Say All That You Have To Say

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~~Kellin's POV~~

I woke up in Vic's hospital room, his arms wrapped around my waist, and my head resting on his chest. I smiled looking up at him still sleeping. I didn't want to wake him just yet though so I rolled onto my side, getting a better view of Vic. I cupped his cheek in my hand and rubbed small circles onto his skin with my thumb. He looked adorable with his mouth slightly opened, and hair a mess. Yeah, I've seen him asleep before but only with a breathing tube. Right now he looked peaceful without it.

It meant everything to know that he was getting better, he was going to be able to tour again, his family would get to talk to him again; I get to hold him again.I'd get to do all the things I should've done before.

I leaned touched our foreheads together and brushed his lips with mine. "I'm so happy you're still here." I whispered.

I didn't bother to try and wake Vic up even though I should've, I mean he pretty much slept for five weeks. Soon enough, after about twenty minutes his eyes began to twitch. I took the opportunity to wake him up with a kiss as cheesy as that sounds.

I leaned in slowly and placed my lips onto his. I felt him tense up at first, obviously surprised at the sudden actions but soon he kissed back and I felt him smile into the kiss.

We both pulled away from each other, out of breath. "Thanks for that." He said with a smile. "I'd hate to ruin the moment but I'm starving." He joked making he laugh.

I forgot he hadn't ate in awhile, a long while and yesterday all he had was some crackers. I guess he's getting his appetite back and honestly so am I. "Press that button." I gestured to the remote that sat on his bedside table.

He leaned over and pressed it. "You know hospital food is horrible right?" I said truthfully. He shrugged, "I'll just ask for jello."

After waiting for a short time a nurse came in with a plate full of pancakes and a hash brown, knowing he was probably hungry.

I looked over to him. His smile bigger than before and his eyes lit up looking at the food that the nurse sat down in front of him. "I'll be letting you know if this taste disgusting or not." Vic laughed and winked at the nurse before she left blushing.

I didn't want to start an argument over nothing so I watched as he picked up a fork and knife that was sat on the tray and cut apart a pancake.

He was acting was acting really formal in front of me which only made me laugh because if I was him I'd be devouring every bit of food somebody'd give me. "What?" He asked blushing and cutting apart another piece.

"Nothing." I looked away trying to hide my smile which only made him nudge my shoulder. I whimpered in pain, though didn't hurt I just wanted to hear him laugh. "You're a loser." He joked.

A loud rumbling came from my stomach before I could say anything. I could feel my cheeks turn red as I saw Vic put down his silverware and grab the hash brown he set aside and put it in front of my face, "Here, eat.." he handed me the hash brown, "I have enough pancakes to fill me up. They're pretty good actually."

Once Vic was done eating the nurse came in, "You guys did good, I'll give you that." he told the blonde. "Thanks." She said blushing. "You-" I cut her off before she could say anything that would tick me off. "Do you know what time it is?" I asked her, putting on my best fake.

She looked down at her wristwatch and back up to me, "eleven forty-five. Mr.Fuentes I think your parents said something about visiting today." Her gaze shifted to Vic who was now biting his lip. He was either thinking about something or - "Do you know when I can leave?" He asked the lady. "A few tests and we'll let you go in about two days. Also, hows your leg feeling?" She asked only annoying me more.

I rolled out of Vic's bed and stretched while he and this nurse were talking. I could go get something to eat or I can let them talk about whatever while I sat awkwardly. I'll go eat. "I'm gonna go eat." I stated before walking out into the hallway and wondering mindlessly throughout the halls and reading the signs until I found the cafeteria.

I bought an apple for myself and a cup of jello for Vic. I knew I'd have some explaining to do for my jealously which is completely selfish of me yet again considering he just woke up and he deserves trust. Can you blame me though?

I sighed making my way to the door to his room and knocking, "Come in." I heard Vic through the door.

I walked and seeing the nurse had left and Vic was laying down, looking up at me with a raised eyebrow. "I got you some jello." I said walking over to his bedside table and sat the food down. Then, sat in the chair I've become so familiar with. "Didn't know if you were still hungry or not." I said truthfully.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Why don't you ask that nurse? What's her name? Lisa?" He looked at me confused until' it finally hit him and he had a smirk on his face. "You were jealous" he exclaimed.

By now my cheeks were probably red from embarrassment for the second time today. "Yeah, I'm sorry" I said shamefully. He gestured for me to come closer, so I dd.

Earning a light playful slap across my face and a kiss on my cheek, he laughed. "You're seriously such a loser."

"I can't help that I love you." I sighed, instantly regretting what I just said. What if he thinks its too soon? I mean we're not officially dating.

He rested our foreheads together, "You what?"

" I love you." I repeated.

"I love you too"


This chapters supposed to be cute really.

Thought's on it? Did you like it?

No clue why it didn't sync the whole story at first

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