Chapter 16 The Car Crash

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hey guys
this chapter has Nalu ( as always ... ) and Gruvia in it
btw: never let Juvia or Natsu drive......
plies leave a coment and a like
to tell me what you tought

also :
i don't own any of these charecters
Hiro Mashima is the maker of the original series Fairy Tail

* Juvia's POV *

" Natsu ! get your ass over here, you need to leave ! " Lucy yelled across the guild.
" coming ! " the pink haired mage said.
I had my bags in my hands and rolled them behind me.
"why are they going with just the two of them ? " Gray asked.
" the client spesifecly asked for them " Erza explained to him.
Gray nodded and helped me with my bags.
Lucy had a map in her hand and was explaining to Natsu how we could get to our client.
" so here you get out of the train and take the car to get to the village here and then it should be over here " Lucy said while pointing all over the map.
Natsu nodded but it was clear that he wasn't paying attention.
The selestial wizard handed him the map and set him off to the carriage.
We got in and got waved out by our friends.
Wendy had cast a spell so he wouldn't get sick for another two hours.

( time skip: one hour and forty-five minutes )

The train slowly got to a stop and the people next to us got up.
" oke, according to the map, we need to take the next stop "
Natsu nodded.
After a minute the train doors closed and started moving again.
Somebody muffled something over the speakers but it was heart to understand.
" are you still oke ? " I asked Natsu.
He got a bit pail but nodded that he was fine.
The train was super-fast so we got out not ten minutes later.
The doors shut right behind us.
There was a car waiting for us with the guild logo on it.
Natsu loaded the bags into the back as I got in front.
I buckled up and Natsu got in as well.

( another time skip: ten minutes )

" Natsu ? "
" yea ? "
" witch one is the brake, were about to crash into a bridge ? "
" we're about to crash into a bridge ? "
" yup "
" I think it's right one "
" nope, we're only going faster "
" then it should be the le... "
* BOOM ! *
We had crashed into the bridge but all was oke.
I reversed and we both got out.
" I'm driving ...." Natsu said in soft tone.
I nodded with a bit of shame.
We switched places in the car and continued driving.
But the troia wore of....
Natsu passed out and I had to take the wheel from the passenger seat.
That didn't go well.....
We crashed again.
But this time, it was not oke.....

* Lucy's POV *

' run, get there fast and stop for nothing' were all my thoughts.
Gray, Erza, Mira, Levy, Gajeel, Lisanna, Happy and I were running our legs of to get to the hospital.
I saw the building up a head and pushed up the speed even more.
I slammed the doors open and stopped a second at the reception.
" Natsu Dragneel and Juvia Lockser ? " I said while panting.
" room one zero two " the receptionist said back in a calm tone .
The rest was still far behind but I started running again.
I almost kicked open the door to room one zero two, but kept my calm and just opened it normally.
There were two beds standing next to each other.
A pink haired guy and a blue haired girl laid on the beds without moving a muscle, there were barely breathing.
" Natsu ! " I exclaimed.
I ran towards his bed and fell down next to it.
A man in a white cough walked up to me.
" don't worry, they are not in life danger " the man said in comforting tone.
Tears rolled down my cheeks witch made them a bit red.
The rest caught up to me and walked into the room.
Gray was looking with gigantic eyes at Juvia's almost lifeless body.
The doctor called us all together to explain what happened.
" you all don't have to worry, your two friends are not in danger, they are only in a sort of, how shall I put it:
' mini coma '. They have some small wounds, mostly on their head. But they will fully recover from those in the next couple of days. What we do not know is when they will wake up, it could take an hour, a week or a month, we don't know. " He said.
" how did this happen ? " Erza said in a calm tone.
I didn't understand how the red haired mage could stay so calm in these sort of situations.
" they got into a small car crash, twice to exact "
" how can they got into a car crash twice ? " Gray asked seriously.
" that is a question we asked as well " the doctor said with a small smile.
" oh yea, Mr. Dragneel was able to speak a couple words before passing out again, would you like to know them ? "
Everybody looked at me.
I nodded slightly.
The man handed me a small piece of paper witch had some words scribbled on it.
I opened it and quickly read it.
More tears welled up in my eyes as I read it.
I fell into Levy's arms while everybody looked at me with concern.

Erza, Lisanna, Gajeel and Mira had left to inform the guild.
Mira and Happy were getting some food while Gray and I staid by Natsu an Juvia's bed side's.
I was not able to leave until I knew Natsu had woken up again.
Gray had the same sort of look in his eyes.
The silence was broken when Gray started speaking.
" So what did the note say ? "
I gave out a small smile.
"or are you going to keep that flame brain's message to yourself ? "
I smiled and handed him the paper.
He read it and smiled.
" now I get why you cried "
" so now you know why I can't leave, but what about you ? "
Gray's cheeks got a slight blush on them.
" well, eh... she... we .. eh ..."
" you looooooove her ! " I said in my best Happy impression.
" what ! "
There came a small bleeping noise from a monitor that was coupled to Juvia.
" what was that ? " Gray asked.
" she had a response on something you said " the doctor explained.
He had just walked in and saw it as well.
" response ? how, they can't hear us can they ? " Gray asked.
" they actually can, they can hear everything you say "
The man left again and Gray and I were staring at the monitors.
We kept saying things to our friends, with constant bleeps coming from them.
" wait ! I got an idea " I exclaimed.
Gray looked at what I was about to do.
I sat down next to Natsu and whispered something in his ear.
A long and loud bleep came from the machine.
I giggled and stud back up.
" what did you say ? " Gray asked.
" I just whispered the words: ' free food ' and got a response "
Gray laughed.
" he will never change ! "
After a couple of minutes Mira got back with Happy.
Mira handed me a cup of coffee and a muffin and the same to Gray.
Happy had a gigantic fish in his paws.

The sun had started to go down and Mira left for the guild.
Erza and Levy had visited but didn't stay long.
Levy had brought Gray and me something to eat.
Happy had fallen asleep cudgeling with half of the fish he had left over.
He was sleeping on the foot end of Natsu's bed.
I kept yawning till midnight.
I think I had about twenty cups of coffee but I still felt sleepy.
Gray had noticed and offered to stay up and wake me the second something happened.
I tried to stay awake for as long as possible but had fallen asleep around two am.
The next morning I woke up to Gray holding a bunch of roses and other bouquets of flowers.
Happy was putting down some 'get well soon ' cards next to the bed.
I smiled and stud up.
" so nothing yet ? " I asked.
Gray shuck his head.
" Lucy ? " I heard a familiar voice mutter behind me.
I turned around and saw Natsu trying to get up.
I stumbled across the room to get to him.
I pressed my hands against his chest and pushed him back underneath the sheets.
" you got to keep in bed ! "
Natsu had a grin across his face.
Happy jumped on top of him.
" be careful " I said to the blue exeed.
Happy nodded as he started hugging Natsu.
Gray smiled at me while poring some coffee for himself.
But not watching what he was doing, he poured the entire pot of coffee over himself.
Gray jumped backwards from the heat.
" Gray ! " a female voice yelled.
Gray turned around and tried to flee.
But he was to slow.
Juvia had him pressed against for floor.
" Juvia, when did you wake up ? " he asked.
" just now, but that is not important. Are you oke ? "
" I'm fine, your water body is helping a lot, but you should be in bed "
Juvia nodded and stud up.
She fell back down, still too weak to walk.
Gray sight and picked her up and laid her back into her bed.
A smile and a light blush was on both of their faces.

The rest had come to check up on the two.
Erza got everybody silent and stepped on a stool.
She cleared her troughed.
" all in favor of never letting Natsu or Juvia into the front of a car or other feacle again, say aye !"
Everybody except for Natsu and Juvia said 'aye' loudly.
The two had to stay in the hospital another day or so.
After that they were allowed to go home.
Natsu staid at my place while Juvia staid at Gray's.
We wanted to keep an eye on them.
And we will never allow them to even sit in the front of the car again !

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