Chapter 6

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My whole body was submerged in the freezing November water, filling my ears and lungs as I gasped for air. My face was just below the surface and for some odd reason I couldn't reach the my head above water level. I was drowning, slowly.

Until I felt a hand pull me up, it was Dwayne. He had no idea how glad I was to see him, as I coughed up a storm and smiled at him "We have to get going the cops will be here in a minute or so, along with water patrol, if we get caught it'll add another 5 years onto our sentences."

So, we ditched the inner tubes and headed for the shore. Once on land we ran without looking back for what seemed like an eternity, we must have been miles away by now, and I had no idea where we were at.
"Dwayne, I need to stop. I can't run anymore." The sun was starting to set and the air was getting cooler, "We need to find somewhere to crash for the night, where nobody would even look for us." He suggested
But, I had no idea where that would be. So we kept walking, until I saw something in the distance... a barn.

"Dwayne, do you see that barn over there? I don't think they would suspect us there. Come on!"
We silently jogged until we reached the barn and snuck in, making sure nobody was watching. "It looks like its been abandoned for years." Dwayne spoke "Nobody should even notice we're here."

I found some hay and made a little cot on the floor for us to sleep on for the night, located in the loft part of the barn, this way if somebody happened to enter we would see them before they saw us. As we undressed, trying to keep the straw off of our clothes he stopped and gave me this look, I'm unsure of what exactly to call it, was almost... sad.
"What's wrong?" I wondered
"Nothing, it's just that I was remembering that night you had to hide under my bunk, and how it was the first time I really felt comfortable talking to somebody in a long time." He smiled at me as we both layed on the straw looking through the hole in the roof at the stars. "It's hard to believe we were in there for nearly 3 weeks, huh?" He questioned. After a minute I spoke,
"Dwayne, do you have any family?"
"No-well, I used to." He looked off into the distance "But things gave changed since then."

"My dad just kinda stopped paying attention to me, my mom, well, it wasn't her fault. But he sure made her feel like it was. They used to fight all of the time. Finally I decided to just stop coming out of my room." I had no idea why I was opening up to him right now.

"Do you ever feel like the hole world hates you?"
" All of the time." He responded staring deeply into my eyes "But then I met you, and I relized that not all of the world hates me, just most of it."

"Dwayne! Dwayne! We gotta go'" I shook him awake as I heard sirens in the background that could only be a few miles away. We quickly slipped our clothes on before heading out the barn door. I noticed an old 84 chevy truck sitting in the field "Do you know how to hot wire a car?" I asked Dwayne, but he was already getting in it.

It only took a few seconds to get it started and we were out of there, with half a tank of gas.
"So, where to?" He pondered
"It doesn't matter, just get us away from here." I turned on the radio to try and relax

"Breaking news: after a prison riot at JP Clemens penitentiary, 2 inmates managed to escape.
17 year old Dwayne Aaron sentenced to 6 years for underaged driving while intoxicated resulting in the death of his 8 year old sister, and 17 year old Marie Wate sentenced to 6 years for grand larceny and illegal drug possession in a vehicle. We'll keep you posted."

Silence took over the car.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered, unable to believe what I had just heard.

"She was my world, Marie. All I ever cared about was her. She - she was in the driveway, and - and I didn't look first." Tears started rolling down his face. "My parents hated me for it. They were never even there for her. I was all she had, and - and if they would have been watching her, that one night, if I wouldn't have drank that night, maybe she'd still be here."
"You can't beat yourself up over this, Dwayne."

It had been nearly an hour since we spoke when he broke the silence, "She would have liked you." He said keeping his eyes focused on the road.

I had no idea how to respond. My heart was rushing and I just wanted more than anything for this moment to be over. When the radio announced

"Just in: 3 other inmates managed to escape during the prison riot at JP Clemens penitentiary yesterday.
James Smith, 34, sentenced to life for 3 counts of murder, was amongst those 3."
My heart stopped, he was a murderer. "Armando Perez, 25, sentenced to 4 years for aggrevated assault on an officer, and Gina Lewis, 31, sentenced to 3 years for illegal drug possession. We'll keep you posted."

"We can't let Smith find us, Dwayne. He's a killer, did you know this?" He shook his head no in responce, "We're almost out of gas." He commented pointing at the fuel gage,which was nearly on the E. We drove for 5 or 10 minutes before stopping at a gas station "How are we going to pay?" I questioned remembering that we were both broke
"Look in the glove box, maybe there's some cash in there." He replied

It was locked. Just my luck, so I reached under the seat and found a crow bar, and forcefully opened it.

"Oh shit!" I said when a gun fell out onto the floorboard along with a wallet, I opened it to find 120 bucks, which was more than plenty for gas, but not enough to get us far.

I entered the gas station and walked up to the counter "40 on pump 3." I said handing the clerk 2 20's, he turned around to grab my receipt when I noticed he stopped, wondering what for I looked around only to see a poster on the wall with my face on it and large red text reading "Wanted".
I pointed the unloaded gun at him, telling him to empty out the register, staring into the security camera as I spoke, he gave me around 450 bucks.

I ditched the gun in a nearby trash bin and Dwayne and I fled the scene, leaving a trail of cops just a few miles behind us.

"Escaped prisoners Dwayne Aaron and Marie Wate have been on the loose for barely over 24 hours and have just recently been seen holding up a gas station in haze county, with a gun that athorities are running numbers as we speak, leaving the scene in a stolen chevy truck, year unknown. If you have any information on there whereabouts please contact 911. We'll keep you posted."

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