It's time to talk.

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~Kellin's POV~

"Vic wait!" I yelled before he slammed the door. Why do I have to mess sh*t up all the time?

Justin was surprised "What's going on with him? I've never seen him so upset."

"It's nothing, can you help me up? I'm going to find him" I asked him. While he was helping me up I heard Jesse ask if I was gonna go to the party later. "Yeah, I guess" I walked over to the bus door holding my ice pack on the side of my head. "See ya later!" ...

I walked over to Vic's bus shaking. I knocked on their door and Mike opened gesturing me to come in. "Hey Mike have you seen Vic?" "Yeah, he just came into the bus, he's over in his bunk"

"Thanks" I walked right over to Vic's bunk and pulled open the curtain to see Vic on his phone tweeting. "Erm, hey Vic" I said awkwardly. "Hey Kells!" I crawled into his bunk next to him "Why'd you storm out of the bus awhile ago?"

"I wasn't feeling too good. I figured I'd get out of there just in case I was sick"

"You're such a liar"

~Vic's POV~

"You're such a liar" I heard Kellin say.

"Woa-" He didn't let me finish. He started off with a serious look on his face "We need to talk."  This is great. He probably doesn't want me to talk to him again. I messed this up.

"About?" I forced a smile.

"The Kiss."

Just what I needed to lose him. "Oh.."   "I'm sorry Vic. I should've never have kissed you" He looked upset.

"It's fine Kellin just- we could forget about all this. Try and get things back on track"

I knew it could never be the same; I look at him differently now. So many things were going through my head.. What if we both lose contact with each other completely? What if Kellin never wants to go near me without feeling uncomfortable? What if- No Vic just stop thinking.

  ~Kellin's POV~

  Forget about the kiss? That sounds great but I think we both know it can't be forgotten. I don't want to lose him as a friend, ever.

"Yeah, I guess that would be best" I smiled slightly as we both sat in awkward silence after that. I'd look up to Vic a couple of times and he smiled really awkward, I think I should leave now.. I slipped out of his bunk and got ready to leave when Vic grabbed my arm. "Are you going to the party later?" "Yeah."

"Okay, see you there" He flashed a smile and flopped back down and unlocked his phone.

 I walked out of their bus and headed towards mine running to my bunk and getting a pair of black skinny jeans and a 'Down But Not Out' gray sweatshirt along with my toms. "Tonight is gonna be a good night." I assured myself.  


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I just met Pierce The Veil last weekend (April 20th) and I got distracted for awhile. If anybodies wondering how it went... Vic likes my hair, he and Mike gave me a high-five, Jaime and I were talking about our birthday coming up (May 17th) and I got a hug from 3 of them. (:

Then it All Hit Me (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now