Chapter 2

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Finally updated! I'm sorry it took so long, I swear I've been trying! I changed my mind on the point of view though, instead of it being Tara, it's Taiven. Which is just as good I suppose because I know a lot of you have been anxious to see what's been going on with him.

I won't keep you all much longer, I would just like to thank @adisinclair for making such a lovely collage. If any of you would like to submit your covers or collages of my story as promotional work I'd be happy to share.

Thank you all so much for your support! Now read on my little mermaiders!

Picture: Collage by @adisionclair 

Song: Awake and Alive by Skillet

Chapter 2


He was dreaming; that he was certain of.

He saw his kingdom be destroyed by those of the Deep and he watched as his people tried to swim away to flee the danger, but instead found themselves being eaten, or killed by the enemy. He saw his sister Cyri and his father fear for their lives, with nowhere to hide. Taiven wanted to wake up, but for some reason couldn't. He was force to see the heartbreaking images before him; he was forced to watch the horror that resembled too much reality. He didn't want to watch, he wanted it all to end!

"Taiven?" He heard someone say. And finally, he managed to open his eyes. Before him he saw the face of his beautiful younger sister Breena, whom he hadn't seen in months. Because his eyes hadn't fully adjusted to the light yet, it was as if she was glowing.

She smiled at him, and he smiled back, happy to finally feel as if he were finally safe. But that feeling quickly went away as he suddenly remembered the nightmare he'd just had. He needed to go see his kingdom, now.

Taiven pushed himself off the rock he'd been laying on and swam past his sister to be more present within the group. With him were Gregory and Gabrielle Caslynn, whom he immediately recognised. As well as Alacreed Montrosa, and finally someone he did not know. But he immediately recognised his eyes; they were the same as Tara's. They both looked at his each other, evaluating one another. No words were exchanged; just a simple head gesture was enough of an introduction. Besides, they had more important matters to deal with.

"We must go to the Upper Kingdom." Taiven announced, sure of him and rather happy he was once again back in charge. Sadly, he didn't get the reaction he was hoping for. There was total silence amongst the group, before Ridgemont spoke upon their behave.

"No offence your majesty, but I think we should go see if Tara's okay first." The merman said. "The Maverick shouldn't have had an impact that far, but we should still go see her. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you." Taiven heard the others mumble in agreement. He took a few seconds to think it over, but he'd already made up his mind.

"I am certain that she is well." He said, trying to keep his pride intact. "But my people need me. They must know that their king is well and has return to them in these dark times."

He watched as the group exchanged looks, none of them seemed particularly happy about his decision, but were keeping quiet about it. All of them... but Ridgemont.

"You do realise what we've gone through just to get you back alive, don't you Majesty?" Ridge said, Taiven could see the anger in his face. "We're only asking you to go see your wife, and your son. They need you too."

Taiven was about to reply, before he was interrupted. "I agree with Ridge." Gregory Caslynn said. "My sister and I have lost everything, all to get you back alive. And you haven't even said thank you."

Stupid children, Taiven thought to himself. They always want attention and they always want to be right. Their ego clouds their judgement.

"I am eternally grateful to all of you." He said, choosing his words carefully. "But I am your king, and for this matter I am not asking democracy I am asking for you all to follow me in my decision; whether it displeases you all or not."

The rage in Ridgemont's face was emanate, he was going to say something but Breena finally spoke up. "I will go with you brother, but it would be wise to go see Tarabelle as well. Therefore, I propose with separate the group. Who will come to the Upper Kingdom with us?"

"I will" Alacreed Montrosa said, and Taiven was satisfied.

He nodded, a small smile to his lips. "Then it is decided! Bring my wife to me once you have her with you." He turned his back on the group. "Come sister, come half-merman, we leave now."

"She can't swim." Ridge called out, irritated, the king turned back around to face him. "When you both got shot, it paralysed her from the waist down. She can't use her tail and she can't turn back into her human form. And even if she could, she wouldn't be able to walk anymore."

Taiven felt a pinch of sadness. How unfortunate. S he could always use her arms to swim, but it won't be as fast and effective. Walking didn't exactly matter, Tara was queen of the ocean, and so she didn't need to be on land. However, what hurt Taiven more was the disrespect this group was giving him. Yes, he hadn't sat on his throne in months, but he was still king. He was still their superior and deserved to be treated as such.

"Listen to me human" Taiven said, now officially angry. "In fact, all of you listen to me. Tara shall be fine. My best healers will take care of her once we shall all be in the Upper Kingdom. I am leaving now. I do not care of your disagreement, and I suggest that you all learn respect because once I regain my throne, you all will be nothing other than commoners to me and I will discipline you as such for speaking to me with such hate." Taiven was about to turn his back, but faced his group a few seconds more. He looked at Ridge "I wish that I could say that it was a nice meeting you Ridgemont Johansson, but it was rather unpleasant."

Ridge's jaw set. "I feel the same way." He replied, a scowl on his face.

Taiven could already feel the rivalry between them, but this merman had nothing on him. After all, he wasn't even a real merman, just a puny excuse for a human. And with one final glance, Taiven turned around and began swimming towards his kingdom, with Breena and Alacreed by his side. Little did he know what he would discover once he got there.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for the next update! You can all go check out my novel Walkers in the meantime, I promise you all that it's a good read!

Thank you!

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