Chapter 7: Not Welcomed

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“What do we do now?” Lizzy asked as we all sat around a fire. The rain had finally stopped for us to create a small fire pit.

“We need to relocate. As long as we stay here Dr. Xander and his men know where we are,” I replied.

“How are we gonna travel?” Ed asked as he dried off the lenses of his glasses.

“We can travel by foot until we can find some sort of vehicle we can use,” I answered. They all nodded and we started walking. We walked on the empty road.

We walked for what seemed like hours until we reached the next state: Oregon. We approached a big city that looked torn.

“By the looks of it we’re in Portland, Oregon,” Ed said as we walked. There were people hiding behind garbage cans, inside still-standing buildings, behind bushes, and in alleys. The people would just stare or glare at us, as if we were strangers, aliens, or even killers! I got the feeling that we weren’t welcomed here.

“Does anybody else notice all the people staring at us?” I asked as we walked.

“I do. And if they keep staring they’ll have my fist in their face!” Brawn replied as he cracked his knuckles. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the staring and glaring.

As we passed a skyscraper I heard a gun go off from behind me. I turned to see a man that looked to be in his forties. He had a rifle pointed right at us. There was a women by his side. I guessed that she had to be his wife. She looked only a few years younger than the man. Along with her two boys. One looked to be eighteen while the other looked to be around my age. Both boys held BB rifles. This must be a whole family.

“Um...I think we have a problem,” I said as I tapped Brawn on the shoulder. Brawn’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the family.

“WTF?!” Lizzy huffed as she folded her arms, closed her eyes, and turned away. Typical drama queen.

“What seems to be the trouble?” Ed asked as he took a step back. I don’t blame him for backing away.

“You’re them aliens that caused all this!” the man mumbled angrily.

“No we’re not!” Rover replied as his ears drooped beneath his hoodie.

“Let’s shoot ‘em!” the older boy snickered as he pumped the rifle. I looked around and saw a garbage can. Perfect. I dashed over to the garbage can and grabbed the cover. I quickly flung it like a frisbee. It hit the two boys easily. As the father looked over at his sons I slid right in front of him and slipped the rifle out of his grasp.

“Hey! You little bi-” the man began.

“Female dog?! Yeah, I know,” I replied with a smile as I handed Brawn the rifle. He smirked as he bended the rifle easily. The man’s eyes widened with shock. He grabbed the younger of the son’s guns and aimed it right at Brawn.

“Rover!” Brawn said with a wink. Rover grinned as his eyes faded into a bright yellow.

“What the hell?!” the man whispered as Rover’s body shifted into a wolf. He  pumped the gun and went to press the trigger but something was blocking it. After a moment Ed appeared, his hand blocking the trigger. He smiled at the man before ducking. The man looked up and just barely caught a glimpse of scales before being kicked in the face.

The older boy looked around and aimed his gun right at me. I frowned as I ran. The boy smirked as he followed. I made a quick turn into an alley.

“Got ya!” the boy said from behind me. I turned and looked at him then back at the brick dead end. I took a deep breath and backed away from the wall. I then sprinted and ran about five feet up the wall. As I kicked off the wall my left leg charged up with electricity. I turned my body in the air and swung my left leg at the boy. The boy went down easily from the shock and impact. I landed on the other side and ran out of the alley.

“Where’ve you been?” Brawn asked as I returned.

“Taking care of the other boy,” I replied with a small grin.

“That’s it! I’m calling them special forces on you freaks!” the man said as he pulled out his cellphone.

“We need to get out of here!” I said as I went to run. Brawn grabbed my arm back.

“No. We can handle them,” Brawn replied. My eyes widened. Is he crazy?!

“Are you mad?! We shouldn’t fight humans unless we have to!” I explained as I struggled to pry my arm out of his tight grip.

“And this is a moment where we have to fight them,” Brawn replied, not even loosening his grasp.

“But we have a choice!” I yelled at him as I punched him with my free arm.

“SHUT UP!” Brawn shouted as he swung his hand back, ready to bring it down on my face.

“Brawn...” Rover said as he held his hand back. Rover’s yellow eyes faded back to a vibrant blue.

“Fine...let’s get out of here,” Brawn finally mumbled after a silence passed.

“STOP!” a man shouted. The man was wearing a police uniform. There were other men also dressed in the same uniform.

“This is why I choose not to fight humans. Now we have to fight them,” I scolded as I electricity flowed around me. Brawn rolled his eyes and cracked his knuckles.

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