chapter one

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Moving to Sydney was when my whole life changed.

I'm Quinn, i'm a bad person. Not just attitude wise, but legally. I've been arrested for a few things, gone to court all that bullshit. Im not the sweet and innocent child my parents always wished I would be.

So here I am, im 19 and I just moved to Sydney to live with my aunt and uncle. My parents hope that living far away from them and the city I was raised in would help me change. I think they expect me to stop wearing all black and start buying floral dresses or some shit. Honestly the thought of that makes me want to vomit. Im not going to change for anything or anyone. Thats just how it is.

My aunt and uncle have no kids, just a couple dogs and a cat from hell. I dont know why my parents expect them to change me when they've never even dealt with a "kid" before. Before I left the place I once called home I had a boy friend. He was nothing like me and probably the only good thats come from this moving process is I had a legit reason to leave him, for good. Im not really the relationship type, im more of a "don't bother me or i'll cut your dick off" type. I dont believe in love, its stupid.

I leave my aunt and uncles house and head for the mall, they have an extra car which thankfully its not a p.o.s. I pull up and start walking towards the main entrance, of course when I get inside my outfit choice catches everyones attention. Its black vans, frayed black shorts, and a plain black crop top. You thought I was kidding when I said I wore all black, huh? I walk around aimlessly for 20 minutes just looking at all of the stores and seeing if anything jumped out at me.

Thats when I heard "Damn shes kinda hot."

I whip around quickly and see a small group of four guys, around my age maybe a little older, staring at me. I give them all the same glare I give people when im slightly annoyed which is 99% of the time. One boy stuck out the most to me, he had ocean blue eyes, perfectly quiffed blonde hair, and a lip ring that was fairly attractive on the right guy.

He didnt speak though, the crazy haired boy did and by crazy hair I mean it was green. Bright green.

"Whats happening hot stuff."

"Dont fucking call me that." I hissed

All the boys exchanged oooo's and dayummm's.

"Someones a little feisty." he smirks

"Im always like this, now fuck off." I turn on my heels and start walking away when I hear footstep right behind me.

I hear a new voice,

"Come back and talk to us, baby girl."

I stop and turn around to face the now familiar faces.

"Don't call me that either. You don't know me and you're not going to know me. Now piss off damn it."

I start walking faster to the exit and can still hear them chasing after me. Why can't they just take a hint?

"Look fuckers, we are going to have a serious problem." I say over my shoulder as I make a bee line to my car.

"We just want to talk, whats so wrong with that." The green haired boy says

"About what? You don't know me."

"Exacty thats how we get to know each other, dumbass." Says the blonde boy. God hes rude.

"Look here, im not a-"

"Just shut the hell up and take this." Says the tall, long haired boy. He had a paper in his hand.

"What is this?"

"Our numbers, Im Ashton."

"Im Michael, but you can call me Mikey." the green haired boy, Michael, says with a smirk.

"Im Calum." The quiet, tan one says.

"Luke." He spat as if annoyed by the whole situation. Kind of how I feel at the moment.

I snatch the paper and stuff it in my pocket. I then grab my keys from the other pocket and unlock my car.

"Can I leave now."

"Yeah, just text us later." says Ashton

I give them a sarcastic thumbs up and get in my car not looking back once.

Im never going to text them.

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