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-Vic's POV-

I should probably get ready for the party that was in less than an hour even though I'm not feeling up for it; I told Mike I would go. I really don't think I want to see Kellin right now after the kiss it'll just be awkward.

Putting aside all my thoughts I found an outfit to wear; a light-blue V-neck and some skinny jeans. I messed with my hair a bit but figured it was impossible for me to get it how I wanted.

"Vic!" Jaime yelled.

"Yeah?" I yelled back from the tiny back room taking my eyes off the mirror that was settled on the wall.

I focused on the hallway to see Jaime and Tony.

"You ready?" Jaime smiled

"Yeah, where's Mike?"

"Already there." Tony peered up.

"Let's go then." I said with a smile.


We gathered into a tent filled with 'roadies' and other bands. There was some music blasting though the speakers and the smell of alcohol staining the area.

Tony and Jaime took their separate ways from me.

I stood there alone for awhile when I felt a hand on the shoulder.

"Hey bro, glad you came!" Mike smiled and handed me a drink with myself taking it out of his hand and taking a sip.

"Don't get used to it. Ill regret this in the morning." I laughed.

He smiled "I'm going to go talk to some friends, talk to you soon enough" he waved.

Well, ok. I'm just standing in the middle of the crowd awkwardly I should find somebody to chat with.


I still wasn't feeling up to this party so after 15 minutes of sitting and talking to whoever came up to me, I decided to just go to the bus and sleep.

I headed out and got stopped by who would've expected? Kellin.

~Kellin's POV~

The party didn't seem too bad; Actually, It was quite fun. I chatted with some friends and danced a little.

After awhile I decided to get a refill so I headed to to drinks to see Mike reminding me of Vic...

"Mike! Have you seen Vic around? He told me that he'd be here."

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure he's in the middle of that crowd over there." He pointed at a crowd of people.

"Thanks" I flashed a smile.

I walked over and searched for him but no luck. I found Jaime so I decided to chat with him.

"Jaime, have you seen Vic?" I called over the crowd.

"No, sorry bro!" He yelled over the loud echoing music.

"Thanks anyway" I smiled slightly.

I was getting a little upset over the fact I couldn't find Vic, thinking he was mad at me for what happened earlier; to top it off It was getting really hot it here. I should go outside before I get sick..


I made my way up to the exit when I seem a familiar figure; Vic.

I went up to him "Hey Vic!"

He looked down "Oh-uh hey."

Is he mad at me? "What's up?"

He looked back up "I was going back to the bus to lay down for awhile"

"Are you not feeling good? I could come with and-" he cut me off.

"No Kellin" he looked at me with a serious expression.

"Wait why?" Hurt sprung over me.

"Please just leave me alone. Ok?" He walked off.

"SCREW YOU VIC!" I yelled even though it sounds a bit dramatic, Vic was being a dick. Yes, I can conclude that from our 7 minute conversation.

Jaime ran out to see what was going on trying to stop Vic; He just kept walking until he reached his bus. Soon enough I seen Jaime going after him.

I went back over to the drinks and decided I'm just going to get drunk.

Then it All Hit Me (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now