Chapter 4: Fighting with an Audience

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“Remember our last battle? You really want to be killed don’t you?” I mocked as I backed up into a tree.

“You’re mocking me, yet you’re cowering,” Dr. Xander pointed out with a laugh. I rolled my eyes as I jumped up and grabbed hold of a branch. I swung myself up onto the branch then started to climb higher.

“Get her!” Dr. Xander said as some men started to climb. As I got to the highest branch and looked around. Rover, Brawn, Ed, and Lizzy were all still asleep. Not for much longer though.

“HEY GUYS!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. They all pretty much jumped up and looked to my direction.

“” Lizzy said, apparent that she was annoyed.

“What is she...” Rover said with fascination. I looked at them then at the men who were closing in on me. I took a deep breath and jumped. Ed put his hands over his eyes.

“I can’t watch!” Ed quivered. Brawn put a hand on his shoulder as he kept his focus on the battle. I grabbed a sturdy branch from a tree and swung myself up onto it.

“Can’t catch me!” I said to Dr. Xander as I stuck my tongue out and climbed higher.

“Urgh!” Dr. Xander mumbled under his breath. I think he must have just realized that I’m a lot harder to catch than he had originally thought. I climbed up to highest branch and then jumped to the next tree. I was gonna assure that those men climbing wouldn’t be able to keep up with me. As I climbed to the highest branch a man was already up there and grabbed my arm tightly.

“We need to help her!” Rover said with fear in his voice. I struggled to get out of the man’s grip. I looked at how high up we were. We looked to be up about seventeen feet.

“YOLO!” I shouted as I threw myself and the man off the tree. As we free fell I kicked the man in the stomach and got some distance between us.

“Eek!” Lizzy shrieked, looking away.

“No! Look!” Brawn said pointing. Everyone looked in awe as I landed. Electricity flowed around me. Everything seemed slowed down as I looked up at Dr. Xander. Our eyes met for a second. I then ran at him. Dr. Xander’s men got in front to block him. I smirked as I threw a punch full of electricity at one of the men. They went down instantly.

“Who’s next?” I asked, looking at the men. They all came at. I closed my eyes and took out a weapon that looked like a sword. The handle was in the middle though while the weapon’s ends were sharp. I ran and swung it at a few men. The men that were still standing stopped in their tracks. They pointed guns and rifles at me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. As they shot at me I threw my weapon in the air then caught it and split it into two knives. I used the two knives to block the bullets. I ran at one man and sliced his rifle in half by throwing one knife at it. I grabbed the knife and stabbed the man before backing away to get the others.

Dr. Xander watched with frustration. He was angry at the fact that his men were being beaten by a mere non-human. He gritted his teeth. There was no way he was gonna let himself lose again.

“That’s it,” Dr. Xander said to himself under his breath as he pulled out a syringe. He quietly snuck closer and closer.

I swung my knife at one man, easily killing him. I put the two knives back together and put my weapon away. I quickly pulled out my rifle, turned around, and pointed it at Dr. Xander’s head. He was a mere two feet away.

“Take a step closer and I’ll kill you!” I stated with my hand firmly on the rifle. My arm was still and unwavering. Dr. Xander glared at me as he stayed absolutely still. I used my other hand to take out my sword and sliced the syringe in half.

“Rrrr!” Dr. Xander said under his breath.

“Leave. Now,” I said, my finger closing in on the trigger. Dr. Xander looked at me then back at his men.

“Let’s leave this pest to herself,” Dr. Xander said through gritted teeth. Once they were out of sight I put the rifle and sword away. I let my knees give. I was exhausted.

“Hero? Hero?” Rover said as he and the others came to me. I was too tired to respond. I just closed my eyes and let myself fall back into the darkness.

“Let’s bring her near the fire,” Brawn said as he and Rover did the picking up. They all watched while sitting around the fire.

“I think we should be nicer,” Rover finally said after a long silence.

“But she might be a human,” Lizzy pointed out.

“But didn’t she do that electricity thing? Isn’t that not normal?” Rover asked.

“You mean electrokinesis. And with the right training even a human could pull off what she did. It would just take years and years of practice. But like I said it can be performed,” Ed explained.

“Okay, but still. She deserves better treatment. True?” Rover asked as he looked at the others.

“True,” Brawn said looking into the fire. Lizzy rolled her eyes.

“She deserves to be treated like a human as long as we’re not sure,” Lizzy announced as she folded her arms.

“That’s not fair! What if she turns out not to be a human?!” Rover asked as his ears narrowed in anger.

“Listen guys. We’ll settle this in the morning. For now let’s rest up,” Brawn said as he laid down. Rover growled at Lizzy before going to sleep. Lizzy rolled her eyes as she and Ed laid down. This was gonna be one interesting family pic.

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