Prologue. They Discover The True Meaning Of Hate

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'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'

~ Sun Tzu


Prologue. They Discover The True Meaning Of Hate





1. intense dislike.

"feelings of hate and revenge"


2. To feel hostility or animosity toward.

To detest and passionately loathe.


Blog Entry #13

We can't do this any more. It's all backfiring.

Life is way too short to hate - you end up with feelings of regret and self loathing. It's a vicious cycle! We were being stupid, immature and immoral. We were becoming our own worst enemies. We became the bullies. It's not right.

Time is ticking. Hate can kill. But so can fear.

Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy.

x The Hate Club x


It wasn't really a great day weather-wise, but the fact that the four sworn female enemies of Westbrook High were working together indicated that maybe it was indeed a great day.

No one thought that they'd get along. These stereotypes were demeaning to each other, yet they fitted the girls somehow.

Leighton Willows was a loud catty cheerleader. Janelle Emerson was a proud academic geek. Sapphire Retro was a wild rebellious troublemaker. Olivia McHouse was a witty creative artist.

But how could the four of them find  something in common? It was a wonder how they could find a mutual dislike for Hilary Hunt to be the basis of a strong friendship.

They started off with a very mild understanding of hate. They called themselves The RockHard Girls for their hate for a certain strawberry blonde girl was rock hard, unbreakable. Then they formed a club, gaining attention.

 The Hate Club.

"Everyone hates her."

"Even people who don't know her."

"Are we doing a bad deed?"

"No, we're giving her a taste of her own medicine."

It thundered later on that day. And they should have recognised a pattern. Thunder was always a bad sign. It was their unlucky omen.

 Maybe the four of them working together was not the best of ideas.


A/N: Hope you liked it! It's just a reformed idea of my other book that kind of went no where :D Not so much excitement in this prologue but it will build! :) It might seem cliche and stupid but please give this a shot! I had this idea for a long time now :) don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FAN AND SPREAD THE WORD! :)

~Nya xoxo

P.S. * A note - Bullying is not acceptable, no matter the circumstance. The message of this story is to prove that bullying can be harmful and therefore to stop the horrible events from happening in the future.

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