chapter eighteen

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{ Luke's POV }

My eyes flutter open to the sound of fumbling around in my room. I look next to me and Quinn is gone, my vision focuses as I look around my room.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Trying to find another cozy flannel."

She looks through my closet and sighs. What she doesn't know is I hid my flannels, if I don't Calum steals them.

I get up from the bed and walk over to my dresser. I search through and pull out my favorite red one.

"Come here." I wave her over and take her band tee off. I see every love mark that isn't mine and slightly frown.

Quinn begins to act self concious about her body when I frown. I take the flannel and slip it on her arms, buttoning it up for her.

"Gorgeous." I smile at her and kiss her cheek.

Color flushes her face when I call her gorgeous. I mean she is though, especially in my clothes.

"Thank you." she simply says

I brush a piece of her dark brown hair behind her ear as I lean in to gently kiss her. Quinn snakes her skinny arms around my neck as I stroke her cheek with my thumb.

We break apart and I see tears flood her eyes.

"What's wrong baby girl."

"I just love you so much Luke. I hate myself for hurting you."

"Don't, please don't. It's okay."

Quinn buries her face in my neck as her tears roll off her face and down my neck. I rub small circles in her back to calm her.

"Quinn, baby, it's okay." I coo in her ear.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"He was nothing compared to you daddy."

I look her in the eyes and can't tell if she's trying to turn me on or not. Either way it's happening and I slightly groan.


I feel her hands slide down to my crotch and my eyes widen. This is new.

She gently palms me through my pants as I screw my eyes shut.

"Oh fuck." I moan

Quinn unzips my pants and starts to pull them down, relieving the tightness on my length.

I watch her carefully as she yanks my boxers down, enough for my member to flop out.

I stand there and let her do as she pleases. She wraps her small delicate hand around my shaft and begins moving in a rhythmic motion.

Small moans escape my lips as I feel her mouth wrap around my length. Moving her head and tongue in ways I've never experienced before. I can't fight the urge to tangle my fingers in her hair.

After a minute or two I feel my member twitch in her mouth and my load is released. As always she swallows every bit of me, which might I add is a huge turn on.

She stands up and wipes any residue off her lips with the back of her hand. I grab her by the chin and plant my lips on hers, slightly tasting myself on her lips.

She parts away and begins to walk towards the door.

"I just wanted to please you daddy. I don't want anything in return."

"God you're an angel." I say as I quickly pull my boxers and skinny jeans back on.

We walk downstairs and make some breakfast, my mom still isn't home. She went out with the girls last night and usually when she does that she doesn't come home until late afternoonish.

That's Liz for you.

We start eating and I can't help but stare at Quinn from across the table. I admire her beauty every time I see her. She's perfect in the smallest and simplest ways.

Everything from her sassy attitude to her smile.

Quinn looks up and catches me staring at her.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." she mumbles with a mouth full of food.

I do as she says and I pull out my phone. Snapping several funny and cute pictures of my girl stuffing her face.

After she gets done eating she gets up and grabs my plate.

"Hey, I was going to get those." I tell her

"I can get it. It's the least I can do." she shoots me a little smile and walks around the island to get to the sink.

Quinn starts washing dishes and I walk over to her, standing behind her I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck softly.

"I can't wait to live with you." I say

"Why so I can wash your dishes?" she says sarcastically

"No! I'll be the dishwasher." I state and grin at her.

"Well why then?"

"Because you're the only girl I want to live with and wake up to in the mornings."

"Oh Luke stop it. You're getting all soft and mushy on me. I can't have a sappy boy friend." she winks playfully at me.

"Oh whatever." I let go of her and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

I sneak back up behind her and slip the cold bottle under my flannel and press it to her back.

"Jesus Christ that's cold!!" She jumps and yells, flinging water from the sink everywhere.

"I can tell it is." I point to her chest where you can see her nipples getting hard.

"Fuck you." she crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

"When?" I smirk at her.

"Ha ha Luke."

"What!! You said it not me!" I chuckle and help her finish the dishes.

I hand her a towel to dry her hands off with as I wipe up the counters.

Quinn gets quiet. When she's quiet that means she's up to something.

Next thing I know the back of my thigh stings with pain.

"FUCK!" I scream at the pain

I hear her giggle and take off running.

"IM SORRY LUKE!! I DIDNT KNOW IT WOULD BE THAT HARD!" She continues to laugh as I chase after her.

I can't believe she popped me with a dish towel.

Little shit.

As she runs I snatch the towel from her and twist it up. I back her into a corner and chuckle.

"Now what are you going to do, baby girl."

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