chapter five

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{ Quinn's POV }

Part of me wonders how in the hell Luke knew where my house was. Did he follow me? Ask someone? I mean it's just a little odd that he showed up on my doorstep and then fucked me. Is it not?

I lay in my bed, replaying the whole scene in my head. I don't regret it, if I did I'd be upset and shit. I feel nothing though.

I hear a soft knock at my bedroom door.


My aunt carefully walks in,

"Hey darling, um there's a couple boys here to see you?" She looks at me slightly confused. I guess she didn't realize that I am capable of making friends.

"Okay, give me a minute." I say as she walks out, I can hear voices downstairs and one sticks out in particular. It's Michael.

I change my clothes and walk downstairs, next thing I know the boys, Michael, Calum, and Ashton, are dragging me out of my house. 

"What are y'all doing??" I ask in an annoyed and slightly impatient tone.

"You have to fix this." Ashton states.

"Fix what?"

"Luke." Calum mutters

I look at them and laugh.

"He's not my problem." I chuckle

"He is now." Ashton says through his teeth.

What the hell is wrong with them. They must have me fucked up if they think I'm going ANYWHERE with them.

Michael starts pulling me toward Ashton's car by the arm.

"Would you stop?"

"Come on." Michael says

"No. I don't care about him."

"You're a heartless bitch." Ashton chimes in.

"I've been through more shit than any of you punk rock bastards, so yes I am heartless and a bitch."

The three get quiet and stare at their feet.

I start to turn around to walk back up my driveway as Calum speaks.

"Please. Just come talk to him.."


"So he knows how you feel and he can get the fuck out of bed." he says with a straight face.

I think about it and nod my head in agreement to go. Michael's eyes light up with hope. We all pile into the tiny hatch back and head over to Luke's house.

We pull up and I recognize the house, this is where the party was. Luke was the host.

We get out and make our way down the little path to his front door. The boys don't even knock they just barge in without giving notice. I guess they are all so close there's no need to knock.

I follow in behind Michael, he guides me upstairs to what I'm assuming is Luke's room. He opens the door and let's me go in, I guess I'm doing this solo.

He shuts the door and I look around at the room, tons and tons of band posters are plastered along the walls. As I look around my eyes fall on the bed, there lies the devil. Lucifer.

I walk up carefully and clear my throat to make a presence known. He rolls over and looks at me, his eyes puffy and red. He can't be this butt hurt about me.

"Hi." I say

"Hi.." Luke replies.

"U-um the guys told me I had to talk to you."

"Well." he says

"I um, I don't have feelings for you Luke.." I trail off.

He rolls back over so I can't see his face, he doesn't answer. He's just silent.



"Are you okay?"

"I'd be lying if I said yes." he states

"Why do you feel this way about me?"

"Because you're fucking beautiful and I've never been attracted to someone like you."

I fall silent at his words, I'm speechless.

He gets quiet once again and silence falls over the room. I hear faint sniffles and see Luke's hand move by his face.

I sit in the floor, leaning my back against the wall.

"Just leave. I'll rot to death here." he says with sass.

"No I won't leave until you get up, wash your face, and eat."

I hear him groan slightly and shift in the bed. He sits up and stares at his legs resting before him. I watch his moves carefully, he's too still.. something's wrong.

Luke grabs his head and winces in pain, then I notice him falling to the left. I jump up and grab him before he falls on the floor, when I look at his face his eyes were closed. Shit. He passed out.

"MICHAEL!!!! ASHTON!!! CALUM!! SOMEONE!" I scream in desperation.

Seconds later I see the three boys throw open the door and see me cradling Luke in his bed.

"What happened??" Ashton yells

"He passed out! When was the last time he ate??" I ask, worried for him.

"Who knows?" Michael says.

I pull my phone out and dial 911, if it's been days he could be out for awhile. He's clearly starving and dehydrated.

About 10 minutes after I hang up the ambulance shows up and they take him away. Michael and I hop in the ambulance with him, while Ashton and Calum follow us to the hospital.

When we arrive they take him straight back and start running IVs in him to get fluids in his system to practically revive him.

After 45 minutes of IV drips and beeping monitors going off he opens his eyes. He looks at me and I can see the sadness in his eyes. The boys give us a minute to talk and go wait in the waiting room.


"Stop. Don't apologize. This is my own fault."

I look down and still feel guilt wash over me.

"Well I'm not leaving until you're better." I spit out

Luke cracks a little smile and let's out a deep breath. I grab his hand and play with his fingers, something I always did for my old best friend when he was in the hospital.

Sadly I lost him a year ago, cancer ate him alive. I stayed with him day in and day out until his last day. He loved having his fingers played with because it made him feel like someone cared enough to stay with him. Even in boredom.

I feel my eyes start to sting and my throat gets sore. Just thinking about him brings back bad memories.

Luke notices and takes his hand to wipe the tears that have now fallen.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now.."

He nods and lays his head back. The nurse walks in with a tray full of food and demands that he eats. I understand her sternness though, he can't keep going with out it.

Luke carefully eats and I watch him to make sure he eats everything.

Then that's when I realized, I have some kind of feelings for him.

Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here.

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