You Leave me Breathless

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~Kellin's POV~

It's been a three days since I've been staying at a hotel Jesse had helped me find.

Three days since I've bothered to go out.

Three days since I've talked to anybody.

Three days since I've last slept.

I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about Vic, Copeland, and the fans. I'm falling into depression and I don't care to do anything about it. I'm so selfish.

I felt a tear make its way down my cheek. Vic would be upset with me and would blame himself if he would up, I should find help because of Copeland, I need to be strong for the fans.

God, I wish Vic would wake up...

I continued to stare at the ceiling until I heard a knock at the door. I didn't really bother to answer it until the knocks turned into pounding.

"Just wait a second!" I yelled over the noise.

Thankfully whoever it was stopped and I rolled off the bed.

I was halfway to the door when I caught my reflection in the mirror that was hung on the wall near the door.

I haven't bothered to look at myself since I've been staying here and I honestly regret it. There's bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, my hair is tossed in ever direction, and I'm more pale then I was before. Fuck, in only three days.

I looked into the mirror one last time with a look of disgust on my before I walked to the door. I took a deep breathe and put on a fake smile before I opened the door. I turned the knob and saw Jaime and Tony who'd look as if they'd been crying again.

"Uh hey." I said but it sounded more of a question.

Tony gave me a small smile and Jaime looked at me in shock, "You look like a mess Kellin what the fuck happened?" He questioned.

I was sorta surprised since he and I had the fight. We haven't talked much but for Vic's sake I've been trying to forget about it and from what I could tell Jaime is too so I should take this as a blessing.

"Oh, it's nothing." I gave a small smile.

"Are you-" Jaime bean to speak but I cut him off, this is a conversion for another day.

"Anyways what's up?" I changed the subject.

"Uh well," Tony sighed "They don't know-" Jaime cut him off and gave him a look that I couldn't make out but I just shrugged it off.

"Come to the hospital with us?" He asked sounding hopeful.

I hesitated but nodded my head for an 'ok' an told them to wait a second so I could get changed.

I threw on a white tank, a pair of skinny jeans, and my over worn toms. I fixed my hair a bit and sprayed on cologne. I took one last look at myself.

Good enough.

I walked out into the hallway to Jaime and Tony, "let's go."


We were about to go in Vic's room when we heard through the creased door Mike say something to who I'm guessing was Vic so we stopped and listened, even though we should've respected their privacy.

"Vic I know you may not be able to hear me right now and I'm probably just talking to myself." We heard him laugh. "I need to tell you something." His voice was shaky but he continued.

~Mike's POV~

I was sitting beside Vic's bed alone so I decided now would be a good time to tell Vic what's been on my mind.

"Vic I know you may not be able to hear me right now and I'm probably just talking to myself." I laughed thinking how stupid this is. "I need to tell you something." I cleared my throat and grabbed his hand. "Vic, I need you to wake up please. I'm lost without you, I know it's only been a couple days but I miss you like crazy"

I wiped a tear that slipped down my cheek, "Mom and pops are a mess, they'll be here later as usual. Tony and Jaime are taking this pretty bad but the fans haven't found out yet so I don't know how much longer we have until they freak out."

I sighed. "Still haven't heard from Kellin. I'm guessing he's blaming himself for this, Vic-" I was cut off my Kellin falling in through the door and almost face planting.

~Kellin's POV~

I was standing near the crease in door when I heard my name so me being curious I leaned in closer and me being clumsy me I tripped over something -I think it was Tony's foot- and somehow ended up in Vic's room.

I picked up myself and looked back at the door seeing Jaime and Tony before it quickly shut. I looked at Mike who had moved from the side of Vic's bed to in front of it, "I-uh" I pointed to the door, "uh-" I tried finding something to say that wouldn't make me sound so clumsy but I couldn't think of anything, "fell." I said defeated.

"Dude, what the fuck happened with your face?" He asked changing the subject.

"Nothing serious." I gave him a small smile.

He walked back and sat in the chair beside Vic's bed."Sit." He ordered and pointed to the chair that sat on the other side of the bed.

I quickly sat down and looked past Vic to Mike. I can't handle looking at him, that's why I haven't been visiting. How can this not be my fault.

"Kellin, have you even slept?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah." I put on my best fake smile and lied.

"You liar. Tell me why you haven't." He demanded.

I pointed to Vic, "This is my fault."

"Kellin, it was Vic's own decision to go after the girl." He said,

"I could've stopped him though Mike. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for me."

"Kellin, Vic wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

I sighed, "I know."

"When was the last time you've slept."

"I sl-" he cut me off. "And tell the truth.

I sighed and looked down, "Three days." I said under my breath.

"Sorry what?" He asked.

"Three days." I mumbled.

"Kellin speak up." He demanded.

I looked up and met his gaze, "I haven't slept in three days."

"Kellin, you need to sleep." He frowned.

I could tell this was going to be a long conversation so. It's not that I'm mad at Mike for caring its just, I don't want people to care for me when Vic's laying in a hospital bed. "I have to go."

I walked over to Vic and kissed his forehead, then moved down to his ear, "Victor, I need you so bad please make up." I whispered.

I let the many tears that I've been holding back fall as I grabbed his hand to whisper one last thing that I haven't told anybody in years, "I love you." I kissed him one last time on his forehead.

I was about to let go of his hand but I felt a light squeeze. I looked down at our intertwined hands, "Vic?" I breathed.


Nope, it's not the end but you guys should tell me how you liked this chapter? Ugh, next one should be longer. C:

Oh and hey guys will you do me a favor? Go check out my Jalex story? It's called 'Taking Chances' (:

Love yooooou.

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