Chapter 5

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I marched into the kitchen, Dwayne following close behind me, "Yo, Marie... maybe we should just get outta here before somebody sees us."
"Nobody's gonna see us Dwayne, because there's nobody here, all I gotta do is find the peanuts, then we can get outta here."
"And go where exactly?" He questioned
"Your cell." I smirked

"But they'll be doing cell checks at 5:30, how are we going to explain that?" I looked at him smiling bigger now "We don't have to explain it Pony boy, cause I'm gonna get warden to make me your cellmate."
This made him giddy, you could see the happiness stretch across his face, "Found it, now let's get outta here."


"Warden, Wate wants to see you." the secretary spoke into the phone
"Come on in." He replied
"I don't believe we've met, have we, Ms.Wate?"
"No sir, I was just coming up here to ask if I could possibly have a favor." He looked up at me in disbelief "It's nothing big, really, I was just interested in switching into Cameron Dod's old cell, since, you know, he won't be using it for awhile."
"What's wrong with your cell?" He questioned
"Nothing, except the fact that Pérez gets pulled out of his cell every night for a check down. It's a bit obnoxious honestly. But, I know this is prison and feelings don't really matter. So, I'm very sorry for wasting your time, warden." As I got up to walk out he stopped me "On one condition, you give me that shank out of your pocket and tell me where you got it."

I felt my face flush of color, I remember being told of the hole that you get sent to when you have weapons, "Will you send me to the hole, warden?" I enteregated
"Please, call me Scott, and no. This one time I won't because I know you mean no harm." He was bluffing, he knew that I had never hurt a fly, and he knew that I was prisons' punching bag, so I decided to lie through my teeth "I snatched it off of James Smith when I got jumped in the yard." Scott stared at me "Head cook, James Smith?"
"Yes, sir." He looked down at his desk "Gaurds, take her to Dod's old cell, cell 4." They grabbed my arms as I started out the door "Oh and Marie, I'm sorry about your friend Camo, he's in a better place now." I stopped, staring at the floor "What do you mean, he's in a better place? Did he pass?"
"Oh no-no, the incedent was non fatal, but he is being transported to a nicer facility, due to health reasons he needs special treatment."
"Due to what health reasons?"
I walked out without saying another word.

"Open on cell 4." The gaurds announced shoving me into the wall. Kris spoke " Are you happy now that your bunked with your lover boy, trooper?" He spit in my face before walking away "convicts." He mumbled shaking his head as he walked out and called for close on my cell.

Dwayne greeted me with a hug filling my heart with warmth and comfort, and I started cryng.
"Camo's not coming back. He's got cancer." I layed next to Dwayne on the bottom bunk, as he ran his fingers through my short hair, I fell asleep with my head on his chest, and him in my mind.

"Goodmorning." I awoke to see Dwayne face to face with me, smiling from ear to ear, I looked at the watch on his wrist, time displaying 10:20 A.M, "What's going on?" I asked
"Lockdown," He laughed "the other inmates got a little out of control last night, one of them threatened Kris, so ofcoarse he called lockdown."
"I thought prisons only locked down if there was an emergency?" I questioned "There is." He stated "Some inmates got out of their cells, and they're rioting, but we're completely safe because our cell is locked so none of them can get in here." Just as the words came out of his mouth a crowd of rowdy felons formed outside of our cell.
We quickly moved away from the bars, "Is that who I think it is?" One of them asked " it is. Pony boy and Trooper, haha, would you look at that." He mocked "Like Smith said trooper, you can't hide forever." I glared angrily at them as they walked away
"What are we going to do?" Dwayne rubbed his head, " All we can do. Enjoy the time that we still have, before it's gone. Soon enough, we'll be outta here, I'll find a way Marie, I promise."
His eyes traveled to mine, followed by his lips, there was a connection, a spark, it was magical, but more than anything it was addicting.


I woke up alone. Terrified. After what we had done I can't imagine why he wasn't there, but he wasn't, and that scared me. I rapped myself in a bed sheet because I'll my uniforms were gone, and walked out of my cell, in search for Dwayne.

There were no inmates to be found, I was the only one, and I didn't know why.
"DWAYNE!" I screamed but there was no response "Dw-" I couldn't finish before a hand was over my mouth, Dwayne's hand.

"What the fucks going on!?" I asked agitated
"Gen pop..." He murmured "It's taking over."
"What do you mean it's taking over? Are they escaping?"
"No, but we are."
I don't know why but I swear that's the sexiest thing I've ever heard a man say.

He then handed me a uniform "this is why I left, somebody stole all of our things, so I had to find more clothes." I dropped the towl and slipped on the uniform as he grabbed my hand, and we ran for the field.
"Luckily, all the other inmates are worried about is stealing other people's property and locking up the gaurds, they don't want to leave, they want to control prison." Dwayne presented as we made our way towards the 30 foot chain link fince. We began to climb up, until a gaurd spotted us. "Oh fuck." I turned to Dwayne "We need to leave, now." He said
So, I picked up the pace nearly falling 3 times, until we got to the top, where Dwayne took off one of his shirts and layed it across the barbed wire "Where'd you learn that trick at?" I joked " A movie, actually." He laughed as he helped me climb down the other side "Why hasn't he shot us yet?" Dwayne pondered "They stole his gun." I observed

Once we reached the bottom we ran for the nearby woods, hoping it would make it more complicated for the police to find us, that is if they even knew we had escaped yet. We kept running until we relized that the woods ended at the highway, assuming our pictures hadn't made there way onto the news yet, we stuck up our thumbs and waited for a ride.

A man in a large diesel truck pulling a camper pulled over to the side of the road
"Do you need a ride?" His accent was thick, southern, "I don't got any room up here... but y'all can ride in the camper if you wanna."
I thanked the man as Dwayne and I hopped into his camper. Directly after he closed the door we began searching for items we could use.
"I found a backpack!" He yelled
"Good." I responded "Fill it full with any food you can find, I went back to the bedroom, which had a closet in it, thankfully full of clothes. I stripped down my prison outfit and threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I then tossed Dwayne a pair of nike sweats and a red sweatshirt. I was surprised that a hick, like the driver of the truck, would have nike sweatpants, as I laughed about it briefly, I felt the truck jolt to a stop on the bridge. "What's going on?" Dwayne asked
I looked out the window "Shit.We gotta go."

There were cops ahead, and they were checking cars.
I quickly began rummaging through their belongings extatic when I found 2 inner tubes, Dwayne grabbed the backpack and headed out the door, I followed with the inner tubes. We ran to the side of the bridge looking at the tremendous drop before the water below us, we stepped into the inner tubes grabbed each other's hands and jumped.

The fall was all in slow motion, the cops yelling, people screaming, my stomach all the way in my chest. My life began to flash before my eyes and just before we hit the water I could of swore I heard Dwayne say I love you.

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