Then It Hit Me

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~Kellin POV~

I woke up early Monday morning to get ready to play main stage at Warped, I slip out of my bunk waking up Jack, Justin, Jesse, and Gabe. "Hey guys, time to get up! We don't want to be late!" I yelled. I could hear Jack snarling at me after I finished.

"Come on Jack, Kellin was right to yell today. We're playing MAIN STAGE!" Justin replied. Jack finally got up and walked over to his suitcase to get a clean outfit on. Before I knew it he and everybody else was ready except me! I suppose I got caught up in the television, at least we had another half an hour 'till show time, and to think I was the one making a big deal worrying about being late.

I go find my suitcase and pick out black skinny jeans and my Anthem Made tang-top and run outside shutting the door behind me to catch up with the crew but I guess I was going too fast because all the sudden everything went black.

~Vic POV~

I hear Mike's alarm going off and I than all the guys get out of their bunks. I really didn't want to get up, I felt like sh*t and probably looked like it too because I couldn't sleep last night, I was thinking too much. I manage to get up and get changed. I put on white skinny jeans and a 'Glamourkills' tank-top that Alex Gaskarth recently gave to me.

I walk out into our little I guess you could call 'party room' to find all the guys dressed and ready to go. "You ready Vic? We don't have a show for awhile so we can just walk around and hang with some friends. I know Austin wanted to hang out with you." Mike says.

Austin Carlile? It felt like forever since I talked to him. "Sure, lets go."

We all headed out of the bus.


Halfway to where Austin is I stop "Oh sh*t guys, I forgot my phone mind if I run back and get it?" I ask.

They all look at each other "Nope, go ahead. You'll know where we'll be." Jaime smiles. I smile back and head towards our bus.

"HEY!!! HEY VIC! VICTOR WAIT UP!!!" I hear somebody yell frantically so I stop and turn to see Josh from You Me At Six. I smile and wait for him to catch up to me.

"H-hey V-i-ic!" Josh says almost out of breath. Haha, wow I wonder what was so important. "Hey Josh, have a nice run?" I ask giving a faint laugh.

"R-r-eal funny V-v-ic. I actually c-c-ame with an invitation to a p-p-arty we're having since W-w-arped is almost over. Just look for a big tent." Josh said still gasping for some air while handing me a piece of cardboard with writing on it. "Haha, I'm coming for sure." I say as Josh starts to run to give the next invitation.

I look down at the invitation 'till all the sudden I feel somebody run into me. I look down to see Kellin Quinn, my best friend since we did 'King For a Day.' "Kells, Kells!!!! are you ok? Please get up" I plead frantically.

~Kellin's POV~

"Kells?" I hear as I try to figure out who's voice it sounded like. I slowly open my eyes to see some blurriness, I blink a couple more times to get my vision back to normal. I look over to see Vic. "Uh, h-hi" I say a confused.

Oh god, what happened, I bet I embarrassed myself in front of everybody. Why am I so clumsy?

"You sorta ran into me. When you fell you hit your head pretty hard on the gravel." Vic said with a worried look on his face. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Vic don't look so worried, I'm fine. I promise." I put on a forced smile. I felt the complete opposite other than 'fine'. I felt like a train ran over be but didn't quite kill me yet.

"That's great Kells, why were you running so fast anyways?" He laughed. Sh*t I bet I missed playing on main stage, just great. "I HAVE TO PLAY MAIN STAGE TODAY!" I frantically sat up with the most horrible headache.

"Kellin, you need to lay down." Vic put his hand on my arm calming me. "I suppose you're right." I say as I see my band come into the bus.

"Hey Kellin hows your head?" Justin winks. Wow, I guess I was meant to take that the wrong way haha. "Just fine." I tease as they all laugh except for Vic. I wonder if he thinks me falling is ALL his fault, I sure hope not he has a guilty look on his face.

"Kellin, We're over at Matty's from Memphis Mayfire in case you need us." Jack says as they all agree and walk out leaving Vic and I behind.

This turned awkward.. "Vic?" I ask looking up at his face. "Yeah Kel?" He forces a smile on his face. "You know Vic me getting hurt isn't your fault, right? It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was running." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I know." He teases.

He looks so tired, I wonder why. "Haven't you had any sleep Vic? You look like wreck" I try saying in the nicest way. He looked down at his feet. He looked so hot....

Kellin I think you hit your head a little too hard. He wouldn't like you the same way. I thought to myself.

~Vic's POV~

He's staring at me.. "I couldn't sleep last night, too much on my mind." I said to break the silence.

Should I tell him whats been going on? He might not what to talk to me ever again.

He looks at me "Like what?" I bite my bottom lip "Just something I have to make sure of."

"Maybe I could help." Kellin said determined. I really didn't want him to look at me any different. He's my best friend.

"That may not be a good idea Kells." I said looking down and back up to see he had an annoyed look on his face. He looked so cute.. "I'm sorry."

"Please Vic, you're my best bud. You can tell me anything." He smiled.

Kellin's POV

"Come on Victor!' I say putting my hand on his shoulder once again smiling.

He better tell me what's going on or else once I feel better I'm going to punch him. He looked down as if he was debating on telling me. Finally after about 3 minutes he looked up at me and asked me "Kellin, If I tell you do you promise you won't tell anybody not even Jack, Justin, Gabe, and Jesse?"

I smile "Of course" Vic whispers with a little pain in his voice "I'm confused about my.. well dating preference, guys or girls." I was completely shocked, I couldn't believe it. I felt the same way. "Say some Kellin!!, KELLIN!!" Vic raises his voice. "Sorry, I uh-" Vic cut me off "I messed up didn't I? I should've never told you."

I was completely fine!!! I was sorta.. well.... happy. "No Vic!! Haha, It's fine. I know how you feel." I half smile. Vic looks suprised "Really?"

~Vic's POV~

"Are you making fun of me?" I hope he isn't. I'll be so embarrassed. "Of course not Vic, I'm serious. Like you told me, I need to be sure." He looks at my lips.

"Well, we could always-" Kellin cut me off and leaned up pressing his lips to mine. I immediately kiss back. It felt so right I didn't want him to pull away but I he probably thought it was a mistake..


I hear Kellin's band coming up so we both pull back immediately before they walk it.

"Hey guys!" I hear Gabe say. "Hey" Kellin says with a smile on his face. Jesse walks over to us "How ya feelin' Kel?" Kellin sits up with an icepack held on the side of his head where he fell. I guess he had it hid under his pillow. "Better!"

I hear Justin announce about the party tonight "You think you'll be ready to party later on. We found you a girl." Justin winked.

After Justin said that I got up to leave knowing Kellin probably didn't feel the same way about me.

I heard Kellin say just before I ran out and slammed their bus door. "Vic wait!"

Then it All Hit Me (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now