4. They Spread

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4. They Spread

"Can we please take a break?" Sapphire groaned, tired of looking through a book for so long.

"Friday afternoon itself is an excuse for a break," Janelle pointed out, shoving a book in Sapphire's face. "Just one more quote and then we're done. Oh and we have a meeting in five minutes." She lowered her voice.

Sapphire nodded, straightening up, "Let's do this."

"Okay, what about 'I must be cruel only to be kind'?"

"I guess Hamlet's trying to say that he really loves her but his harsh words cover it up. He is being cruel for her own good."

"Right, and-"

"Okay, let's go now." Sapphire got up abruptly.

"Aren't we going to analyse the quote in depth?" Janelle said, acting like a condescending teacher.

"No, or we'll be late and Barbie will throw make-up at us." Sapphire hissed, walking away from an eye rolling Janelle who huffed, annoyed, but followed the red head.

Janelle knocked on the door two times, in rapid, even knocks and waited five seconds before giving a final knock. Janelle only had to knock two times rapidly, Olivia once, Leighton thrice and Sapphire, four times. It was their code.

"It's Bookworm." Janelle whispered furiously, making Sapphire snicker.

The door opened quickly and the two girls entered and closed it quicker.

"Right, so has anyone got any ideas on how to expand this club?" Leighton said bitterly.

Sapphire blurted out, "I think more people in this hate club has the potential to damage her completely-"

"Good, she deserves this." Leighton shot out venomously, her blue eyes piercing Sapphire's brown ones.

"We're as bad as her then!" Sapphire almost shouted.

"Retro, I know what we're doing is essentially bullying but she has it coming to her. Everyone else will want it too. This isn't some petty feud. She has ruined lives because she thinks it's funny. People have left school or moved because of her." Janelle reminded her; her approach was surprisingly softer but justifiable.


"Either you're in or you're out, Retro." Olivia said quietly yet powerfully. She gave her a blank, cold stare that rendered Sapphire speechless before making her sigh.

"Whatever. I just want my answers. If this is the solution then okay, I'll do it."

"When did you develop a conscience, Miss I-destroy-things-and-don't-care?" Leighton said condescendingly at Sapphire, sitting down on the round table. Sapphire did not have a reply to that.

"A blog." Janelle said suddenly, breaking the silence.

"A-what?" Leighton said, her back straighter than usual, ears perking up for a sound like an animal in the night.

"A blog."

"Shh." Leighton hushed her.

"What now, Barbie?"

"Shh! I hear this weird noise. It sounds like an engine though." She said, confused, looking around the basement.

"What, down here?"

"She's right, I hear it too." Olivia said, following the source of the noise, going further into the back of the basement. It was darker near the back.

Olivia stumbled and pushed onto a flimsy piece of wall by accident. She then realised it wasn't a wall. It felt like a door. She took her phone out and shined the flash-light on her camera. It was a door – to another staircase. "This place is full of secret hideouts!" She exclaimed.

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