♪ Chapter 38 ♪

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~Aria's P.O.V~ 

I sat on the brown bench, placing Zayn next to me. His eyes were still tightly pressed together and his arm rested protectively around his stomach. 

"I am not a bad cleaner by the way. It's just you weren't careful," I stated as I tried to pull his arm away so I could inspect his stomach. 

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I will just be here in pain," He groaned. 

I rolled my eyes and lifted up his shirt to see a slight bruise starting to appear near his abdomen. I could tell that it was going to turn a harsh color of purple and black if we didn't get ice on it right away. I brushed my fingers against the red skin causing Zayn to make a small moan. 

"Don't touch it," He muttered. 

"Oh be a man," I tease before standing up and making my way to the freezers in the back of the room.  

I opened the door of the freezer which was stocked up with frozen water bottles, frozen cloths and ice packs. There also seemed to be boxes of freezies but I wasn't sure if anything was inside them. I grabbed a pack of ice and made my way back to Zayn who was now laid across the bench. 

"Here," I said as I crouched down next to him and gently placed the ice pack across the red sensitive skin. 

"Ahh," He let out a sigh as the cold came into his burning skin. 

"Does your foot hurt a lot too?" I asked as I shifted over to inspect his foot. 

"A little. It just stings," he stated before he lifted the ice pack and placed it on top of his shirt over his stomach instead of having on his bare skin. 

I looked at his bare foot but there weren't really any problems. It wasn't bleeding but the bandage was shifted over a little. I sighed and got up to get him another bandage so no germs would get into his cut. I didn't really like the feeling of playing nurse but it was kind of funny seeing Zayn laying down while cursing and in pain. 

I replaced his bandage and took a seat next to him. 

"Wanna go home?" I asked. 

He nodded his head so I helped him get up and towards the exit. I picked up my gym bag and handed him his then walked towards Fred who was watching the next match going on. 

"Leaving already?" He asked without turning around. 

"Yeah. Hopefully I'll see you before I leave for London but if I don't then soon," I stated patting him on the back. 

"I'll miss you. And be careful, don't want you getting hurt," He warned. 

"I'm strong enough to protect myself," I smiled as I put my bag on the ground to hug him. 

His arms wrapped around me, "I'm not talking about physically. That boy over there seems nice and I like him but a boy always makes mistakes," He whispered into my ear before letting go. 

I nodded and picked up my bag, "Thanks Fred," I stated before turning around to join Zayn, who stood at the exit. 

"Ready to go?" He asked as I reached him. 

"Yup. I'm tired and hungry so I can't wait to get home," I sighed. 

Zayn chuckled and threw his arm over my shoulder so I could support his weight. We walked towards my car and it was then that I realized it was already 5 in the evening. I'm surprised I haven't fainted yet since I haven't eaten anything this whole day. I have to admit that I was starving but at the same time thinking about food wasn't really appealing. 

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