chapter 14

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I stared up at him in envy, watching as he skimmed through the file in his grasp. I longed for this to be over, I just wanted a redo... I wish I wouldn't have ever woke up this morning, like this was all just a twisted dream. I could just go back and pretend like I was fine, like my heart hadn't been ripped out of my chest and trampled to the floor. But I had woke up this morning, and this wasn't a dream; it was a nightmare.

"I guess there's no way for you to understand why you're here, is there, Elizabeth?"
My brow curled and my lips sagged to a frown "My names Marie."
He chuckled as his eyes did a 360
"Oh you silly girl, don't you understand that it would be better if you would just accept this as a gift!?" His tone had changed from playful to dangerous rather quickly and he was giving me bad vibes "Now what's your name?"
I paused for a moment contemplating whether or not I should even respond, why should I ? They took the only thing I ever loved and left me with this.

There are rumors everywhere about how I got here, what I've done, how I plan to escape; but that's all they are, rumors. Some people think that I'm here because I escaped JP Clemens penitentiary, others say it's because of my relationship with Dwayne, some even say that I am the most wanted criminal in the US; maybe they're right, but I don't think so. I think I'm here because Dwayne wanted me to be.... because I need to be.

I glared up at the scraggly old man still standing in front of me
" My name is Marie Wate, sir."
He looked down at me as if I was a disgrace " and I don't understand why you must call me Elizabeth."

That was a lie. I knew exactly why they didn't call me by my birth name, because I had a price on my head; meaning that if anyone of the other inmates killed me they would be able to return home. Not to their families... not to society... but to the only place any body that's been imprisoned here goes, Lancaster Penitentiary.

"I guess your probably wondering why you're even here, why you're not back in cell 4 with the only good thing in you're life, Dwayne."
The man mumbled and looked down
The truth is that I am still wondering that myself, still disappointed in myself for ending up here, and still trying to get out.

"Oh that's right, because you killed him." He puffed out air as he said it I looked up at him angrily
"YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS SHIT. I JUST" A tall man entered the room and began to approach me, in one hand was a large black breifcase, and in the other was a glass bottle... of whiskey.

"Are you done?"
"I suppose." I muttered looking down at the ground
He gestured for the strange man to come near me
"Hey wha-"
I sharp stinging sensation filled my body, starting under my left arm and speeding throughout quickly.
"Sit, Victor."
The strange man set beside me.

The other man, who I assume is Victor's boss, leaves the room locking 3 deadbolts behind him.

"You didn't scream." Victor stated he hesitated to keep speaking, and it was silent for several minutes until Victor said something that tore me up
"Dwayne always screams."

My heart sunk to my stomach, the thought of Dwayne being helplessly bound to a chair such as I was, and beaten senselessly to the point where he was screaming killed me.

"Do you want to see him?" Victor asked quietly
I glared up at him somewhat suprised, but I wasn't gonna deny the offer "Yeah, that'd be nice."
Victor smiled a little half smirk and opened one of the 2 doors in the room. Behind it was what looked to be a lifeless Dwayne lying on the floor. I was worried for a moment until I saw his chest moving up and down
"He's just sleeping." Victor assured kicking at Dwayne's leg "Why are you doing this, Liz?" Liz?
"It's Marie." I corrected, he didn't look at me, I assumed it was because I had avoided his question,
"because I love him." and with that Dwayne awoke.

Once he was sitting up and I could see him well I noticed what horrible condition he was in, his clothes still covered in my blood,and his hair was a mess, he was bruised but he didn't look as damaged as I imagine I did because after less than 10 seconds of being awake he turned to me
"Oh my god, Marie." He stood and walked to me, I ammediatly questioned why I was bound and he was not. I looked down at the chains around my ankles and relized that to these people I was probably nothing more than another criminal, fugitive, a worthless convict.

"I've arranged for you to have the same cell block... but separate cells." Cells?

"Great..." I mumbled still staring at the chains around my ankles "What's next, huh? Please, don't tell me, I get to spend the next month's being horassed some more, right?" I was slowly raising my voice "You know, the ussual, scars, sores, malnurishment, insomnia, I'll become so fucking paranoid, I can't wait." I was using my sarcastic bitchy tone and crinkling my nose as I spoke. I was done speaking and nobody else was so I slowly began to doze off until I was gone.


I looked up and Victor was holding the bottle of whiskey, oh whiskey, all of those memories infused with whiskey.
"Want some?" Victor asks me, for some odd reason I didnt question why he would offer alcohol, he made it plenty well known that he knew my history. Ive become pretty used to his visits here lately, theyre all the same.

Everyday Victor comes in through the door and locks the door behind him, he pulls up a rusty chair covered in god knows what and sits down. We don't speak except his pointless demand for answers to questions that I already told him only Marie can answer.

Regardless, I nod yes.

What's a little sip? Just one sip. He smirks at me, and for a second I'm confused and unsure of whats going on, but then it's all black and I'm gone.


The door creeks open, but I stay lying there still; I can hear Victor's voice talking to someone but I'm unsure of who exactly it is. I'm listening very closely for any clue as to who it may be, then I hear her.
"It's Marie." Her voice sounds strong and confident and I try to refrain from smiling "because I love him."

I set up and opened my eyes. Victor glared at me looking disappointed to see me. I eyed Marie, her skin brused and the cuts along her face beginning to scar, her hair wasn't much and her eyes were bloodshot. That's when I saw it "Oh my god, Marie"

She wasn't wearing a shirt, only a sports bra that was once white and now yellow. I was starring at her stomach at the place where I had stabbed her that night, I expected the blood to be fresh and not yet stitched but that was not the case.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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