Newt X Reader (The Maze Runner) Newt's Angel

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You awoke to a loud banging noise from around you. You tried to pick yourself up from the ground but fell back when you felt a pain on your back. You turned around and saw you had a pair of angel wings. You groaned as you tried to stand and wished for your wings to go. They did but turned into a tattoo of wings on your back. On your left arm you had a tattoo of all the moon's fazes and on your right you had 'Experiment No. 206781' tattooed on. You looked around and saw you were in a metal box and it was going up fast. You look up and saw light coming very fast towards the box. You quickly sat down and pushed yourself into a corner thinking you were going to be squished. As you braced yourself the box stopped and the lid was thrown open.


You peeked out from your hiding spot and saw a whole group of boys looking sown into the box, but no girls. A boy with dirty- blonde hair jumped into the box and slowly walked over to you. "'s a girl," he said to the others. You heard them gasping and talking as the boy came closer. You pushed yourself further into the corner trying to think of a way out. And then you thought of one. You make your wings appear and pushed the boy out of the way. You flew up and out of the box until the pain from your wings cut in and you dropped to the ground. You turned around and saw your wings bleeding so you made them go back inside your skin and ran to what looked like an open door. You heard lots of voices yelling at you to stop but you just kept running. As you neared the entrance to the door someone yelled, "Stop her Minho!" and you were tripped over and help down. "Who the shuck is this?!" the person holding you down yelled. You tried to get back up but he was to strong. You were flipped around so you were staring at the boy on top of you. You stared to see darkness clouding your eyes. "Hey, hey are you alright?" the boy asked worriedly. You barely got a word out as you plunged into darkness.

You bolted upright and hissed when you felt you back sting. Looking around you, you saw you were in some type of hut. The blonde boy from earlier walked in and sat on the chair beside you. "That wasn't very nice Greenie," he said. You sniffed as you felt tears coming into your eyes. "I'm sorry," you whispered not making eye contact. You started wiping the tears off your face as you started crying. The blonde by lifted you up slowly so he wouldn't hurt you and hugged you and you nuzzled your face into his chest. "It will be alright," he said. After a few minutes you slowly lifted your head from his chest. You smiled. "Thank you..." You said not knowing his name. "Oh. I'm Newt," he replied. "(Y/N). Your name is (Y/N)," You heard your mind say." "I'm (Y/N)," you replied. "Now (Y/N) would you be able to open up your wings for me so I can clean them. I noticed that they were bleeding." You slowly made your wings appear and he grabbed some water and a cloth. He gently reached out and touched your wings and you gasped. Newt quickly removed his hand. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" he asked. You shock your head. "You just surprised me." Newt smiled and started cleaning off your wings. Once he was done you make them go back into your skin and tried to stand. Newt placed your arm around his shoulders and he placed his around yours and helped you stand up. You slowly walked outside and stared. You smiled and few boys came over to welcome you.

-Time Skip-

You'd been in the glad for about 4 months now. You were a runner with Minho and enjoyed every minute of it. They knew you were and experiment but none of them seem to mind. You were taking the day by watching Newt. You'd grown fond for him over the past for 4 months. You walked over to him. "You want to go for a fly with me?" you asked. Newt loved flying with you. His head shot up and nodded wildly and jumped on you back. You spread out your wings and flew all around the glade. When you saw the sun setting you smiled. Sunset was your favourite time of day. Newt shifted his body slightly and leant in towards your ear. "I like you (Y/N)," you heard him whisper. You sighed. "I like you to Newt," you replied smiling. "I love you my Angel," you heard him whisper before falling asleep. You gently flew down and placed him in his hammock. "Love you to Newty," you said quietly and kissed his forehead.

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