♪ Chapter 25 ♪

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~Zayn’s P.O.V~

I sat there with my mouth open, not knowing what to think. I mean everything I just heard is a little over-whelming.

“Are we really staying here for another hour because there are so many fans outside?” I asked in disbelieve.

Paul nodded and gave me an apologetic look, “Sorry, we will try to get the fans out of the way but for now you lads just have to stay put,” He shrugged before walking away from us.

Liam groaned and slumped down on the sofa while Niall just shrugged and made his way to the table with food.

“Aria is going to be a lot more pissed than she already needs to be,” I whined.

“Well there is nothing you can do about it mate,” Louis said.

I nodded and just closed my eyes hoping for the best.

“Hey have you guys seen Harry?” Louis asked.

“No, I think he is still changing...” Niall said with a mouth full of food.

We all nodded our heads and sat there waiting to be freed from this place so we could go pick up Aria. Liam took out his phone and started going on twitter making me search for my phone. Without success, I remembered that I left my phone on the table in the change room to charge it.

I stood up and walked over to the change room only to find harry holding my phone with a shocked expression on it. His eyes met mine and then he quickly walked up to me.

“Zayn you got to listen to me,” He said panicky.

“What? Calm down… Jeez, and what you doing with my phone?” I asked him taking my phone out of his hands.

“Okay so when I was changing, your phone started ring and when I saw it was Aria’s name I picked up thinking it was important… But then I heard stuff,” He ended with a quiet voice.

“What stuff?” I quirked up my eyebrow.

“The phone was silent at first and then I heard mumbling, like voices talking to each other… It was quiet but I could make out what they were saying…” Harry continued.

My eyes widened as I figured out what Harry meant to say.

“It was Aria and P-“I cut Harry off not wanting to know the details.

“We need to find Aria now,” I said in an angry voice.

I can’t believe she would do this to me! We were just going through a rough patch and there she goes doing something behind my back. I don’t even know what to think anymore.

“How? Management said we needed to stay here for a while until they clear the fans,” Harry said, catching up to me.

I shrugged and grabbed a hoodie. Putting it over my head, I also grabbed a pair of dark sunglasses.

“They can’t stop me,” I muttered.

I clutched onto my phone and made my way to the back door. I sprinted out the parking lot and through a crowd of people. They didn’t really see me as all of their attentions were on the front door where my other band mates were going out of. I managed to get too far enough to see the road and taxies waiting to be hailed.

“Wait Zayn,” I heard a voice from the distance.

By now, not much people were around me so they didn’t realize who I was.

“What are you doing Harry? Don’t follow me,” I yelled at him while picking up my past.

“Why are you so angry? You didn’t even let me finish!” harry exclaimed.

Hate Turns To Lust (One Direction/ Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now