Tom Hiddleston X Reader- Hiddleston's Dancer

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-Tom's POV-

Tom walked down the streets of London disguised only by glasses and a hat. A few fans stopped and asked for a few pictures and he was happy to oblige. He was on his way to pick up his sisters- friends- daughter Rose from her dance class. Just has he'd been rounding the corner he bumped into none other than his friend Benedict Cumberbatch. "Hey Tommy," Benedict said smirking. Tom grunted. Benedict knew he hated being called Tommy. "Hello Benny," he replied watching Benedict's face scrunch up in horror. Tom laughed and so did Benedict. "Where are you off to?" Benedict asked. "I have to pick up my sisters- friends- daughter from dance class. Care to join me?" Tom replied. Benedict laughed. "Sure. I've don't everything I need to do and I would love to meet this daughter of your sisters- friend. Wow. I hope I didn't sound too creepy," Benedict said laughing. Tom smiled and started walking. After about 10 minutes, with pit- stops around on the way due to fans, they arrived at the studio.

"Well here we go," said Tom and walked in. As he looked around he saw lots of children waiting to be picked up or mum's waiting for their kids. "Uncle Tom!" shouted a voice and he turned around. Rose ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "Hello Rosie," said Tom teasing the young girl. Rose looked at him and pouted crossing her arms. "My name is Rose Mr Hiddles," she said. Benedict laughed from behind him. "She told you Hiddles." Rose gasped and jumped out of Tom's arms. "I forgot my sticker from Miss (Y/N)!" she said. "Oh and hello Mr Cumberbatch." She pulled the men down the hall and towards her classroom. As they approach the room they heard music playing. Rose ran ahead and opened the door. Tom and Benedict ran over to Rose and stared. Inside was a girl. She had dirty- blond hair that was put into a messy bun, brown eyes and two nose piercings. That girl was you.

-Your POV-


You'd just finished teaching your last class of the day and it was your turn to practice your hip hop dance for the concert that the studio holds every year in two days. You were halfway through dancing to Worth It by Fifth Harmony when someone opened the door. You continued to dance and heard two pairs of feet run to the door. When your dance was over you heard clapping. You turned around and saw Rose and two very familiar looking men. "What are you doing back so soon Rose?" you asked picking her up. "I never got a sticker," she sighed looking down. You laughed walked over to your desk and opened your draw. "Pick one," you said holding them out to her. She picked a smiley face and put it on her shirt. "Thank you Miss (Y/)," she said pulling you over to Tom and Benedict. You smiled as she showed off her sticker to the two men. "Have we met before?" you asked them. They both laughed. "I'm Tom Hiddleston and this is my friend Benedict Cumberbatch," Tom said holding out his hand. You gasped and then smiled. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) but you can just call me (Y/N)," you replied shaking his hand. "You're a really good dancer (Y/N)," Tom said. You blushed. "Thank you. You coming to the concert in two days to see this little one," you asked putting Rose on your back. Tom smiled. "Yes I am. Are you performing?" "Yes she is," Rose yelled cutting you off. "Well then, I will see you in two days (Y/N)," he said and waved before walking out. "See you to Tom," you sighed.


Clothing (

All the acts were finished and it was your turn. They announced you name and you walked on stage. You could see Tom and Benedict in the audience and you smiled. You took your starting position and started.

-Time Skip-

You finished and took a bow. The audience started clapping madly and you ran off stage. You walked up to your class and congratulated them all. When you'd finished packing everything up you walked outside, over to your car and felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and there was Tom. "You were amazing," he said smiling. "Thank you," you replied. "I was wondering if you would want to, you don't have to, but I would like to go on a date with you. So...would you like to go on a date with me," he said shyly. You giggled and kissed his cheek. "I would love to Tom," you said and hugged him. "My little dancer," you heard him whisper as he put his arms around you.

"Yes," You thought. "I'm Hiddleston's little dancer.

Rose (

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