Chapter 37 Memory

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Hey guys.

Sorry for this taking so long.
I've just been bussy latly.

But never the less, here is the chapter !

Sorry for the short twister parts in atvence.

I disliked wrighting it but just had some fun ideas and had to wright those.


* Gray's POV *

" first round, Gray and Juvia vs Lyon and Sherry " Mira announced.
Juvia skipped over to the sheet.

" Right foot red " Mira yelled.
" left hand green, Left hand blue and Right had Green "
After a moment everybody was still on the board, all twisted and turned.
Juvia was shaking on her arms and legs.
It was obvious she wasn't going to hold this out any longer.
One of her hands slipped and she started to fall.
I acted quick and shoved myself underneath her, holding her up.
Juvia smiled.
Lyon, on the other hand, shot me a death glare.
He bumped against me and held Juvia up as well.
" I'll help you my dear Juvi ! "
" You're supposed to let them fall Lyon, that's how we win ! " Sherry yelled.
After ten minutes we won.
Juvia jumped into my arms.
After a quick spin she leaned closer.
Wait what !?
Is she trying to kiss me ?!
" nope ! "
I quickly retreated my arms, dropping Juvia.
Lyon offered to help her up but she refused.
" only Gray may help me up ! "
She turned around and got pail, realizing I had already walked away.
" G-Gray ... ? "

* Lucy's POV *

" Natsu, stop that ! your gone get hurt ! " Mira yelled.
I turned around and saw Natsu running around the pool.
He stopped running and slided along the pool side.
He looked over to me and smiled.
This was adorable, if he wasn't such and idiot.
Natsu wasn't looking forward and slided right into a wall ...
Natsu laid spread across the floor.
" dumbass ... " I sighed.
After I moment I saw he wasn't moving and got worried.
" ehhhh ... Natsu ... ? "
I ran towards him.
Yes, I ran !
In this case your allowed to ...
" Natsu ! are you oke ? "
After a moment he woke up.
He tried to sit up and rubbed his head.
" awwwww, what happened ? "
" you ran into a wall ... "
Natsu sighed.
" well, that does sound like something I would do .... "
His pupils shot open and then got normal again.
" Natsu, are you oke ? " I asked.
He looked up at me surprised.
" who are you talking too ? "
" you .... "
" and you are .... ? "
" Lucy ... "
" and we are were exactly ? "
" the pool ... do you remember anything ? "
Natsu shook his head.
Mira came towards us.
" are you oke Natsu ? "
" who are you ? "
Mira looked to me confused.
" I think he lost his memory "
" that sucks, I'll get Levy to look something up to fix this "
She walked away again, leaving me and Natsu alone again.
" come, we'll get to the rooms. You need to rest "
I walked to the room, Natsu waddling after me.
He sat down on the bed in the girls room.

" so let me get this straight ... " Natsu said after a crap load of explaining.
" I'm a wizard that uses fire magic, you are you girlfriend and the blue cat is my brother ? "
" .... No, not exactly, Happy is not your brother, he is your friend and family, you hatched him from an egg "
" this is really confusing, you know ? "
" yes, I know ... trust me "

Levy ran into the room with a stack of books underneath her arms.
" where is he ! " She shouted, surging across the room.
Natsu raised his hand.
Levy stumbled across him and started examination Natsu from tip to tow.
" does it hurt here ? and here ? HERE ?! "

After ten minutes Levy was almost done.
" I have one last question ... " she said for the thousandth time.
" do you hate this man ? "
She pointed at Gray.
" what ? No, he looks like a nice guy ... "
I swear I saw something in Gray snap.
It looked happy, sad and joyful at the same time.
Gajeel cracked his knuckles.
" let's give him another blow to the head to fix this ! "
Levy jumped in front of his iron fist, while Natsu was covering his face.

* Levy's POV *

" Get out of the way Shrimp ! " Gajeel commanded.
" your gonne get hurt if you keep jumping in front of me "
I felt my cheeks burn a tad bit.
I looked away.
Gajeel saw my red face and realized he just said that in front of the entire group ...
He got a bit red as well.
He shock it off and pushed me aside.
" wait Gajeel ! if you hit him again, you could make it worse. His memories are still in there, but if he gets another blow this soon after the first, we might lose those to ! "
Gajeel sighed and got his hand back to normal.
He rubbed my head like I was a dog as he walked back.
" good girl "
I let out a soft growl of anger.
He heard and smiled.
" so now you're a Shrimp dog ? "
" what, no ! "
Natsu leaned over to Lucy.
" are they always like this ? " he whispered.
" pretty much, but don't worry, you get used to it after some time ... "
Why can't that metal eating idiot understand that he is making me mad !

Gajeel walked out of the room.
" were are you going ? " I yelled.
He didn't even look around.
" I'm out, this is boring. Don't worry though, you got this Hun ( as in Honey ) "
I got red.
Not only by the usual, but also with anger.
Why was he doing this ?!
He is sending me mixed messages.
First he's all nice to me, than he's awfully mean and now he's pissing me of again by doing both at the same time !
I hate him ...

I turned around again, shacking Gajeel off.
" so, where were we ? "

* A Couple Hours Later *

" I'm done ! "
" is he back to normal ? " Lucy asked me.
" no, but if decided that we will have to go back to the guild, I just don't have the books for this here "
Lucy sighed.
" fine, I'll get my things so the three of us can go .. "
Erza stopped her at the door and smiled.
" What are you talking about ? we're all coming with you ! "
Lucy smiled.
" I'm going to get Alex so we can go "
After a moment Lucy walked in with Alex.
" Sooooooo .... Memory loss ? "
I nodded.
" did he walk into a wall again ? "
Lucy nodded.
" I knew it "
He walked over to Juvia and got a high five.
Gray grinded his teeth.
Over the last week, Juvia and Alex had been spending some time together.
Quite a big time actually.
They were mostly talking about their affections towards Gray ...
Juvia didn't even seem to bother this new 'love rival'.
Gray on the other hand did seem to bother 'his' new love rival.
He clearly hated Alex.
Gajeel used to too but I told him about Alex being gay.
After laughing for ten minutes about it, I told him to tell the rest.
I think he didn't tell the rest ...
Pretty shure actually ...

* A couple hours later * 

I just finished telling the other guilds what happened.
Most guilds wished us luck while others sighed but offered to help.
And then there was saber tooth .....
" What an idiot !!! " Sting laughed.

Yukino tried to calm him and Rogue down as the two were both rolling on the ground laughing. 
I sighed.

I don't know what I expected from these two but this wasn't it......

* Time Skip *

" Gajeel, it's your turn " Erza said.
We dicited to all take turns in watching Natsu  as ... well, it's still Natsu ...
Gajeel looked sighed anoid.

" don't worry Hun, you got this ! " I said, giggling.

Gajeel didn't appreciate my comment ...

A Normal Day In Fairy Tail( NaLu, GaLe, JerZa, GruVia etz. )Where stories live. Discover now