Jim Hawkins X Reader (Treasure Planet) My Captain

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-Third Person POV-

Jim Hawkins walked around Montressor Space Port with Dr Doppler. "Is that the ship?" Jim asked in wonder. In-front of them was a large blue ship called 'RLS Legacy'. "This is it," he thought. Walking over to the ramp they walked up. As soon as they got to the deck Jim ran straight into a gigantic blob. It started speaking in some strange language. Jim just stared as Dr Doppler started speaking back. After they finished talking a large rock man walked over to them. "Ship is looking ship-shape Captain," Dr Doppler said. The man laughed. "Ship-shape it is sir, but I am not the Captain. The Captain's aloft," he said gesturing to the mast. As soon as they looked up, a woman that looked like a cat, dropped from the mast. "Hello Mr Arrow," she said. "And you must be Jim Hawkins and Dr Doppler I presume." They both stared at her as though she was something they had never seen before. Then they heard a laugh.

-Your POV-


It was another day on the RLS Legacy with Captain Amelia. You were up tying up to ropes when you saw a young boy and a dog-man in a robot suit. You giggled.

You and Amelia had been best friends since you were children. When you both went to University she vowed to make you first mate on her ship when she became Captain. You accepted.

You pointed at them and she blushed. "Who you looking at?" you questioned smirking knowing she was looking at the dog. "No one," she whispered. She quickly straightened out her uniform and jumped down. You saw her introduce herself. The boy and the dog stared at her like they'd never seen something like her before. You snickered at their reactions but then burst out laughing. They all looked up at you and you saw Amelia stick out her tongue and gesture for you to come down. You grabbed your dagger, cut one of the ropes and swung down. You took of your hat and bowed. "Who is she?" you asked the boy say. "First mate (Y/N) (L/N) at your service. I do take tours but they cost," you said giggling. Amelia started laughing and the boy named Jim blushed. "Take them down to the galley. Jim will be working for Mr Silver," she told you. You nodded and started walking across the deck. "Why are you wearing that suit?" you asked Dr Doppler. "It has everything you need and I always come prepare," he said showing you all the different things it could do. You saw Jim roll his eyes and you laughed. "Mr Sliver!" you shouted and walked down the stairs. "Ah, Miss (Y/N). Pleasure seeing you today," he said wiping his hands on his apron. "How you doing?" you asked. "I'm good Miss (Y/N)," he replied walking over to you. "This is Jim Hawkins and he'll be working as your cabin boy," you said gesturing to Jim. "Pleasure to meet you Jimbo," he said holding out is hand. Jim shook it. "Well enjoy your time here Jimbo the Cabin Boy," you said leading Dr Doppler up the stairs. "Not if I die first," he retorted. You snickered. This was going to be great.

-1 Week Later-

You and Jim had gotten a lot closer over the past week. Every time you would talk to him you would get this bubbly feeling inside your stomach. But you wouldn't allow yourself to get any closer due to your past. But knowing that Silver knew and Jim would probably asked him, Silver would probably tell.

-Jim's POV-

I was cleaning the deck for the third time today. "This is great fun," I said sarcastically to Morph. I loved that little bugger even though he steals my boot every morning. "Why won't (Y/N) let me closer hey Morph?" I asked him and he looked down. "Touché subject?" I asked. "What is Jimbo?" I heard Silver aske as he tipped the rest of the dinner over board. "(Y/N)..." I said trailing off. "It is a bit," he replied. "What happened?" Sliver placed the pot on the ground and sat down, "Well as a young child (Y/N) lived a happy life until some cyborg gave something very important to her father. Soon after pirates came into her home and killed everyone. They killed everyone they could get their hands on. They killed all the people that were close to her Jimbo. She has no family left," Silver said sighing. "Thank you Silver for that very 'descriptive' story about my life," I heard (Y/N) say as I watched her walk over to us from behind the steering wheel. "Well...ah...I...um best be going. Bye Jimbo and (Y/N)," Silver stuttered and quickly walked away. I turned and looked at her.

-Your POV-

You sighed and punched the mast. You hand stared pounding and bleeding so you let it drop to your side. You sat down with your back up against the mast. "And that is why I don't get close to people because they are always taken away from me," you said staring off into space. "You can let me in you know," Jim said kneeling down and taking you sore injured hand in his. "How can I be so sure you're not going to disappear?" you asked looking down. "You can't," Jim said placing a finger under your chin and lifted your face to look at him. "But I'm sure as hell going to stay," and with that he leaned in and kissed you. You blushed but slowly paced your arms around his neck. He broke the kiss and hugged you. "My Captain," he whispered. "But I'm not..." and you were cut off. "My Captain," he repeated and you laughed. "Alright Jimmy. I am Your Captain."

Captain Amelia- (http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36800000/Walt-Disney-Screencaps-Captain-Amelia-walt-disney-characters-36865684-5454-3237.jpg)

Mr Arrow- (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/aliens/images/a/a0/MrArrow.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130301031748)

Mr Silver- (https://chronicchronicler.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/treasure-planet-silver.jpg)

Morph- (http://media.tumblr.com/39ec005ff632920c658efb5a8175c8f5/tumblr_inline_ms5mknsH261qz4rgp.gif)

Hallo Everyone,

Sorry I haven't updated until now. I was busy with school.

Thank you to all that people who read these. :)

Please feel free to request by message you comments.

Until next time. :)

Coming Up

Harry Potter (Harry Potter)

Dylan Webber (Paper Planes)

Eric (Divergent)

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