Chapter 9

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It took a week for every one to gather considering they were spread out across the districts. We also called Annie to come too, knowing we could use her sewing and surviving skills. We all sat in the conference room, located ten yards away from the cottage. Annie had put Finn in one of the five guest bedrooms. Gale and I stood by the head of the table. To our right sat Beetee, Johanna, Cressida and Plutarch. To the left sat Effie, Haymitch, and Annie. We were all silent, waiting for the last member to arrive. After five minutes we heard a soft knock on the door. I didn't move, nobody moved. We all spent a few moments staring at each other, before a loader knock rang through the bunker like room. Gale made his way towards the conference room door, walking down the long hallway. I could here signs of conversation before both Peeta and Gale made their way into the room. They both made their way to their spots. Peeta on the other end of the table, Gale at my side.

"Hello there sunshine!" Effie chirped in her faded Capitol accent. He just brushed it off staring at the ground.

I didn't look into Peeta's eyes, I didn't want to look. I knew if I did, I would only see pain, sadness and betrayal. Instead I looked at Gale, he gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded, getting on to why we were all here.

"The Capitol has power again, they've been recruiting in the districts but are getting the strongest responses here in two. We need to recruit as many people to our side as we can before they get threatened and have no choice but to join the Capitol. We have to tear down the enemy before they are too strong. And if we let them have the advantage, we will go down, we will go back to the dark days. We cant let them have the advantage."

"Why don't we just give them the advantage?" Beetee asks.

Johanna let out a loud laugh, "And why would we do that?"

"Well we wouldn't exactly let them have the advantage, but if we got them to think they did, they would think we wouldn't have a chance against them. When in reality we will be fully stocked on weapons and have a large army. We just have to figure out how to get the people on our side."

We all sat there thinking, Plutarch spoke up,

"We could get Beetee to hack into the Districts' audio system and we could get the mockingjay back in here for some encouraging words."

"Good luck getting her to do that." I heard Haymitch mumble.

"Or," Peeta spoke up, "We could show it through artwork. We can use firecrackers, throw them into the air. Beetee... Gale and I could figure out how to make a picture out of it. We could make the mockingjay, and play Rue's four note melody in the speakers, then Katniss could go to a different district every night, starting with one and ending with thirteen. But we can't do it until we are prepared for a war. We have to have the weapons, and the bunkers. If we get any recruits, we'll need a safe place for them to stay."

I looked around the room, somewhat surprised Peeta had an idea. In the past years, the plans were usually how to get him back. He was never in the right position to make the plan. Gale looked over at each individual,

"Beetee and Cressida start with the weapons. Annie and Peeta, you guys work on clothes and food. Plutarch, Haymitch and Effie work out some battle strategies. Johanna, Katniss, Finn, and I can work on the bunkers. We'll worry about the firecrackers later."

With that we all went off in our own directions.

We had our plan, we were going to recruit the districts' people. Then hide our army in the bunkers make them think we don't have many men. But when they plan an attack, we'll be ready and bring them down. We were going to take down the Capitol no matter the cost.

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