Chapter 3: Family Or Not

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As the sky darkened we decided to camp out in the woods, only a few miles away from my horrible crash experience. Brawn and Rover started a nice fire while Ed, Lizzy, and I were on food duty. Too bad for me that Lizzy and Ed pretty much ditched me secretly. It just added to me feeling like a stranger around them.

“How did I end up being this low? I used to be known so well and was actually respected,” I said to myself as I collected berries. There wasn’t much fruits or veggies I could find because it was around Sept., Oct., or Nov. I just grabbed what I could find. As I bent down to grab more berries a big dog came out of nowhere and chomped down on my arm. I ripped my arm out of that dog’s mouth and held back a yelp of pain. “The fu-” I began.

“We’ve got you now,” Dr. Xander interrupted me as he and men dressed as the SWAT Team came out from the darkness.

“Sheesh! You guys just don’t know when to quit do you?” I mocked.

“Get her! NOW!” Dr. Xander shouted as he pointed at me. The men ran right at me.

“Heh,” I sighed as I took out a sword that I had stolen along with the rifle at that house. I swung it right at the mens’ necks as they neared me. Some blood flew on me as the men fell to the ground. I knew that they would die only minutes later from the blood loss.

“Ugh!” Dr. Xander growled under his breath. I rose an eyebrow and smirked his way.

“Aren’t you gonna come at me Dr. Xander? Or will you sick Franky on me?” I joked in a sing-song voice. Dr. Xander grit his teeth as he ran off back into the darkness. Finally, I was actually starting to gain back some fear from them.

“Holy cow! What happened to you?!” Rover asked as I came back to the camp. I noticed Lizzy and Ed were already back.

“Well, after Lizzy and Ed abandoned me I got ambushed by Dr. Xander and some men who were probably from the SWAT Team,” I explained.

“Did they hurt you?” Brawn asked as he eyed the blood on my clothing.

“No. This is the SWAT Team’s blood,” I answered with a straight face.

“Wait. You mean you...oh god! Brawn, she’s a killing machine!” Rover said as he and Brawn began to laugh. I rose an eyebrow. Were they making fun of me or were they complimenting me?

“Okay, listen! If you guys are just gonna treat me like a stranger and make fun of me then fine. I’m getting out of here!” I yelled angrily as I stormed off.

“If you think you can just leave then you’re sadly mistaken. I can kill you right here, right now,” Brawn replied sternly as he grabbed my arm harshly. He had his face only inches away from mine. I furrowed my brows as I spit right on his face.

“You bitch!” he yelled angrily as he wiped his face. Brawn lifted his hand in the air and went to swing down on my face. Luckily Rover stepped in and stopped Brawn from making that mistake.

“Okay, we’ll be more friendly to you. Kay?” Rover replied as he got in front of Brawn.

“I don’t know...” I said as I turned my back on them. These people weren’t my allies, friends, or family. Heck, I don’t even think they count as acquaintances! I wanted to be with SkyBird and Connor again. There might have only been three of us but together we were just as powerful as an army. I looked up at the sky and spread my arms. I wanted to fly so badly. A soft breeze began then slowly turned into a strong wind.

“Hero,” SkyBird called out. I looked down at the ground and saw SkyBird and Connor standing a ways away. They were waving at me, calling for me. I reached an arm out to them. Their figures slowly began to fade away.

“NO!” I screamed as electricity streamed out of my outstretched hand. It sparked then blew up. I was sent hurdling backwards along with the other four. I hit the grass hard, but it was better than hitting a tree like Ed had done.

“What was that?!” Lizzy shrieked as she rose to her feet. They all looked at me with accusing eyes.

“I do have electrokinesis but I can’t control it. It will come out at random times,” I replied with a shrug. I didn’t care that we got hurt. They all deserved it. And maybe I deserved it too as a wake up call. These people were weak. They might be non-humans but they weren’t using their gifts the way they should. They were just basking in the fact that because they’re non-humans that they’re above everyone else. If anything they’re below even the humans.

“ let’s start another fire and get some sleep,” Brawn said as he started gathering wood for the fire. Rover got the fire started easily as we all found our own spot to sleep for the night. I chose to sleep a good distance from them. As I closed my eyes my stomach growled. I sat up and realized that I hadn’t eaten in a while. I crawled over to the fire and quietly took some berries from a pile of the all food we had found. I then quickly crawled back to my sleeping spot. I ate the berries quickly and my stomach felt better.

I felt my eyelids droop. I tried to keep my eyes opened, but it was so hard. After a few moments I let myself fall into the blackness. As I fell deeper into sleep I heard a twig snap. My eyes bolted open as I jumped to my feet. I looked around wildly. There were trees and bushes but nothing else. I knew that there had to be somebody around. I then quickly swung around and threw my left fist forward. A man in camouflage that was coming up from behind me got punched right in the stomach. He fell backwards onto the cold grass.

Two men grabbed my arms from behind. My eyes narrowed as I swung my legs back and kicked each guy in the knee. They both let go of my arms for a split second which gave me enough time to duck and kick them to the ground.

“You’re better than ever,” Dr. Xander clapped. I glared at him. Him and his little soldiers were really starting to piss me off.

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