We'll leave it at this.

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You thought I never had a gun in my life,

But now I carry one around just in case I see you tonight.

~Kellin's POV~

I got out of the shower, fixed my hair, and picked out a red and blue tank top with skinny jeans. Looking in the mirror I felt decent, even with my black and blue eye.

I went outside and headed to Pierce The Veil's bus when I heard Justin yell, "Kellin!"

I turned around and waited for him to catch up to me, "Yeah?"

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"To apologize to Vic and Jaime for last night." I stated.

"You're joking right? You can't go there Jaime will fucking kill you." I only remember bits and pieces of last night. "Last night was that bad?"

"Bad enough."

I continued back to walking "I have to see Vic."

Justin grabbed my arm, "You are not going on that bus."

"I'm going to Justin, watch me." I pulled my arm out of Justin's grip and ran with him chasing after me.

I was faster than him surprisingly, I reached their bus and knocked.

~Vic's POV~

I got out of the shower and threw on a random pair of jeans, a grey tank top, and threw on my pair of Vans. Good enough.

I walked into the front part of the bus to try and talk to Jaime but he wasn't there either was Mike or Tony. 'I'll catch up with them later' I thought to myself while walking over to our little fridge and picked up a water.

I crawled into my bunk and thought about last night. 'Was I really being a dick? I was just tired.' I questioned myself when I heard a knock on the door.

I managed to get up and open the door to find Kellin forcing a smile but all I could do was stare, I was shocked. He looked so different; A black and blue eye, busted lip, he was so pale and looked like he'd been crying. 'Wow, Jaime really did some damage.'

Kellin snapped me out of my thoughts, "Uh, hi Vic."

"H-Hi." I managed to say.

"Can I come in?"

"I'd rather you not."

"Listen Vic, I'm so sorry-"

I thought about what he said last night to me and then to Jaime. "I don't care Kellin. I just want you to leave me alone." I felt my throat tighten, I wanted to cry but not in front of him. I choked out "Please."

"Vic just listen plea-"

"GO KELLIN! I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE AND I MEANT IT" I yelled and slammed the door.

I jumped into my bunk and stared at the ceiling, tears starting to stream down my cheeks.

~Kellin's POV.~

Vic suddenly slammed the door in my face. Realising "I just lost my 'best friend' " I said to myself.

After about 10 minutes I got the strength to walk away, I walked over to a tent and sat just looking at the ground. So many things where rushing through my mind, so many emotions I couldn't control. I started to feel a tear run down over my cheek.

I wiped it away but only more fell. I put my hands over my face and sobbed until' I heard a familiar voice, Justin.

He put a hand on my shoulder, "Somebody wants to talk to you."


Wonder who?

Then it All Hit Me (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now