“  I want to be married or at least have a serious relationship, but still being in Fairy Tail of course “  Natsu says.
“ last question : what is your worst habit ?  “
“ I’ll have to say… breaking in threw the window into a house “
“ my house to be precisely ! “ Lucy yelled.
“ but we figured that out ! “ Lucy said smiling, while pointing at one of her selestial keys.
I don’t have a clue what she mend by that, but Natsu now had one of his adorable blushy smiles, so something was clearly up.
“ I’m certain ! you are made for this girl and she for you ! I could orange a date for you ? “  I said with a big smile.
“ no, but thanks, I think I met my future already “ he said with a smile, while flicking something in his hand.
I turned around and looked at Lucy, she was not paying attention anymore but Natsu was clearly looking at her.
I smiled.
This little ship was sailing !

A Normal Day In Fairy Tail( NaLu, GaLe, JerZa, GruVia etz. )Where stories live. Discover now