Part I Swallowed by the undertow - Chapter 1

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Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy and haven't really been focusing on writing, but I know that all of you have been dying so I knew that I needed to post something soon.

I hope you'll enjoy :)

Picture: Mermaid (Gabrielle) swimming
Song: Break by Three Days Grace

Part I—Swallowed by the undertow


Chapter 1


 He must have lost consciousness somewhere between the time he’d tied himself up to the bridge and when the Maverick stroke, because he only opened his eyes Gabrielle Caslynn started screaming.

                “Ridge! Ridgemont wake up!” She yelled. Very slowly he opened one eye, but then closed it again out of tiredness. “Ridge! Ridge god damn it wake up! We have a problem! RIDGE!” Both of his eyes shot right open suddenly on high alert.

                He looked down at himself; his body was still well tied to the bridge. He then looked around and he quickly saw what Gabrielle qualified as “a problem”. Breena, Taiven and Alacreed had transformed. The ocean water that had been crashing down upon them had most likely triggered their transformation, and because Gabrielle, Gregory and Ridge were simply half-mercreature they were fortunate enough not to change so easily.

“They won’t wake up.” Gabrielle continued as Gregory found a way to break free of his ropes. “We need to get them in the water before someone sees them.”

Ridge nodded as he watched Greg hurry to untie his sister. The boy then made his way towards Ridge to free him as well, while Gabrielle hurried to untie Alacreed Montrosa who was still unconscious.

                “Are you alright?” Gregory asked as he untied him.

                “I’ve been better.” Ridge answered, as he felt the ropes loosen.

His feet made contact with the ground and no matter how much his body ached and how tired he was, there was no time for resting. After shaking the ropes off of him, he hurried towards Breena. The beautiful princess had her eyes closed, and for a moment Ridge thought of her as sleeping beauty. He put a gentle hand on the ropes in front of her and begun to untie them. Of course, freeing Breena would also mean untying Taiven because they were together. Honestly, if it were up to Ridge, he’d let Taiven rot on the bridge or wait for another Maverick to rise so it could finish off the king for good. He looked at her sister’s unconscious husband; yes, he most definitely did not like him.

Once the ropes were untied, Gregory caught Taiven and Ridge carried Breena in his arms. The two of them turned towards Gabrielle. She was sitting on the bridge with Alacreed’s head on her knees.

                “So what do we do now? They won’t wake up and we can’t carry them into town like this.” Greg said, speaking everyone’s mind.

                Ridge was about to reply when the sound of a beeping car interrupted him. He turned around, there in the distance and quickly approaching looked like what seemed to be a military vehicle.

                “Shit.” He cussed, his mind thinking at a thousand miles an hour trying to come up with a plan. He did of course think of one, he just didn’t really like it. “We need to throw them off the bridge.”

                “What?!” Gabrielle exclaimed, looking at Creed then back at him. “That’s insane! They can get hurt!”

                “We don’t have much of a choice Gabby.” Greg agreed with Ridge, looking behind them at the approaching vehicle.

The boy walked towards the side of the bridge, and without any hesitation whatsoever threw Taiven off the railing. The king briefly flew in the air before landing with a loud splash and begun sinking into the water. Ridge then watched as Greg lifted himself up on the side of the railing as well.

“What are you doing?” Gabrielle asked, getting up trying to hold Alacreed in her arms.

                “One of us needs to be in the water with them in case there are any fish of the Deep roaming around. The water isn’t safe. It would kind of suck to lose the king again after we just rescued him.” He then looked at Ridge and extended his arms. “I’ll jump with her in my arms, you know, for your sake.” What was that supposed to mean? Ridge didn’t have the time to question the boy though because the military vehicle was getting closer by the second and they didn’t have a minute to waste. Ridge gave Alacreed Breena, and the boy jumped off the railing.

Once they were in the water, Ridge helped Gabrielle toss her ex-boyfriend over the railing and they watched him fall. When he disappeared into the water, the two of them backed away from the side of the bridge and focused their attention on the car.

“Here take this.” Ridge said taking out his pack cigarette from his pocket and handing her a smoke. He then took one for himself as well and lit it, surprised that his cigarettes weren’t wet.

                “But I don’t smoke.” She whispered as the vehicle stopped in front of the bridge.

                He exhaled in her face. “Well, you do now.” He replied lighting her cigarette and sticking it into her mouth causing her to break out into an outrageous cough.

                He patted her on the back just as an officer stepped out of the car, no exactly seeming happy. Had he seen what they’d done? Most likely.

“Good morning officer.” Ridge said to him wrapping an arm around Gabrielle.

                “What are you two doin’ out here?” He asked, bitter. “It isn’t safe.” He stopped walking when he was about three feet in front of them. Ridge felt Gabrielle tense up.

                “Oh you know, just curious to see if the bridge fell down after the Mav...the tsunami stroke. Looks like it didn’t.” He smiled innocently at the officer, when the man didn’t return his smile Ridge simply inhaled and exhaled the smoke again feeling slightly embarrassed.

“What were those things I saw you throw off the bridge?” The man asked. He seemed rather old, maybe mid-fifties and didn’t exactly seem to be the friendly type. What were the military doing in Shelly Town anyway?

                “Fish.” Ridge had been anticipating the question. “They must have gotten caught in the wave and washed up on the bridge. We threw them back in the water.”  The man eyed them; sceptic. Gabrielle still hadn’t said anything. Was she even smoking the cigarette he’d so generously given her?

                “It’s not safe out here.” He then said, looking at Ridge. “Do you kids need a ride home?”

                “We’re fine thanks. We live nearby.” He then squeeze Gabrielle’s arm. “Come on babe, my shoes are soaking wet. Have a nice day Sir.” He then turned around, still holding Gabrielle’s arm and together they walked off the bridge.

I don't know when the next update will be, but it starts off with Breena, so stay tuned :)

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