5. They Miss

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A/N: Okay so I don't have much time but my sister just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy this morning and I'm off to see them so let's hope I update next friday if I'm not too excited haha You're lucky I decided to update while I was waiting otherwise you wouldn't have got an update today. Can't wait to meet my nephew! My niece doesn't even know what her brother is lol to her he's an alien.

Enjoy! Sorry for mistakes, right now I don't care because I'm too happy haha but later I will care and kick myself.

5. They Miss

"OMG, it feels like somebody whacked me with their car!" Leighton said, stumbling along the road with Olivia in the early hours of the morning.

Olivia stopped walking, "Not funny, Barbie."

Leighton sobered up for a bit and looked at Olivia as apologetically as a drunk person could, "I forgot, sorry. I'm drunk though." She laughed, still stumbling about.

Olivia snorted, grabbing Leighton's arm, "Damn right you are. Let's get you home."

Leighton gasped and tripped, trying to get away from Olivia's firm grasp, "No! No, no, no. No, I don't want to go home. My mother will kill me."

Olivia sighed, thinking for a few seconds before reluctantly saying, "You can crash at my place, my mum won't mind. She'll think it's a sleepover and I'm making friends." Leighton was busy retching near a lamp post when Olivia pulled her up. "Come on, Barbie." Olivia made a sound of strain when Leighton put all her weight on her. "I'm not that strong Leighton, you're going to have to carry some weight. Even though you don't weigh that much." She muttered as an afterthought.

Leighton giggled randomly before asking, "Do you even bring your car?"

Olivia frowned, "You mean, did I bring my car? No. And wow, you are more far gone than I thought you were. Let's get someone to drive us home. Stay here." She instructed as she left Leighton leaning against someone's car.

Olivia went back into the party, still in full swing for the past five hours. Janelle had gone home by that point so that left Sapphire to take them home. Except Sapphire wasn't there when Olivia looked. Olivia sighed. She caught sight of a familiar face, "Hey, Duke? Are you drunk?"

"Well, well. If it isn't the girl who rejected me." Duke took a swig from the alcohol bottle in his hands and Olivia backed away, understanding that he was indeed drunk.

Olivia went searching round the ground floor, "Oh my gosh, Delaney, right?"

The other girl nodded carefully. "Yeah. Do I know you?"

Olivia sighed in relief at finding at least one familiar face, "Do you know where Retro is?"

"She's out the back." Delaney narrowed her eyes. "Did you just call her Retro? Gosh that idiotface Emerson really has made a nickname out of it." Delaney moved away, walking off, leaving Olivia to close her opened mouth dejectedly.

"I was going to say thank you." She muttered to herself. Olivia ran to Chuck's kitchen where the back door was wide open. Sapphire seemed to be in a conversation with a familiar girl that Olivia recognised and refused to believe Sapphire would do that.


The crying girl didn't turn but Sapphire did.

"Give me a minute." She hollered back. Sapphire whispered something to the girl on the floor and she looked up at Sapphire for a second and looked down to the ground and shook her head. Sapphire heaved a sigh and turned to walk towards Olivia.

"Was that who I thought it was?" Olivia whispered loudly as they walked back into Chuck's house.

Sapphire said through gritted teeth, "If that's who you think it is, it probably is."

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