Chapter 6: Keep Running

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I took a deep breath as my hair swayed behind me. My hair was growing longer which made me happier, but it was still shorter than my original hair length. It was probably just to my shoulders now.

Rain poured down in heavy amounts and the wind was blowing harshly. My clothes were soaked and sticking to me. I looked back and saw the men were climbing into a black van. I closed my eyes as I pushed myself to run faster than before. I opened my eyes and saw that I was almost to a metal fence. I took a deep breath as the black van drew closer. It’s lights glowing brighter. I threw myself into the air. As I pretty much flew over the gate I saw a grey wolf jump the opposite way.

As I landed on my feet and skidded to a stop I turned around. The wolf ran straight at the black van. As the van neared the wolf the wolf took a quick right. Ed appeared out of nowhere. He had a rifle aimed right at the windshield. As he pulled the trigger, Brawn and Lizzy came out from the darkness of the woods. With their bows loaded they blew shot out the two tires on the left side of the van. I climbed onto the top of the metal fence. I took out a bow that Brawn had given me. Instead of loading it with an arrow I used the bow as a sling shot to throw a grenade. As the van tipped to the left I shot the grenade. Ed disappeared back into the background as the spark of the grenade went off. My eyes widened as the fire erupted. I backed my heels up as the fire neared me. In turn I ended up slipping and falling. Just before I hit the ground I felt arms catch me. I looked up and saw Rover smiling down at me. I rose an eyebrow as I flashed a grin back.

“That was so...COOL!” Brawn shouted as he, Lizzy, and Ed got over the metal fence.

“It was more than cool,” Ed replied with a small smile. I rose to my feet and thanked Rover for catching me.

“So now what?” Lizzy asked.

“Put your hands up!” a man shouted. Brawn, Rover, Lizzy, Ed, and I turned to see men surrounding us. They had military guns and were pointing them at us.

“Just give up Hero. Give in like SkyBird and Connor,” Dr. Xander said as he revealed himself. He was wearing a white lab coat, black slacks, black pants, and his glasses.

“Don’t you dare say such things! SkyBird and Connor would never give in, especially to YOU!” I yelled through gritted teeth.

“Ah, but that is where you’re terribly mistaken. Once you were out of the way I easily took your two friends out,” Dr. Xander replied with a snicker.

“No! I won’t believe you! You monster!” I screamed. Lightning pierced through the sky and shot the ground between Dr. Xander and my group. My eyes narrowed as I clenched my fists. As lightning struck towards a tree I opened my palms. Instead of striking the tree the electricity flowed into my hands. I absorbed the energy into myself and could feel the power surging through my body.

“Shoot her!” Dr. Xander ordered. The men pointed their guns at me and began shooting. I looked up and furrowed my brows. I rose my hand and let electricity slowly flow out of my hand. Bullets whizzed past me and ricocheted of the muddy land. I glared at Dr. Xander as the electricity faded away and I lowered my hand.

“” I whispered as I lowered my head. My teeth were gritted and tears were streaming down, but it was hard to see because I was already drenched from head to toe. As the men lowered their guns electricity shot out from under them. Dr. Xander backed away slowly.

“ that...possible?!” Dr. Xander mumbled.

“It’s not. I’m just the impossible kind of girl,” I replied as I lifted my head, “now leave from here.” Dr. Xander laughed.

“I’m not leaving, and even if I did that doesn’t mean I won’t be back. I’ll be in your life as long as you’re alive Hero. I’ll be sticking around until the day you die,” Dr. Xander explained with a huge grin on his face. This man needed help. Lots of help.

“You know, I always thought of the children who died younger than me. But you know what? I think they’re lucky to be gone, rather than be tortured for living!” I shouted, “You killed so many innocent children and people all over the world! But why torture me and keep ME alive?! You had two opportunities in the past but you chose not to! Why?!”

Dr. Xander chuckled and pushed his glasses up, “I’m keeping you alive because I know subconsciously you want to die so badly. You have potential and many gifts that are truly rare. You, Hero are one of the rarest species I have ever come across. Probably the rarest. Why kill something so rare when I can preserve it and slowly let it kill itself? It’s fun to watch you try to escape a jar that cannot be opened.”

My eyes widened. Dr. Xander was right. He was only pushing me to the edge of the cliff. It was me who wanted to jump off. I had lost hope ever since I lost my wings. I didn’t realize it at first because I masked the pain by distracting myself. It hadn’t actually hit me until I had been separated from the most important people in my life. Maybe I have been dying all along. Maybe I’m just waiting for the final blow that will finish me off for good.

“Since you’re in so much pain I’ll let you think to yourself,” Dr. Xander smirked as he walked away.

“You okay Hero? Rover asked putting a hand on my shoulder, “Hero?” I let my knees give and hit the muddy ground. If SkyBird and Connor were dead then I didn’t want to live at all. I wouldn’t be worth life anymore.

“Please...leave me be...” I replied after a moment of silence. Brawn nodded and shoed the others away. I just needed to be alone.

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